Is fluoride-free toothpaste redpilled?

Is fluoride-free toothpaste redpilled?

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i dont see why not

Based on personal experience I would be careful with that, I had crumbling teeth and my brother didn't, he used Crest Whitening and I used Toms.

>eat your fluoride goy

Is not showering redpilled?

i stopped using fluorid toothpaste for a year and got 13 tooth holes.

yes. also never use deodorant.

That's gotta hurt,

>not being a good goy
come on leaf

The larger issue is the water supply having it.

ya and my wifes son got killed in sandy hook

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yes it hurts the wallet

but thats just for dental health fellow goy, why do you think its in toothpaste?

Is loud music with your smartphone in public redbilled?

Floride cant fuck you up if you rinse it out, only if you drink it in your water.
Dont be a faggot with fucked teeth, brish with floride.

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Guess you can say hes Crescent fresh


If your water is highly fluorinated, you can get away with fluoride-free toothpaste and not have your teeth rot out.

Otherwise, the small amount in the paste, after it's spat out/said and done, is fine if your water isn't fluorinated. You can actually look up fluoride levels in the water in your area

stop sucking muzzie cock all day they've been putting it in so much SWEET white pussy you'll get cavities

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>throw away passport
>go to the border and mumble A-a-a-syyyyl (that's the magic word to gain entry into Gibskingdom)
Boom, get your teeth fixed for free while a Schonlängerhierlebender has to pay tens of thousand of Euros for the same procedure.


Super cress.

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yes and no
shower at a reasonable temp and stop using shampoo
condition 2x a week

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bakingsoda and lemon juice twice a week.

sandy gook

doesn't work. i'm not brown enough

>eating toothepaste

Have fun with your cavities anti-fluoride cucks.
Dumb fucking conspiracy-theorist fucks that don't even understand the mechanism of action of fluoride and why it's in toothpaste / water.

The entire reason we fluoridate water is because scientists noticed that residents in areas where the goundwater contained high levels of dissolved fluorine ions that their rates of tooth decay were significantly lower than regions in which the ground water has little fluorine ions.

You should be using fluoridated toothpaste and fluoridated mouthwash, that is if you actually give a shit about your teeth.

Regardless, you don't eat or swallow toothpaste, so I don't even understand this stupid ass snake oil fad of non-fluoridated toothpaste.

take your fucking advertisement disguised as a organic post and go fuck yourself to death with it you absolute fucking cock shill
