if trump is so great, why haven't (((they))) JFK him yet?
Wait a second
who is (((they))) ???
time travel, trump has access to infinite dimensions thanks to baron, Trump is just trying to save this one from disaster because this is the one he was born in, he feels a special attachment to it
The political landscape is too volatile, 99% chance that his assassination would immediately start a civil war even if they tries the "loan wolf" thing again
You know who. Zionists silly.
>military purged its ranks of the community. Stands behind trump. Wants to eliminate the community for power reasons.
tl/dr: People fucked up when they broke apart SAC, army IRBS, and a certain naval command. That was the militaries anime and video games, but they have been stewing since the early 90s.
Trump has the fucking world record for assasination attempts on his life
Do you not realize Israel tried to nuke the korea summit in Singapore?
Israel tried to nuke hawaii and Japan
Israel tried to nuke Vegas
Israel tried to poison him by using Steve Bannon and his associates
How many fucking White House fence/gate incidents have there been?
Key word is "yet." There will be attempts if he wins in 2020 and maybe even earlier depending on midterm and primary outcomes.