How fucked is China?

China is handing out just under $800 billion in business loans every 2 weeks to keep their people pacified. Supposedly none of these loans have defaulted. ZERO.

Meanwhile, the smart money in China is buying up land and property all over the world. This is a clear sign that the Chinese Yuan is going to collapse.

At the same time, Mexico is poised to replace China as U.S. #1 manufacturer.

Give it to me straight. How long do we have before Chinese corpse start washing up on Cali's beaches?

Attached: 2754966.jpg (690x388, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:'sPlanToConquer.htm

*genocidal laughter intensifies*

Attached: chi haotian.png (752x4432, 698K)

Look at all of that evidence OP posted.

this reads of satire

It's real.

Attached: 1522476536068.png (800x1672, 209K)

Provide source nigger.

I honestly wished China could die so Europe could be the number one production factory again.

All the Chinese needs is to have their resources die off.
I've heard they're having issues getting clean water because they don't recycle and dry out lakes. How true is this?

The rest of the world is fucked, not China.

I think its time to stop babysitting japan and let them have a military. Japan is sitting next to two unstable nations that hate them.
China is getting awfully pushy lately

he's not wrong on a few things. China is dependent on access to US and EU markets. If Mexico replaces them as number 1 manufacturer for the US, their economy will take a hit