>be classical musician >find a really interesting piece of music >"huh, this is amazing. Why doesn't this guy have more music written?" >look him up >see he was a communist who was executed by right-wing death squads during the spanish civil war >start digging into the history of all of this >right-wing death squads literally genocided commies across Spain >2,000,000 people dead >intellectuals and artists BTFO'd >toppest of keks
This shit was wild. Why don't we ever talk about this?
Communist in Eastern Europe killed the most intellectuals as they proved as a threat to the regime, Communists where a lot worse
Kayden Sanchez
This is insane
So most people have hated filthy commies through history then.
Evan Powell
i used to hate living here. but ever since i learned about the commie purge i dont mind it as much anymore
Jose Myers
Look at Weimar and bolshevik jew revolution. Then Spanish civil war, u know the reds dug up nuns and shot at status of Mary and jesus for fun... Next was the Hungarian and others uprings against the jews. Not to mention Chiang kai of China that mofo hated commies. South Korea shot commies threw em in ditches. Indonesia south Vietnam and others all hated them. This is why we fight, better dead than red.
Leo Howard
>>right-wing death squads literally genocided commies across Spain and it's beautiful
Chase Morales
it's not about hate. it's about survival. some nations were able to fight back before they were devoured by the judeo-communist cult.