Did Lauren Southern have a child in secret?

And if yes why is she wh*te? Asking for a friend.
Inb4 photoshop.

Attached: okay.jpg (361x366, 64K)

Most photoshopped image i've seen lad

>just covered behind the bar

nice photoshop
i am still stunned that I recognized her ass over her face
would wife nohomo

>those brackets
nigger are you even trying? sage

Saffa asylum seeker she's smuggling in

She's a child trafficker


Her child would be black

this.. she's taken more black cock than a ghetto welfare queen.

The more tired I get, the more enamoured I am. I'm so sleepy but all I can see is her face. Why is it getting so cold?

Attached: laurensimonssen.jpg (1080x1269, 1.65M)

that's her hidden angelic self. the current lauren is defying Christ by leading her brothers astray.
>if she was showed this picture, she would not see the girl

Roast Beef labia

And thats the Dad...

Attached: Luke.jpg (480x360, 21K)

I like her but her botox face looks weird, she is only 21 or something and she is treating her appearance like an aging porn star

Anyone has a pic showing how big her boobs are? Google is shit.

It's ok to suck and fuck nigger dick too. She's a Jew you plebs wake up.

what other jew would it be?

>in secret?
why would she? It's one of the main objections people have with her. If she was married with children, it would up her credibility

Well all 3 of them are blonde so it makes sense.

if she had a kid it'd be half black tho

she ONLY fucks black

He's in Vegas at the moment, I think they dated though. Chapman got his dick sucked.

You guys realise it's probably Lauren's cousin?

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