Manpower, technology, logistics, firepower, public morale/approval, weather are all factors to consider.

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Canada alone would fuck the US up

This is a hypothetical situation irrespective of current politics

Yes. And unironically.

How easily could it be done tho? serious question no bait considering iraq, afgan and vietnam were failures

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Define easy? The US would hunker down in its unassailable fortress North America, the rest of the world never even making it within 2000 miles of the coasts due to a Navy and Air Force the rest of the world combined can't even hope to touch.

These figures don’t mean much considering our military will spend $400 on a stapler.

Depends if US is trying to invade the world or simply fight off an invasion. The US couldn't conquer the world but we could feasibly control the oceans on both sides, occupy Canada and maybe mexico. As long as no nukes could hold out and force a stalemate.


Vietnam proved that the only thing the US beats the world at is throwing money away.

What about oil etc if this a war of attrition. By easy i mean how far and much would it cost the us to defeat and conquer the world? And could it be done?


Throwing money at something doesn't make it automatically better.

Many of these spending charts don't take into account that other countries have significant armed forces outside of the military such as interior armies and border guards.

the only natural resource america doesn't have in abundance are the rare earths.

if it came to that, we'd have three options:

>huge recycling programs
>reach out and take them (korea is chock full)
>find a different material for electronics

Its a nuclear war nothing off the table no rules


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It depends on whether or not there are rules of engagement beyond no nukes. A big part of the "failures" (debatable but lets leave it at that) is that the US wasn't fighting total war with a scorched ground policy. We wanted to actually leave a population and some semblance of an infrastructure. Also, shit like not shooting people who arnt armed and not killing women and children (children in particular get used a lot because they can act as eyes and ears for an enemy force). This isnt just a problem for the US but for all western armies, we lost our teeth after WW2.

first things first how much does America pay to maintain their bases all over the world, costs of keeping them running and costs for manpower

You and every western country is not importing oil for the fun of it. We all (the west) use more than we produce

Lol no, most of the military spending goes toward spying on our own citizens to prevent the based from becoming influential

we import oil as its about the same cost as the stuff domestically, AND why deplete our own reserves when we can buy up other resources?

Texas has more oil in it than Saudi Arabia does

u got a license for that meme?

Old source, our budget is over $700 billion now.

conventional war- yes. Nuclear war would go to the first striker

America has more oil than God already but we would also occupy, if not outright annex, Canada and everything down to Colombia immediately to completely protect our flanks and to secure critical access to the Panama canal. Again, look at the geography and the air/naval power involved: the US would be fortress, completely unassailable. The only hope for the rest of the world to make a beachhead is a war of attrition so long that we're talking decades given the infrastructure, manufacturing capability, population, and resources the US would possess in this scenario. Literally decades and I should remind you how bad an idea it is to get Americans frothing mad and then give them a few years to stew in it: last time we split the atom. Give us decades and there's no telling what cosmic devastation we might unleash.

Its a war to win every cunt is nationalist af and theres too high of population thanks to asia and africa and people have lost appreciation of the value of life hence the war but the world has allied itself against the us and also canada because they suck cocks for a living and no one wants them on their team.


based numbers

It would be fairly easy to take venezuela for their oil, and it wouldn't be "business as usual" extremely strict rations would be given out. most non essential men would be drafted and women sent to factories and farms

Well, then once the nukes start flying, everyone dies, because we have enough nukes to level the surface of the Earth several times over.

Easily. Just Oklahoma would beat every other country in a war.

Must be half of the NSA lurking this board then

The US would starve you within a year, retard.

Tactical stapler with ambidextrous safety.

What's it like fucking dogs?

and that's why superpowers don't go to war

Probably not. But I think we would have the biggest chance of success out of any other country

Conventional warfare AND no nukes? I'd give the US an excellent chance of whooping ass. The only problems I see would be domestic terrorism.

> iraq, afgan and vietnam
Were live fire exercises to test new weapons and tactics.
Real WAR? Cmon, that has not happened in a long time. If it happens either everyone on the planet dies or someone has an ace up their sleeve to prevent the nukes from going boom.

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If we were the aggressors, no.
If we were invaded, yes.

I did not know this i honestly dont believe it and will unfortunately have to ask for a source sir

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The US is a net exporter of oil and by this fall will be completely energy independent as well as the single largest energy producer on earth.

no we fucking don't you retard
lurkmoar and fucking listen to your physics teacher you dumb highschooler

>USA vs. World
>Not allowed to use the strongest weapon in their arsenal
700 Tactical Nuke all say "YES" otherwise OP is faggots

you forgot
>mining asteroids using the Space Force

The only threats are Russia and China. You should see the types of missles China has created to sink carriers. They are the only nation known to have weapons that could turn America's strength into their own grave. Money doesn't mean much when the chinks can sink your hundreds of millions of dollars worth of equipment. Russia could steamroll Europe with their tanks that no one outside America and china could penetrate.

We would stop enforcing all trading routes with our Navy and bring them back to US costs we would then stop trading with the rest of the world effectively bankrupting everyones economy except ours because China wouldn't have anyone to trade buy their stuff. The only reason the EU works is because of Germany's economy and they also are an export nation that exports things to the US. Russia will collapse to with their aging population and the price of oil dropping. Them middle east will become a shitshow with no one enforcing the Persian Gulf.

>people under estimate how easy it is to defend north america

Could we take over the rest of the world? No
Could we defend against the entire world? Yes


I know, >CNN . but as this isn't a political topic its pretty cut and dry

>no we fucking don't

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we don't even have to do anything. The Burgerspics will freeze to death.

Here's the thing about the military sector of the us government, if a certain department doesn't use all of their allotted budget, it gets reduced and if they do use it all, the budget increases

>End of focal year, SHIT we haven't used all of the budget for being a mechanic, quick go construct a 5000 sq ft building, build it to code, paint and furnish it... SHIT we're still slightly under budget, acquire some explosives and go blow it up

A 2014 report published in the journal Earth's Future found that even a regional war of 100 nuclear detonations would produce 5 teragrams of black soot (that's 5,000,000,000 kg) that would rise up to Earth's stratosphere and block sunlight. This would produce a sudden drop in global temperatures that could last longer than 25 years and temporarily destroy much of the Earth's protective ozone layer. This could also cause as much as an 80% increase in UV radiation on Earth's surface and destroy both land and sea-based ecosystems, potentially leading to global nuclear famine.

i say we because both of us know who actually controls nuclear launch codes

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Only the one field but you get the point. This isn't including shale either. There would be trillions of barrels

he said level the surface
learn to fucking read jesus christ

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Look up the REE mines outside of Berdoo that are only closed because of environmental regulations. Anything we don’t have, Canada has and you best belive Canada is either with us or invaded.

This would be awesome, hope we can privateer on those unguarded water ways, would do wonders for the economy.

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>iraq, afgan and vietnam were failures

We wouldn't be fighting 'politically correctly'.

It would be no holds barred Total War if we were actually fighting a war for survival.

Even without using nuclear weapons we could scorched Earth anywhere that could remotely support a war effort.

>US secures its immediate area by knocking out Canada, Mexico, Cuba
>Dominates the seas, probably occupies all the way down to Panama
>Is now virtually impregnable due to aerial and naval superiority

>REE programs

i know its actually what they're called but I giggled. And yes. In this scenario the second thing you do is annex Canada. The first being activating missle defense

COIN/peacekeeping and total war are very different.
Have the navy blockade the northern pass above Canada and the southern pass near Argentina.

>he thinks 'level the surface' was being used to mean actually destroying every single mountain range and topographical feature on earth
You absolutely massive retard. He was obviously using it to allude to the ability of nukes to destroy human civilization, which destruction of the land and sea ecosystem would surely result in.

I like this idea the most regardless of logistics

It was an exaggeration to make a point dumbass. No, we don't have enough nuclear firepower to physically level the entire landmass of the Earth, but there aren't any nukes aimed at Antarctica. Every developed population center of any strategic significance whatsoever could certainly be destroyed, and the fallout from doing so would probably kill everyone else, if not everything else on the planet. Take a leaf from your own book and work on your reading comprehension.

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Why does KSA spend so much on military when they're absolute dogshit fighters?

But claim that US oil reserves are bigger than Saudis is complete BS.



It wouldn't beat Russia or China, and probably not India either. Let alone the whole world.

This doesn't say if it includes shale or not. The US has the largest shale deposits in the world.
>The United States has the largest known deposits of oil shale in the world, according to the Bureau of Land Management and holds an estimated 2.175 trillion barrels (345.8 km3) of potentially recoverable oil.


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Only if it was a defensive war. The U.S can't just spread around the globe fighting everyone.

Easily. Its done already.

We would win, but the collateral damage would leave billions dead and most land uninhabitable nuclear wasteland.

We would lose without a doubt. If we had to fight the rest of the world then we'd have to fight you, and that would break our hearts.

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Depends on what the goals of the war were. if the goals were just destruction and body count, no holds barred, total war seeking the annihilation of other nations to cause them to collapse then yes that could be done with use of our nuclear arsenals, we could have orbital weapons at very short notice (we likely already do), bio and chemical weapons dropped, weather manipulation via haarp etc....

We would seize your maple syrup and you would beg for a peace treaty.

its possible. just secure the shipping lanes and any country that doesnt grow enough food and oil will consume itself.


god my country is so alpha
treating your country like a bitch and she still takes it in the ass and smiles

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Awww that gave me a boner mate i dont get those anymore. Now how about directing some of that Israeli aid over to good ol aussie eh mate eh

>implying the rest of the world doesnt belong to us


Good bait

>he thinks his country isnt a puppet to the same elites that the US is
whew, the vaunted Ashkenazim IQ. Keep making those US neocons billions and allow us to scapegoat Israel when the house of cards topples and you get fucked ;)

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Imagine being this fucking delusional. Imagine it.

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Nothing alpha about kikes faggot grow a brain

you take those trips back you piece of shit

>can't stop crying for one minute about the muslims
You're more of an adult baby that needed to leave the cradle a long time ago. But you know that and act smugly about it, because you know not of the future, Lucifer's child. Your global empire is expelling rapidly and I bet in the next century there will be a new age of Man without Jews or Muslims.

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Your kiketry is just incredible.

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yes master

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>Iraq Afghan and vietnam
You mean where we wrecked the locals but were not willing to go full mongol and suppress the guerilla war?

>actually believes this

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Imagine thinking white Canadians wouldnt fight for Trump
Nuke Toronto Ottawa Calgary, Edmonton, Hongcouver, and let the white rural rebuild plz

Dude, have you seen our Navy? They could take over both our costs in seconds and scuttle enough jets to demolish the rest before even having to send in the ground troops.