>no don't spin the crank faster then I can, you're only supposed to get minimum wage!!
Wagie artists not coping
>be engineer
>connect crank to engine
>sit back
>socialists reeee about intelligence being unfair
> be chad.
> turn crank on the HARD machine for 10x more money per crank.
> once strong enough, turn crank on SUPER HARD machine for 100x more per crank.
> laugh at virgin weakling cranking all day for peanuts.
>yes goy, we don't need to raise minimum wage, don't you know us (((job creators))) can barely scrape by?
>think of the (((economy))) you filthy goyim, you have to keep slaving so I can buy another yacht
Good goy :^)
Unironically, you can make a robot that turns the crank automatically
I used to make HALF of minimum wage doing work-for-welfare painting over old asbestos. No mask, no safety. Broke my foot falling off a scaffold due to narcolepsy (the reason I was on welfare in the first place). For not completing the entire workload, I was fined 10 months worth of half-minimum wage, around $7000. I had no job, and what began as welfare immediately reversed itself into crippling debt.
If you're considering welfare, consider being a petty thief instead because it's 100 times more profitable and you have the exact same chance of going to prison.
the robot will never earn enough money to pay itself off otherwise you are making a perpetual motion machine
The minimum wage in new York is currently 8.75 and is scheduled for regular increases up to 15 in the next few years. Get your facts straight.
what's the minimum hourly cost of parking? :)
wtf I love price fixing now!