Name 1 valid criticism you have of this man

Name 1 valid criticism you have of this man.

>protip: you can't

Attached: Gavin-McInnes-2015.png (1184x1078, 1.82M)

Other urls found in this thread:

uneven hairline.


Spread his shaven anus on camera

Also ate cereal with his own piss

Not having enough Proud Boys,

Hes a fag

Kissing Milo and shoving a dildo up his own ass is pretty, I dunno, gay?

I don't like him

>Recessed chin
>Misaligned down syndrome face
>Low set downie ears
>Under weight manlet
>Short downie limbs
Over all, a dog shit ugly try hard.

Attached: Asian - Down syndrome 4.png (869x627, 573K)

>implying that invalidates his ideas

Try-hard race-mixing kike-enabling faggot

its almost like showing your asshole on camera doesn't invalidate your political leanings

>implying shoving a dildo up your own ass invalidates your political ideals

>implying being ugly invalidates your political ideas

Attached: 1524231018084.jpg (960x733, 58K)

how is he a kike enabler?

his thumbs are really red. can't trust a man with red thumbs.

He sticks things in his ass.

Attached: mynewcat.jpg (605x400, 13K)

is it the same phenomena of black guys having white palms or what?

>implying shoving things into your rectum invalidates your political ideals

He was asking for a criticism you nigger tier retard, and I delivered. Besides Gavin's political beliefs are just that of a boomers.
>Muh family
>Muh act manly
>Muh do this pussy to be a man
I mean he's just your average run of the mill conservative. Really that's all there is to him. He fails to address the issue of lookism ,where in males who don't meet a specific genetic criteria get abused day in and day out for their looks. He doesn't address the roastie problem and female rights. He doesn't address the underlying assumption to democracy which is communism. He's just a beanie head compilation of condensed traditionalist/right wing autism.

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fuck off kike shills with your gaslighting, he literally names the jew and knows the holohoax is bullshit, that's why u so mad

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butt stuff

Attached: Gavin McInnes is a degenerate.gif (600x800, 237K)

Was funnier as fashion critic of vice magazine.

The opinions of degenerates are worthless.

Attached: helldog.jpg (1053x600, 78K)

Sodomite Doctrine.

Attached: 1232134324534534.png (657x527, 386K)


foreskin aesthetic asf

>implying being a weab isn't degenerate

>implying implications

He fell for the brown girl meme

Attached: browngirlmeme.gif (750x658, 141K)

he's a fag

go back to hell.

Attached: 1529673553289.jpg (399x351, 67K)

more like he's drilling rice


>implying I'm one

Low IQ people like you should be gassed. Now go cancel your subscription to Compound Media, faggot.

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>Looks don't matter

Attached: download.png (1416x1600, 606K)

1. he's filmed himself drinking his own urine
2. he regularly puts butt plugs up his ass on his show
3. He's admitted that he loves to drive drunk and does it frequently
4. he's completely out of touch with reality and believes public school teachers make $200l/year
5. He think cocaine and heroin are healthy for you, as long as it's "pure"

started VICE

youre either a weeb or a military fag. or worse, an engrish teacher.

fug off

>implying attracting women afffects your politicology

>implying putting things up your ass affects politics
>implying there is literally anything wrong with drunk driving
>implying teachers dont get paid out the ass
>implying heroin is very bad for you physically if pure

Attached: 1484113176826.jpg (840x544, 62K)

Pro Israel, anti-alt-right, former (((Rebel))) employee, earned Ezra Levine some lovely shekels

>implying there is anything wrong with being pro israel, as long as youre not pro zionist ultra kike
>FORMER rebel employee, quit after getting sent on a mandatory israel re education trip
>now depriving ezra of his shekels

>Pro Israel, anti-alt-right, former (((Rebel))) employee, earned Ezra Levine some lovely shekels
fuck off kike shills with your gaslighting, he literally names the jew and knows the holohoax is bullshit, that's why u so mad

stay salty, shlomo

Attached: shareblue_thread.jpg (1117x1117, 460K)

>Implying it doesn't affect your social life and in part your outlook on the world

Attached: Sub Saharan retard.png (400x773, 266K)

>implying there aren't plenty of right winger gays

>implying there is anything wrong with being pro israel, as long as youre not pro zionist ultra kike
you kikes are as transparent as glass, sweet psyop thread bros

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what is wrong with it?

>Implying a self respecting man wants to commit acts of sodomy
Just go and watch the video I linked you in my previous post and you'll soon adopt my world view on Lookism.

Attached: happy-old-man.jpg (480x450, 86K)

i already have seen it retard

Well then I guess there's nothing more to say other than good luck pin head.

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He's a try hard

nice gore freak, no wonder youre not getting laid

Flooding the rice field?

>implying there is anything wrong with racial improvement

OP's question was answered in one post. I have no idea who this male e-thot is and frankly I don't care. If I could give any criticism based on the entirety of my knowledge, it would be that his haircut is pretty sub-par

Same as with Milo, he's gross.

>implying there is anything wrong with his haircut

>implying being gross devalues his message

>All these posters saying that optics don't matter.
They absolutely do. Optics are the most important thing.
What, do you think humans are rational creatures that ONLY weigh arguments based on evidence alone?
No, there is a plethora of factors that go into human decision making and rationality is only rarely found among them.
One would think that with all the time Jow Forums spends on Jews, they would learn at least a few of their tactics.
If any of you have reservations about what I'm saying here, go look any of the dozens of celebrity endorsements of Hilary during the campaign. What do you see? Logically sound arguments made by absolutely atrocious-looking people because "optics don't matter" or good-looking people appealing to your emotions?

We're never going to be able to sell Jow Forums-tier ideas to John Q. Public if one of our salesman is a tattooed degenerates who sodomize themselves on camera?

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>being an optics fag


Arrogant. Pro race mixing. Thinkyabadbutyanot

Suspenders are only for kike shills like Larry King.

>implying larry king didn't have the greatest talk show in america for years

>valid criticism of the man
>pretty nasty behavior

>implying that is a valid criticism

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found the roastie

jej whatever you say nigel

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I wish I had a foreskin

>implying there is anything wrong with this

Not enough moustache wax.

imagine all the fun stuff you could do with it


what does this even mean

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Faggy meme beard. Very gay.

Only people with no ass wear suspenders.
(There's one.)

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Deleted his holocaust-sceptic video

>so used to degeneracy he can't even notice what's normal anymore


>implying implications

hi mfw

Just can't name the jew or say the 14 words

>Race Traitor
>Stuck a butt plug up his ass
>Proud boys are pussies

Attached: 31-300-20180411174535.jpg (300x300, 20K)

He likes to talk about his punk rock days too much.

Also he gets nervous when talking about the jews. Which i guess I can’t blame him for, but still it sort of makes him an underfoot figure.

but he names the jew mehmet

He's more obsessed with personal grooming than most faggots.
He's a fucking leaf.
He's a cuck.
Oh, and he founded VICE.

>proud boys are pussies


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Pretty easy he is conservative in a rather literal sense of it - man obsessed with period of time from the past without recognizing flaws of it and how they transitioned into what west has now. This mindless fetishization bears no useful political idea in itself apart from "r-resist regressive left guys" and is completely oblivious to the fact that, again, degenerate behavior ultimately is a downfall of the West and just toning it back down to 50's won't solve a thing.

I’d worry about saying things antithetical to the Jewish agenda on air. They pull your top sponsors and cuck the goyim into following suit.

He's like every single new aged right winged advocate who sprung up after Obama's election. Fails to even consider the valid points of the opposition, spins facts in order to support his selected sports team. Agrees with his side even when they are wrong or contridictory on certain issues. When confronting the opposition, speaks with non-professionals using loaded and researched data mostly comprised of inaccurate surveys. Spreads lies and untruths when it's convenient just like the left does with their 1 in 4 are raped and 77 cents per dollar bullshit.

Attached: gavin-buttplug.jpg (1024x576, 108K)

>Oh, and he founded VICE.
fuckin BASED


self admitted weak chin hence the beard.

Diversion slide to alt lite

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Giant faggot and best shabos goy?

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Why did he do this?

Shoved something up his ass on camera

For anyone who’s a fan of Kenny vs spenny and wants to see some classic Gavin shit talking check out the link and skip to 16:16

He's not American so we can't have legitimate Hitler 2.0.

attention whoring by actually whoring is asshole

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It seals in the flavor