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BASED. Has there ever been a less respected president in the history of the US?

Pathetic the ballless no guns faggots let it fly without a peep.
Kys England

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it is kinda funny honestly. ppl should be able to express themselves. dont get upset when the US expresses our feelings though

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It is funny. Only not for they reasons they think it is.

It's more pathetic than I could possibly have imagined

Yes, the nigger. People only hid their hatred of the nigger out of fear of the dindunuffin gestapo. HE made us the laughing stock of the world. The ONLY white nation to ever elect a nigger. The US died the day that nigger Obama was put in office.

In every single interview I've seen about this thing It's just elderly women and Muslims who organised this. Really made me think.

>Brits in charge of making political statements using a blimp

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>mfw you need a loicense to fly a balloon this small in UK