
what do you think about natural-born sociopaths? were they born evil? do they have the potential to do good? is lack of empathy an advantage, or a disability?
do you think most politicians are sociopaths? if so, were they born or taught to be that way?

pic related: part of my dna

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>what do you think about natural-born sociopaths?
>were they born evil?

The state of Jow Forums

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Everyone is born "evil".

Sociopaths just lack the mental faculties like empathy that most people rely on to outgrow that state of being a self absorbed asshole with no regard for other people.

but morality is relative giy

Sociopaths aren't inherently evil. Lack of empathy does not mean a lack of morals, faith, or ideology. They aren't soulless killing machines. They have their own desires, wants and needs just like anyone else.

i have been diagnosed as a sociopath and have several genes associated with sociopathy
but i dont feel "evil," never have. i mostly just keep to myself, but when i dont i make sure to be polite and act in the best interests of others. i dont think i have ever done anything that could be actually considered "evil" aside from being kind of violent as a teenager, but i attribute that to puberty and years of bullying. i have that sorted out now.
i try to be what others would see as a decent person, even when other people arent around. when people try to become close to me personally, i always inform them of my sociopathy so as to not be dishonest or misleading in any form even though people always distance themselves after. i would rather have no close relationships at all than having even one that is based on masks and lies.

i dont think true morality is possible as a sociopath. morals are natural tendencies created in the brain under the perspective provided by a sense of empathy. moral tendencies can be codified and taught to others, but without empathy they are essentially just another set of ethical rules. i try my best to understand what others consider to be moral, and always act with such in mind, but it isn't a natural process for me.

This is true but sociopaths more often than not are self-serving.

i think most, if not all people, are self-serving. at a biological level, we are driven by dopamine responses. wiring one's dopamine response to an ideal or goal that benefits society or the people they are close is a lifestyle that appears to be selfless, and is certainly beneficial, but is still driven by the brain's reward centers. the person still does it to feel good, even if subconsciously.

i will afford that sociopaths are less likely to attempt such a rewiring, or to succeed even if they try to do it.

Free will is a myth. The universe is deterministic. The multiverse is real. Life is meaningless but you can delude yourself otherwise.

most white women are sociopaths. They aren't born that way. They are groomed by the media and the educational systems to be that way.