Is your capital city worth saving? For germany absolutely no just nuke this pile of shit

Is your capital city worth saving? For germany absolutely no just nuke this pile of shit..

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Do mine!

>money = quality of life, happiness, comfort and a feeling of control

technically this is correct but be more realistic.

I fucking hate Berlin

To be fair Berlin was in a unique position.

Dresden treatment for Berlin?

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the reality is that berlin is a piece of shit City and should be nuked more than once

USA without DC. -.00000001

Please explain to me, as a German person, WHY BERLIN HAS CHILD PROSTITUTION? Every bar I went to, there were goddamn children hanging out in the toilets waiting for cigarette offers and trying to chat and pickpocket me while staring at my urinating penis.


you type faster than me but we are on the same page.

I wouldn't mind, it's no germans in there anyway.

I didn't see this in Berlin

Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it.

Vienna is absolutely worth saving

But most people living there are not

I was extremely upset.

this was in 2009 I don't think they have changed so much. maybe you were in a classier part of town.

Paris is worth saving, not its population. And what a shame the other major french cities are historically and economically irrelevant. I hate jacobinism

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Nuke Helsinki pls

Also Berlin was just turks, no Germans. Karl Marx Straße was LITERALLY only foreigners, didn't see a single European besides myself. Pottery

I really hate it when countries most economy is in one big city just like uk london
Most were probably tourists because berlin has “only“ like 10% muslims and not many other shitskins this city is so shot because leftism the city...

Yea we did see some antifas too, they literally wore Antifa shirts with the logo. The most you'll see of them here are some stickers.

Potsdam was very nice!

>Greece w/o Athens -19.9
>Greece w/o Greeks +250

>The most bombed city in the world
>Not bombed enough

Why do you comment the same thing in every thread about Berlin

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Show your flag :^)

Vienna is one of the most gorgeous cities in the world.
It is also full of Turks, Yugoslavs, Arabs and Niggers.
For a time it was the only place in Austria full with foreigners, but since the refugee crisis, they seeped even in small villages, in "refugee shelters"

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How is possible for a city to have negative GDP? Any economic activity including welfare benefits is included in GDP.

They get from the government more money than they give back in taxes

Northern, southern, and remarkably the eastern parts of Helsinki/Helsingfors is in a absolutely degenerate state, not so bad that it needs nuking but a airplane bombing would be appreciated. The western side is still alright though, so do the bombing while we still have that quarter.