>"“When you put your information into a database voluntarily, and law enforcement has access to it, you may be unwittingly exposing your relatives — some you know, some you don’t know — to scrutiny by law enforcement. Even though they may have done nothing wrong,” said Andrea Roth, assistant professor of law at UC Berkeley Boalt School of Law and an expert on the use of forensic science in criminal trials."
Have fun getting framed by the government when they plant your dna somewhere. I hope it was worth it figuring out you're a mutt.
Do they require identification to do the testing? What is to stop you from just giving them some bullshit name so you can satisfy your own curiosity without signing up to get framed ny the jews for rape/murder in 10 years when your political career is starting to take off?
>a fingerprint Have you never been arrested before?
Blake Brooks
As a smart, street wise savvy Euroslav smartboy, it always baffled me how DUMB, how infinitely dumb Amerigoys are.
I mean, sure, you could say "jokes on you to wonder how dumb is a nation of Israel slaves that die for Israel willingly and slice their dicks off strictly to mark their allegiance to Israel" but still...
I'm a man of hope, part of me wants to believe that we hit the rock bottom and that we're going up.
But then I see Amerigoys doing shit like this...
Could you imagine sending your FUCKING DNA to a website called TWENTY THREE AND ME - and all you get from it is to talk that typical amerigoy valley girl dumb cunt shit
"i'm like, such as, like, part iiiiiirish, and, like, part cheerokee, part german and, like, swedish, but my mother's family is from italy"
> dates a nigger, ends up a single mother
Wew, such great ancestry, glad you took the test.
Sebastian White
This.. the East bay rapist was captured because the found a partial match . we could be connected by some far off blood line CanandainCuck & some blood line I have never met can track me to you through them. >falling for the DNA jew
Asher Long
Jose Robinson
Your people are so smart yet live so horribly. Right.
I am a Pharmacologist (not pharmacists) and I have worked a bit with the de-identified database. I am 100% certain the US government has access to the identified database. They absolutely can use this to investigate crime with incredible accuracy, and they already have enough samples to cover 100% of the US population, which only requires Determine gender >Blood type >Rough Age >Race Then they can compare it to the database and determine >12 degrees of separation from person A >8 degrees of separation from person B >6 degrees of separation and shares maternal blood lineage with person C Then it is just a simple matter of comparing it to a standard birth register database.
The government has instituted a complete coverage DNA tracking of the US and they had you pay for it.
Mason Bennett
>hand over your genome >pay for it
Ryan Murphy
Funny hearing that coming from Israel's premiere vassal state. Disgusting infrastructure, legendary bad roads, ultra-jewish (void of soul) neighborhoods, suburban hellscapes, roads (straight, no turns) and cars (automatic) designed for imbeciles, if you move 2 streets away from the facade you enter literal nigger or spic hell - think Ocean Drive Miami...
Yeah, and that pic is not where I'm from, I live in Opatija, google it fagget and cry - or better yet, post your fucking aircraft carriers to impress me, you fucking dumb fat jewish slave.
It was absolutely obvious from day 1. You stupid cunts need to get it through your heads that these companies don't make most their money from selling you some shitty DNA kit, but through selling that information to the highest bidder, like (((pharmaceutical companies))).
Jacob Lee
imagine being from a country that only exists because the U.S. lets it
This is why you shouldn't use your fingerprint to protect your phone. Police can't force you to give up a password, but they can force you to open it with your fingerprint.
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