it seems the only way to make it to the top of hierarchy depends on how fucking evil you are.
The good suffer while the bad prosper.While I watched faggot in pic related basically mock everyone because he knows he's getting away with it, I just shook my fucking head.
I've seen less evil looking people in the exorcist.
Chase Sullivan
What are you gonna do about it? If you are complacent, you are contributing to it.
Adam Phillips
You are indeed in Hell. The good news is you may repent and sin no more.
Xavier Russell
This guy is clearly a sociopath, a mafia hit man mentality. He was selected for these qualities, obviously. I'm guessing he winds up in a jail cell.
Isaiah Diaz
It’s trying to get out. Call the Ghostbusters!
Lucas Scott
He didn't do anything wrong idiot. Having a political opinion is not a crime, is not corrupt, and is not evil. The entire interrogation deserved to be mocked.
Anthony Powell
it's like he's part of the evil cabal that includes almost the entirety of the Democratic Party and quite a few of the global elite like Soros and his ilk and don't forget to include their minions like Alefantis and Brock and...
Isaiah Sanchez
it's like that stereotypical bratty younger sibling look you see in tv shows or movies
Logan Perez
They aren't chaotic evil. They are milquetoast faggots. Literally pathetic trash people who were installed in their position to be pathetic trash people.
Hunter Rivera
It feels like hell in the sense that everything is laid out before us so plainly but we have little that were able to do about it sans a full blown coup of the swamp.
Christopher Smith
holy fuck
Brandon Stewart
Anthony Bailey
youre a fucking moron. he was part of an investigation on Trump in which he was already biased against him.
they should all be thrown in jail for wasting millions on that fake witch hunt.
Kevin Jackson
he worked for the FBI, so he is 100% guilty of being a treasonous cunt and a jewish ball-washer
Jordan Cox
>The good suffer while the bad prosper.
The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
Hudson Clark
Good people don't kill really bad people anymore. So really bad fucked up sick people do whatever the fuck they want.
There’s definitely an evil vibe I was getting. Caught it last week when he was walking into closed door meeting. Can’t find footage now.
Michael Acqino fagoot fuck
Oliver Turner
This is the face of an innocent man, drumpfies
Isaiah Lee
I'm named after that character
Ian Edwards
Goddam people like you. You know as well as everyone else he fucking helped set up this whole shit show. The fact that they let him off of the mueller investigation over “the optics” just proves they all are on the same page. This idiot just got caught.
Fuck you, you fucking cock gobbler
Justin Harris
Vigilantism is the unironic way forward. Politicians mock us because they control the system. They control the system but not us, so while we rely on the system and not ourselves, they are safe. Go outside the law to restore the law. >I’m probably put on a watchlist for this
Gabriel Jackson
Goddammit I already tried but all that showed up was these useless hags. They’ve been planning it all along.
We're in a simulation. Hitler won. This is what life would have been like had he lost. The entire simulation is designed to make sure that you're a model citizen when you get out.
Look at Strzok's blackened right hand as he answers answers questions before Congress. The "camera glitch" only lasts a couple seconds, but I've never seen a video artifact like that before.
he pwnt your stupid faggots and those are the people you look up to
Parker Long
By all definitions Hell is the absence of God. Maybe the reason we cant talk to him anymore and get responses is that we are in Hell. Is this Satans kingdom? Is reincarnation actually the eternal damnation if you keep screwing up? Either way, this is all the Hell I'll ever know because I know where I'm going when I die.
Ian Rodriguez
Wait until the bomb drops that the Russians have Strzok’s texts & was being blackmailed because he’s a faggot
>Wanting their monthly government check and their pension when they retire.
If he could, however, get an evil bitch elected to head the government of eternal dollars, then maybe he could find favor from her and advance further into the hierarchy.
Jeremiah Cook
heaven and hell are states in the Earth
Owen Powell
Say when
Ryan Turner
>What are you gonna do about it? If you are complacent, you are contributing to it. This and his answer is nothing
Liam Sullivan
It's called Duper's Delight
>One way that they can get a rush is by manipulation and deceit, and deliberately conning someone. This is called dupers delight. The rush that they feel when they are conning someone who they feel is more stupid, and can't see through their lies.
>We're in a simulation. Hitler won. This is what life would have been like had he lost. The entire simulation is designed to make sure that you're a model citizen when you get out. lol it isn't working
Jaxson Bell
it bothers me too user, but i have an even smugger sense of having read history and knowing where this eventually goes.
The elite have become so disconnected from the pleebs, a set of laws for them and a set for us. When trump or duterte or hitler or whoever comes along, throws the judges in jail, disbands congress and tears up the constitution and starts simply executing them .... the people, you and I, will cheer him on. We will give cover to the rise of the strongman needed to restore balance.
We are in the soft men create hard times phase, next stop hard times .... then the strongman will rise. Its happened over and over and over again. People like strozk know not what they do.
They will all receive thier just rewards. The jews are laughing now, but within fifty years the heads of thier children will be on pikes!
listen to these nigger treasonous dems trying to interrupt every single question he is asked
they have ALL sold out our country and need to be PURGED from our government. LOCK THEM ALL UP!
its obvious they are all covering for one another
Jordan Campbell
Cool. Somebody should shoop that spreading up his neck
Nicholas Hughes
You're an idiot, Wyatt.
Jayden Hill
demons are black not red camera probably caught the overlord slipping thru the meat sack for a few seconds
Gabriel Diaz
I unironically wonder this sometimes. My only response to this is that I need to be a better person to break the cycle if true.
Matthew Bennett
Is his appearance (and real identity) maybe highly classified and thus they gave him a digital reconstruction?
Brayden Williams
> Are we in hell?
Charles Carter
All the people sitting behind him look like they're skinwalkers.
William Garcia
legit today people were immediately saying this dude has a demon in him. i've also seen this said on other websites too
Joseph Fisher
>not striving everyday to be a better person in order to oppose [current year] degeneracy enjoy hell, goyim. Although in your case you will simply face the gas chamber upon revival from the Antarctic post-WWII Nazi RESURRECTaryan program. Niggers are NPC's
Josiah Butler
Yes unfortunately we are starting to enter the depths of the kali yuga. The food is poisoned, avoid all grains, dairy. Eat buckwheat instead, eat chickpeas, fruits (not huge amounts) vegetables for your protein go for the highest quality source possible the animals need to be outside and eating normally occasionally some liver, heart etc. but not dairy because it is meant for baby cow and signals to grow. Only goats yoghurt which is not pasteurised might be acceptable but impossible to find apparently the queen of england has hers shipped from romania. Also because you eat all this vegetables you need iodine so eat fish but not farmed and not asia fish.Some eggs are fine but dont go more than 3 imo. Dont drink fruit juice or refined sugar it spikes your blood sugar and fucks you up but vegetable juice is good. Everything needs to be at least organic because of the level of toxicity. Also don't get sucked into ideology. All that is happening is black magicians are going to manipulate the useful idiots to create order out of chaos. Yes also any hierarchical system by its nature promotes psycopaths, narcissists the people under them go into 'secondary psychopath' mode.
Isaac Russell
>it seems the only way to make it to the top of hierarchy depends on how fucking evil you are First day on earth, big guy?
his expressions are nightmare fuel (what a deranged angry fucking face??? jesus christ) but his voice isn't very imposing.
still he seems straight evil
Easton Jackson
he works for an intelligence agency. he's by definition a subhuman
Christian Parker
Honestly this hearing was one of the lost frustrating things I've ever watched. This smug fuck lying through his teeth and the dems interrupting every few minutes. Fucking disgusting, there's no going back
Jack Nguyen
satan rules the earth
better have God on your side via Jesus Christ else you will be crushed
Nicholas Barnes
Dont' eat chickpeas from a can or anything tinned the bpa will fuck you up. I have found coconut butter in a jar which is kinda nice because coconut milk in a can the fat loves the bpa and they say they don't have bpa anymore but they're lying.
Jason Rodriguez
He literally was so robotic he sounded retarded. That was not his natural voice. He was coached.
Benjamin Brooks
I don’t even get what he’s so smug about. He destroyed his family and career fucking a disgusting whore, what is there to be proud of? That he’s not going to jail? He has nothing to be proud of. He drives a fucking Prius and texts like a faggot.
Brandon Reyes
If you're a shallow person and think being at the top of the hierarchy is the end all and be all, when in reality all these people are as shallow as you but surrounded by people who not only don't love them but actively hate them and literally want them to die and get zero joy out of the things you think you'd enjoy like having le expensive car they dont even drive themselves or le hot mistress who's disgusted by them.
Jose Cox
Yeah I know
Nathan Bennett
fuck that evil faggot
Andrew Anderson
this is the thought processes of a true psychopath. they truly believe in their minds that everyone else is an idiot and they can out fox them endlessly. once you know their m.o. you can watch and telegraph what they will say and do
Ethan Howard
repubs dont know how to grill
strzok won the battle
Brayden Johnson
You do realize the Vedic scriptures which speak of the Kali Yuga also say that we should live with hierarchy right?
Wyatt Long
absolutely, it deserved to be mocked, because in a just world his head would already be in a basket. But keep laughing, people are getting angrier and angrier.
The senators laughed at Ceasar too ... and they even murdered him.
you should read what happens next, Mark Anthony happens, Augutus happens, a civil war is touched off ... those senators are hunted to the ends of the known world, mark Anthony finally gets the last one about five years later, he lays seige to the city of Cairo to get to him. They spared no expense ... the people loved Ceasar, of that there was no doubt, he was huuuuugely popular.
They chased those bastard traitors to the ends of the known world, they killed their families, they killed their allies, the killed their workers, even their slaves. The Tiber ran with blood for five years.
You dont want to live in world where some are above the law and others are not. you wont like living in a country that isnt a constitutional republic. Those cops you spit on today at your ICE rally .... in that world they just fucking machine gun your bitch ass, and send your family the bill for the bullets.
A law for us, and a law for them ... you sure thats what you want?
Jayden Peterson
If hell were truly hopeless, it wouldn't be remotely diabolical enough. No, this is a most finely crafted nightmare. The truth is [DO NOT READ BEYOND THIS POINT] that we managed to summon Roko's Basilisk who created the perfect hell for us all, an eternal hell of injustice, humiliation and monotony that cannot be escaped by death. We are here forever.
it's not even a question of "living with it" -- it is hard wired into the species to set up hierarchies (modern psychology and evolutionary biology bears this out) the best we can do is be extremely vigilant in how they're formed and managed