Study history

>study history
>become centrist
anyone else know this feel?

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youre not a centrist youre just starting to realize that the political left and right are a controlled false dichotomy

>Be slightly left leaning
>Left has gone so far left I'm a centrist now

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I'm pretty far right after studying history, learn about the history of the jews and how many places they got kicked out of and how they "just so happen" to have founded the religion that destroyed europe. History also shows how socialism never works making me even more right wing because left leaning niggers keep trying to plunge us into communism.

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can you just fucking stop creating this thread every fucking day, fucking asshole?
every single goddamn day. the same text, the same pepe.
i despise you so much, you couldn't imagine...

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>study history
>find out it’s fake
>tfw future history can’t scare me

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u mad?

>muh j00s
>muh gommunism
>muh invisible dick of the free market pussy

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>i am into any political ideology
you're just dumb

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