Are redpilled Mexican Americans allowed in the ethnostate?

Are redpilled Mexican Americans allowed in the ethnostate?

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I thought you were middle eastern

White enough .

100% Mexican

Yes. As a Mexican American it's all about CULTURE, not RACE. Question is, are you based enough to beat the (intellectual) crap out of liberals?

in their own ethnostate.
Jk, I'm brazilian so my opinions doesn't count.
Also ethnostate is retarded




Ethnostate is most of NW europe for thousands of years
NW and it's colonies are the only places most people want to live


You must kill a minimum of 2 communists to be allowed in to the ethnostate, but you will be segregated into the designated containment zone located in southern California.

My half my ancestry is from Spain

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They can help wit DUH PYPO'S ELBO.
Next step to MAGA

they already have their ethno state its called mexico

Fuck off

Why do you give a shit about the opinions of frenzied blue-eyed, blonde-haired barbarians that ultimately descend from the steppes?

They choose the definitions of "progress".

I give mankind 100 years to survive, tops. I am hoping we all go extinct.

I hate snow niggers. Jews learned everything from them. My ancestors were fighting snow niggers longer than anyone else. I understand their mentality better than anyone here.

Southern Europeans need to stop being cucks and realize they have nothing to do with these Yamnaya barbarians from the steppes.


Probably more liken 60-70%

No, I hate smelly mexiniggers

They are allowed a small piece of land for their own ethnostate.

are u fucking serious or just fucking trolling, this Spic looks nothing like us

Your women are ugly and whorish. I wouldn't even touch them with a 100,000 foot pole. Many of them tried to seduce me, but in fact, I put them all down because they just come off as disgusting to me. Their faces are so bony and they have serious mommy and daddy issues, practically all of them.

Here's a thought steppe nigger, why not just pass and impose anti-miscegenation laws? I don't give a fuck what you snow niggers do. You can have your shit babies for all I care, and I'm not going to mix with your detestable women. If there was no racial admixture mixing occurring with your whorish women, would there be a problem?

Pick a nation, faggit. It had better be mexico too, because you have to go back



Mexico isn't even an ethnostate and the originals are going to be gone in a couple of generations.

No shitskin allowed period spic

Fuck off Jim


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Sorry, cant be bothered to care.
Be born right next time.
I have no problem holding white people to this standard.
No one wants to share land or a government with you, no matter what the laws are.

gonna need a quick rundown
a basic gestalt

OP was exposed by a 14 year old after he e-dated her for a couple months. This was one of the Skype chats he had with her. He's an anime nigga too.
