What's Your Opinion On Population

Shilling my channel
i live in a tiny country Ireland with a small population while i would like it to increase, it should heavily controlled overpopulated places are shitholes but let me know what ye think

Attached: 21862654488_335fa1b061_b.jpg (1024x768, 473K)

>Kill all non-whites

Problem solved

But what about after the culling my Saxon cousin
what then, an uncontrolled birthing program could be a disaster, i'm in favor of something similar to the Nuremberg laws

>could be a disaster
Citation needed. Malthusians have always been wrong.

Ireland has relatively high birthrates for Europe, and domestically we are projected to grow by a million in the next few decades. Automation also decreases demand for jobs so there's that.

no citation needed, just look at the black and browns in your country your being over run even if you got them out there is then who is best and who is worst, should all be allowed to breed?

Whites are the only humans who seem to strike a balance with birth rates and not over populating (with the Japanese being a notable exception).

Just look at the shithole Europe degraded into before the population got destroyed by the black plague or 30% immigrated to the new world.

birthrate is stable with help from the poles but the rise in single mothers and the next generation is full of nigger lovers it does't look to good

Its not as bad as you think

Pic related is for the UK

Attached: HalfBreeding.png (658x886, 157K)

Of the 4% only one of those percents (1%) is with a shitskin. Pic related

Attached: 1%WithNoneWhite.png (1659x899, 249K)

i agree we and the Japs have the just right amount of testosterone and cohesion to thrive but should all people be allowed to breed i think only the best

ya its the media tricking the good goys into thinking theirs loads of blacks and mixed race people join the party mentality,
but it's turned millions like us against them, i honestly think the rise in right wing and nationalism in general will save the white race but rivers of blood to come yet id say

All whites should be allowed to breed. With the only notable exception of retards and the genetically defromed.

>an IQ under 70 in addition to deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors that affect everyday, general living.


There will be blood, of that i have no doubt.

One way is killing all who commit violent crime, thus culling the, and pardon the crude way of putting it but; "violent genes" for lack of a better term. Violence is actually a herritable trait, although the correlation isn't 1 of course.

some sort of benchmark would have be set IQ etc, i would't like to see the poor retards killed but sterilized is more humane i think

I think natural selection does a pretty good job tbf. i don't think they should be not allowed to breed, we just teach our children to not find it attractive which is a fairly easy thing to do as its an innate response to not find deformed people (mentally or physically) attractive.

>natural selection
Is corrupted by society and the morality defined by that society

i see your point but some wamon are not loyal to the tribe while coal burners are rare their relationships are almost sought after the black man white woman narrative is very popular if society allowed it more i think it would be much worse we can't rely on selection alone i think

i don't think killing all violent people would work but some sort of culling is essential, i think even psychopaths can live normally in society in the right circumstances