Weren't most american blacks better off during the 1950's than they are now?

Weren't most american blacks better off during the 1950's than they are now?
When did you last look at an image of a black man in the U.S between slavery and the mid 60's and think "what a fucking nigger?"
What happened?

Attached: frank-sinatra-nyc-new-york-1956-h-leonard.jpg (1061x812, 326K)

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poverty and the rise of hardcore racism

I don't agree with the racism in the OP, but I do think black culture HAS actually changed a lot since the 50's.

My theory is it's because the government didn't go out of their way to help blacks, so in the 50's blacks had to work harder to get success, thus most african americans were hard workers.

Today, there's lots of programs that help african americans (welfare, food stamps, etc.) without them doing much so I guess most turned lazy?

Blacks started voting for Democrats, and Democrats fucked them..

The 50's, probably the only timein history when america was better than our magna europa.


yeah but that shit started a while ago. you're right, but you might be missing the big point that welfare did dysgenics on niggers
the relatively-high achieving ones said "hey honey we can't afford another kid" and the super shitty ones saw it as more free shit, so they passed on their super shitty genes at a higher rate
but blacks are always going to be shitty. it's just been exacerbated by the welfare state and also JEWS

Attached: 6457568567.jpg (800x509, 103K)

I'm about as racist as Robert Kennedy was, so that would probably make me a white supremacist in modern terms. But you're probably right about programs being detrimental to blacks

This is exactly what I'm talking about

They're evolving backwards