Attached: Screenshot from 2018-07-12 22-16-49.png (514x223, 12K)
/Britpol/ Question time: Good one tonight lads edition
Robert Flores
Asher Turner
Ian Garcia
based trump saving brexit
James James
>Gina Miller
Oh dear god no
Grayson Morales
Chase White
What time is it on?
Nicholas Harris
Zachary Turner
>tfw the whole western hemisphere resembles brazil
Jacob Garcia
I hate this country so fucking much. Christ, these protesters are retarded.
Jaxon Ward
Where is everybody?
Gabriel Watson
>remainers btfo
>may btfo
>immigrants btfo
>khan btfo
>boris for PM
fucking lol he's only been here a few hours
James Ramirez
Its great
Jayden Davis
Couldn't get an answer from the snide reddit worms so I'll ask here instead
Is there a list of cities that Trump is supposed to be visiting? Family wants to go see him.
Landon Thompson
God bless Trump
Owen Hill
>The Sun
Working class rag
Jacob Barnes
There's a graphic in the papers.
It's basically just London apart from the Scottish golf course visit and airport touchdown.
Christopher Phillips
Oh right okay. I was hoping he'd come to some of the cities like Manchester or Birmingham where I live. We need some hope.
Ryan Rivera
>any paper is actually good
Ryder Perez
They're all shit, especially the (((Guardian))). The Sun is just a load of tosh.
Brandon Murphy
Is /ourgirl/ Liz on tonight?
Nathan Morgan
>when the leader of a foreign country speaks more for the majority of your people than the prime minister
Charles White
The majority are probably liberal at this point. Look at all of the leftists protesting his visit.
Kayden Rivera
52%, tories came 1st in the last election even with a terrible campaign and pm, and those protesters are a tiny minority of people comparatively.
Juan Morgan
The Guardian is the most Jewed News organization ever, whereas I think most of the other papers should just be disbanded everyone who works at the Guardian should unirronically be fucking shot. I FUCKING HATE THE GUARDIAN AND I HATE OWEN JONES!
Jonathan James
Will the public be able to see trump at Windsor tomorrow? Seriously considering going since I can get there in 20 minutes by train.
Jose Kelly
No 10 will be seething, cucked them properly on Brexit and said that Boris would be a good PM.
Dylan Robinson
They're a very vocal minority while we sit on our hands and do squat. Mom's going to be fucking gutted Trump isn't coming to visit because of these swineherd liberal cunts causing trouble.
Fuck Owen Jones the slimy liberal worm. "Immigrants prop up are ENN HATCH ESS"
Meanwhile, my brother has to wait 4 hours to be seen in an urgent care center.
Robert Foster
If you can go see him at Windsor then yes fucking get going there go shake hands with him.
Colton Anderson
Yeah, I'm sure 70k """people""" that are being payed by (((anti-hate orginizations))) are representative of the whole country. The majority of the country would vote for a fascist party if the word "fascist" wasn't so tainted. They are fiscally slightly to the left, socially kind of to the right, and obviously 52%-77+% are Nationalists. 77% of the population support stronger controls on immigration, pretty much all of those people are white.
Leo Morales
If everyone would have voted for the fascist party, Mosley would have got in when he had chance. He didn't get in, as I recall.
Benjamin Adams
He's not even liberal, he is a Internationalist, Communist Jew.
Alexander Lee
He's a cunt and I hope he writhes in hell when he's in the ground. Traitor to his own.
Isaac Brooks
What did he mean by this?
Xavier Collins
Mosley never ran in a General election, he was doing quite well in the polls before a media hachet job attacking his character and slandering the fascist movement, and he still had significant support but decided not to run anyway because he was worried if he ran and lost he would lose steam, he planned on running next General election but there was no next general election.
John Miller
>unless you cant quickly, it's never going to be what it was
It already isn't. Imagine going back to the very home you were born in 70 years ago in inner city Birmingham and seeing a Muslim family in that very house as well as in control of the entire street and neighbourhood. It's done. Even if we win, the land is tainted.
Sebastian Roberts
I mean what the British people want at their core is fascism, if we just remove all the other shit with perceptions of fascism and media spin.
Anti Immigration, pro-strong government, pro mixed economy with large amounts of nationalization, and a weird mixture of Traditionalism and Modernism. This is fascism.
Gavin Walker
You guys keep Trump and we get Nige
fair trade? we'll throw in new england
you can have that back desu
Christopher Turner
Fascism worries me too much. I want immigrants and Jews to fuck as much as the next woke guy but the idea of having restrictions on everything and living in a literal dictatorship worries me.
Jonathan Cooper
>Jew who attacks the British people, their culture, and their institutions
>Traitor to his own
No, he is very much loyal to his own, all Jews are loyal to their own, too loyal, to the point where they are immoral, that is largely what is wrong with Jews.
Jacob Peterson
You’d have to do mass deportations in order to make that work.
Resettlement of refugees.
Charles Cox
Which will never happen. People just can't be bothered anymore.
Jeremiah Roberts
That is not a correct view of fascism. Things would be no more restrictive under fascism than they are today under our so-called democracy. In fact things would be freer under fascism. Fascism supports arming the people, and free enterprise. Fascism is no more authoritarian than any other European nation, and in fact less authoritarian, their way of applying government power is different.
Joseph Gonzalez
And who keeps the Fascists in check? It certainly isn't the people and it certainly won't be any opposition party.
Easton Ward
Just tuned in have I missed the tranny?
Ryder Ramirez
pure rhetoric
Camden Bailey
A doctrine, a kind of codified constitution and other members of the party, there are councils in fascism, and courts under fascism, it isn't anarcho-tyranny.
Easton Ward
It isn't rhetoric, I am using the example of Germany's liberalization of gun laws, free markets,
Jayden Gonzalez
Holy fuck you're a mouthbreathing, deluded, underage, moronic, history ignorant moron.
Levi Ortiz
free markets
Dominic Morales
must people i know don't care about politics at all and just think trump is bad because thats what they've been told
Josiah Perry
>Fuck Owen Jones the slimy liberal worm. "Immigrants prop up are ENN HATCH ESS"
Made me laugh when he tried to do that routine against Peter Hitchens and it fell completely flat with the audience
Austin Murphy
read the comments
people literally hoping for his death, saying the world would be better off without him and getting thousands of likes for it
Jason Ward
Mouthbreathing is two words and mouthbreathing and moronic essentially means the same thing. Also you called me a "moronic moron" surely the moron makes the moronic redundant? You are the idiot, not me.
Are you aware that Hitler and Mussolini both liberalized gun laws? The only area where I would agree that things were a bit fucked are the fascist courts.
Alexander Brown
Twitter is massively curated now so I wouldn't place any value in it
Brayden Nguyen
But Japan, that is effectively a democracy and very similar to European democracies has equally as fucked courts, so a lot of the problems found in fascism are also found in democracies and could easily be reformed in any new instances of fascism.
Samuel Gutierrez
Ethan Wood
>You are the idiot, not me.
t. thinks fascist societies are freer than democracies
Mason Diaz
Feels good to have voted in Britain's new God Emperor.
Joshua Gomez
Sebastian Roberts
If you're white then sure. Have an example to the contrary?
Zachary White
Noone escapes the poz
Connor Myers
Freedom from what?
Landon Evans
Going on hormones lads :3
William White
We need to make a Red Pilled Anglo Travel guide for anons looking to find inspiration from their isles.
I know there is so much beauty here, but it can be a daunting challenge on where to start sometimes.
Lucas Butler
Do you agree with any of this?
Sebastian Lee
yes, yes, sorta, no, dont care, dont care, no (neocon), who cares, sure, n/a
Dominic Collins
Agree on EU
Agree on Khan terrorism
Disagree somewhat on Khan crime
Disagree on Boris
Sympathise with him over the protests
Don't care much about the rest
Austin Murphy
*insert inhumane horrors of death and destruction here*
in minecraft
Justin Perez
Wont it shrink your cock?
Grayson Brooks
Yeah probably but it's okay it was never anything t to be proud of anyway ;3
Nicholas Wilson
of course it had to be you of all people who responded to that
Nicholas Robinson
listen to him 8 minute interview
he sounds the most genuine ever when talking about theresa may and the brexit deal, sounds sad like she has really fucked it up on purpose
Aaron Taylor
Peak district
Lake district
Yorkshire dales
Yorkshire moors
Cheddar gorge
Giant's causeway
Jurassic coast
Dover cliffs
Isaiah Wood
Please user, the trap life is sure to end in sadness and sorrow.
Jacob Thomas
Just wondering about the effects of such drugs.
Isaac Brooks
I'm sure you were
Adam Murphy
You;ll lose the ability to have children and get erections, wouldn't that suck?
Luke Wood
Why do you say this? I wanna be a femboy, I wanna keep my dick, I just want to be so effeminate and cute
Who needs erections when I can milk myself from my prostate or be fucked and still cum, user? ;3
Isaiah Anderson
Andrew Gutierrez
I hate Owen Jones too and I’m a lefty
Nolan Sanders
Jace Nelson
That sounds awful.
Camden Murphy
Benjamin Ortiz
thats a guy, isnt it..?
William Ramirez
Brody Morgan
Chase Baker
Levi James
oo-arr, me lover, get some down ya
snowdonia, not just snowdon but the lesser mountains too
Cornish coast
Zachary Flores
Cool, I can see why, I hate his personality as well as the politics he espouses. But why are you, a leftist, here on Brit/pol/ or Jow Forums in general for that matter?
Camden Richardson
John Thompson
Luis Taylor
Juan Sullivan
Bakewell is a nice town
Gabriel Scott
Adam White
Why do you say so? It sounds hot as fuck to me. Relinquishing all the testosterone I can do and becoming so effeminate in the process, pleasing other guys and allowing them to sexually use me and fuck me in lingerie. :3
Of course it is
Charles Reed
Sebastian Watson
I visited there once.
Robert Wright
Mason Clark
fuck forgot pic