What does Jow Forums think about body positivity?
There's no way you can be happy looking like that. I believe in body positivity but you have to not look like shit. Look good and feel good
It's good to be proud of your body but that needs to come with a standard as to what it means to treat your body with respect, which is lost to the fat positivity crowd.
It's redpilled
That's clearly someone who's lost a ton of weight and now just has to figure out what to do with the extra skin. Nothing wrong with being proud of progress.
Flying squirrel suit is a reminder that the body can't always bounce back.
Looks like he already had surgery to remove skin, too
When it’s for morbidly obese people who have no intention of fixing that it’s bad but if it’s a guy like in the op who lost weight and may be self conscious promotion positivity for him is good.
it can roughly before 40 yo if you lose weight gradually and exercise regularly
After 40 it's impossible
A picture is worth a thousand words is what I say.
Especially since him showing off how gross he looks now serves as a cautionary tale, that if you become obese you will look repulsive while naked for the rest of your life
still obese in the right pic. wtf.
"Body positivity" may have had a noble goeal at the begining by promoting people that had real unchageable body issues. However it became just another way of pushing mediocrity as good just like everything tumblr does.
Why are we so obsessed with physical beauty? Why is it so important? Humans are much more than that.
I'm sure that's a Dragon Age boss.
You know what im fine with this, im sure it takes a lot of will power to lose that much weight and if these people then later on go full Jow Forums hats of
there isnt anything against being proud on overcoming your inner jews and living a healthy life
He's not obese. He's actually in great shape. The problem is his skin. Once it's stretched out like that, it's not coming back. If you stretched his skin back, you'd probably see abs and shit.
Obesity. Not even once, kids.
Actually, being able to appreciate beauty is distinctly human
Based Orzammar dwarf.
Well, the only other option is to become bodybuilder ripped to fill in that skin
I think it's great for the sick, for burn victims, cancer and accident survivors, people wounded in war, and so on.
Do I think it's good for cake grazers, pie hounds, and the shart-mart scooter patrol, no, I do not. I think it should be reserved for those whose body issues are beyond their control, not for people who won't put down the junk food.
> you will never sacrifice yourself in service of the Legion of the Dead
Any one who is body positive would never allow themselves to look like that in the first place. Fuck all disgusting fatbodies.
It's fine to accept what you are now but everyone uses it as a fucking excuse to stop improving.
>be me
>live in existential shame
>adonis body
Shame is healthy.
Tbh if fatties want to be fat then by all means, I'm not going to tell them they should be unhappy but they can't expect other people to find them attractive.
These freaks in the OP image though come with all kinds of extra mental illnesses as part and parcel so they should be actively discouraged.
Physical beauty and symmetric features are indicators of genetic health and current well being.
Yeah, that's his only option right now if he wants to eliminate that stretched out looking skin. Get swole.
>1 post by this ID
It is harmful just like this thread.
Notice hoe they don't believe in "body positivity" for transvestites? Nope. Then they believe in perusing the most extreme and medically expensive option.
retard soiboi had fatremoval surgery , and now posts pic of his disgusting body and how you can be positive if you paid dr schleimgold turboshekels to have your body mutilated for life.
no1 that loses weight properly and slowly will look like him unless they weigh as much as a smartcar.
There are 2 main ways to deal with this sort of thing.
1: View this as a cautionary tale. Try to prevent the problem in the next generation by encouraging people to eat healthier. Maybe ban fast food advertising to kids or punish parents of overweight children. Run the risk of stigmatizing people who already have the condition, making their lives worse, but prevent the problem from occurring in new people.
2: Try to convince everyone to be okay with the problem like they're doing now. Maybe try to convince them that it's not a problem in the first place, or even that it's a good thing. (See the slut marches, drug culture, etc.) This might improve the lives of current sufferers, but it will also spread the condition to new people.
I suggest a third route.
3: Have a publicized cultural "amnesty" where we acknowledge that our society slipped and encouraged degeneracy, and we have sympathy for the sufferers, but still try to change our group behavior going forward.
I think you're cute.
Body positivity is relative to the health of your body. If it's unhealthy you shouldn't be positive about it.
Truth. 70 pounds before, after, then again after losing the weight
They lost a huge amount of weight and can't get a skin reduction for financial or other reasons.
Even the most based user has to agree they have no choice but to be optimistic.
Amazing transformation for these lardasses, they deserve congrats.
I am the most bitter of anons and I still say this.
I thought about this as someone that frequently goes from 170 and fit and 200 and a fatty. It's important that you know when to draw the line. If you're a fat piece of shit you need to realize it and make changes to fix that. If you're fit and look good but you're adopting fattymode mentality you need to make an effort to feel good about yourself. It all comes down to a sense of perspective and making sure it's accurate. Just because you get to bang a hot girl out of pure luck when you look like shit doesn't mean you should fool yourself into thinking you look good. You just found a desperate whore at the right time. Alternatively, just because that 10/10 with a boyfriend doesn't immediate give you a toilet blowjob when you're attractive and in shape doesn't mean you're shit either.
In the case of OP, that is a mutant and whoever that is obviously is completely delusional and mentally ill.
>no1 that loses weight properly and slowly will look like him unless they weigh as much as a smartcar.
If you are obese then your skin has been stretched out period. You can naturally lose the weight, you will still look like OP's pic.
Body positivity is fine... Within reason.
You a fat fuck? Like, oldschool, plain vanilla fat? Cool. Be happy with yourself. Work it like Chris Farley for humor, every group needs the jolly fat man. Maybe get a harley; You'll go from "Fatass" to "Badass" in the eyes of most people.
Are you a God-damned ham planet? As wide as you are tall? That's mental illness. Go lift some weights and count your damned calories.
You ugly? Just a gnarly-looking fuck? Cool. most people will see this, and focus on your other, better points. Again, work it for a laugh. Rowan Atkinson got rich doing just that.
You ugly because you got unnecessary surgery and dress like something out of a carnival side show? Get fucked. Cover the tattoos, get some normal clothes, and act like a human being.
Accepting who you are is fine. Intentionally being a freak and complaining about the attention you receive is not.
Look at the scars under his chest and stomach. He had surgery already
Pic in middle isn't obesity though.
It could be, depending on BMI, especially since he likely retained the muscle mass under the 70 pounds of fat
that counts as being obese , if you think liveleak videos or people that butter up steering wheels are those that are actually obese then you don´t understand obesity whatsoever.
20kilos that isnt muscle over your heighttoweight ratio already counts as slight obesity , anything over 30 is obesity , anything over 50 is WTF ARE YOU DOING RETARD-TIER.
I agree. Although they'll probably never look normal they at least improved their health, and in fairness they look a lot better with clothes on than they did fat. It's still a big positive for them, in both health and aesthetics.
>What does Jow Forums think
I think this is another slide thread and (((they))) are trying to distract us from something important this week.
What the fuck happened to these individuals?
The look like a retarded child tried to draw a person.
Why do fags think everything revolves around them? Why must you accept their agenda 100% without question or you’re a homophobic piece of shit.
I am gay, trust me, some us want private, monogamous relationships and these Pride faggots to hang.
Apparently that nigga cute as fuck
It's just surgery, then can cover the scars with tattoos.
They cut it off and use in skingraphs for burn victims...
Thank you. I agree with you completely.
this, but the dyed hair means he takes it up the butthole
>It's good to be proud
Stop reading right there, in every case pride is evil
What about Trump? He is proud and I'd say has a right to be.
I'm proud of you.
A-user I....... I'll hang some lefties just for you when the happening comes.
>thinks pride and hubris are interchangeable
and so the twitter cuck began to hate
>isn't obesity
Stop LARPing, American.
>70 pounds before, after, then again after losing the weight
Mostly waterweight and homeostasis is a bitch. Being in good shape and temporarily fattening up it's easier to return to normal. If you are obese over time your entire body is affected.
>inb4 muh calories in, calories out
That's wrong you retards and it doesn't excuse obesity, it makes obesity SO MUCH WORSE. Many people who have extreme weight loss never recover from the changes in hormones and metabolism. You never lose lipids either, other than by liposuction. Meaning that if you're skinny you still have thousands more dormant fat cells waiting to get fed.
nah you can but you will forever have a slight gut of extra skin
Depression can cause a lot of obese people to just get worse. They have to learn self-respect before they can start to heal and improve their lifestyle. There's this misconception that "tough love" is what fat people need but it's demonstrably not the case. So I think that's the lynchpin of body positivity: stop shaming people and let them learn to love and care about themselves. If someone likes their body they will want to take care of it.
>Im not fat because I overeat and lay around all day, I just have a glandular problem!!!
No if you stretch your skin out to much it can't un shrink you moron....