Who is the most based comedian of all time that discussed political issues? I only really know of George Carlin...

Who is the most based comedian of all time that discussed political issues? I only really know of George Carlin. Are there any Jow Forums approved comedians that discuss politics/society?

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I'm really glad he's gone because I'd hate to hear his loud mouth about the current political climate.

youtube.com/watch?v=EjmtSkl53h4 . one of his great bits that predicted the rise of SJWs all the wack in 1996 (I think))

Bill Hicks

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Jonathan Swift.
>his book Gulliver's Travels is an allegory on misanthropy - and includes a scene where Gulliver, in tiny people Lilliput land, pisses on the parliament building to quench the fire - symbolizing the way government "solves" problems.
>Once went a whole year without speaking to anyone
>Wrote a treatise on excrement under the pen name "Dr. Shit"
>Said he laughed only twice in his life - and both times he was alone
>rejected a qt and married a milf
>went insane
how is this guy not Jow Forums incarnate?

Attached: jonathan-swift-9500342-1-402.jpg (300x300, 14K)

100% Carlin would be "with her" hashtag resist

beat me to it

He would have gone downhill fast, I could definitely see him succumbing to political correctness if there was enough pressure.

Not stand up, but I think Matt Stone, Trey Parker, and Seth McFarlane have stayed pretty based although they have definitely ceded some ground.



He tried to play the libertarian spiel, but 95% of his views were leftist.

Also: He walked a fine line between funny and creepy/weird.

The first half of his career was great but he became an edgy fag( men and yippo bad every other joke) later in his life

Carlin was a crypto-leftist piece of garbage. He's so fucking braindead on half of his opinions that I can't help ending up despising every word that comes out of his mouth.

I used to go see Stanhope, he would touch on politics. Been years since I've seen him though.

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Look I know I've ragged on the establishment before...but Hillary is literally Neo AND THAT'S A GOOD THING!!!!

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brilliant comedian, too bad he's a degenerate scumbag

>Jonathan Swift.
Wait a second... isn't that the dude who wrote a book proposing the Irish could stop their famine if they just started eating their babies?

That guy was truly a troll ahead of his time. He should be the patron saint of trolls.

basic nihilistic individualism

he’s a retard, leftits now a days literally use some of his “jokes” as talking points

U mean “A Modest Proposal”
Not swift

>Important comics

Norm macdonald

thats a really fancy way of saying "scumbag"

Am i missing anyone?

O Neil
Di Paolo

correction is swift

>A Modest Proposal, is a Juvenalian satirical essay written and published anonymously by Jonathan Swift in 1729

Hey, I got it from Wikipedia so take that as you will

Doug Stanhope by a long shot.

Do either of you autists really think that if Carlin was alive today he would support Trump or right wing politics? He was smart but he was blackpilled, he would shit on conservatives just as much if not more than liberals. Just because he was blackpilled on American politics doesn't make him some prophet. I guarantee you on social issues he's more left wing than right wing. Only reason you like him is because he DIED before comedy got controversial and politicized like it is today.

Fuck George Carlin.

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It's just a ride. Plus he talks about Waco. And may be Alex Jones.

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Rodney Rude


This. If you're against him for being a leftist them you're stuck on the Jew pendulum if American politics

Carlin and Hicks would hate Jow Forumsscum so much. Hicks would probably get a Assault Rifle-15 and kill Trump himself.

Video related: youtu.be/I7b736GmLQA

I forgot how pro-establishment and anti free dialogue Calvin & Hobbes was, you pwned my childhood, dipshit.

Carlos Mencia. Saw him a couple of years ago in Phoenix. Dude was our guy tier.

Damn people read way to much into shit...
Look I like to watch shit.
you like to watch shit.
>The TV is a party everyone!!!!!
why take whats on the BOOB TUBE so seriously.
Go outside and smell the roses.

Demi Lardner

Tim Hawkins


does it get any edgier than pic related?

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Patrice O'Neal

no he wouldn't.
bill hicks and carlon would both go pro-trump.

hicks and carlon go like this..
anti-bush anti-clinton (but so what if he got a bj)
anti-neocon anti-obama pro trump.

they would still openly reject republicans,dems,and neo-cons, but they'd like the president, and criticize him too in a better way than any recent (((comedian))) has.

St. Paul should be patron saint of trolls from his expert trolling in Acts 23:6-10

If he had lived long enough, he would have betrayed everything to suck off the establishment and join the PC mouthbreathers.

He was a liberal first and foremost and in one of his last, if not his last, stand up performances he was sucking off Obama.

Sam Hyde

Jonathan Swift was the fucking man.

Sam Hyde for sure but I think Bill Maher is very good even if I disagree with him sometimes. He's probably the most informed comedian on politics who still can tell a joke. He one of the only guys who constantly invites conservatives and libertarians on his show. Hell last a couple weeks ago he had Ben Shapiro on not too long before that Jordan Peterson and he's respectful and funny.

no you are just a faggot

give in bottom boi

you obviously suck cock

"rich white guys sucking black dick cigars"
"destroy golf courses and put houses for black people there"
Bill Hicks was the same too, constantly white quilting their acts.

thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=o0scVIWt-DQ

>quilting their acts



What happened to Dennis Miller?

You're too young for this site.
You'll learn once you leave high school that bizarre homophobic insults like that don't get you anything. They should be used only ironically, otherwise it just comes off as being a closeted teenager.