What is your biggest tinfoil hat political belief or opinion

What is your biggest tinfoil hat political belief or opinion
For example, I believe the right are using Trump to trick the left into being into state rights.

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SOROS is an accelerationist right wing agent

Op is a flaming homo

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I think Israel is a privately owned fiefdom of European bankers and not a sovereign state

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All the media companies are owned by the same people


Between them they pretty much own everything already

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There are actually paid shill on this board.

I think that Obama’s was attempting to nationalize police by strategically getting involved in police conduct cases where there was no way for the state to lose. He would get on the suspects side and get btfo’d. After enough of this he’d make the case that not even he had the power to reform the police, then after Hillary won they would have promoted nationalized police force with a structure similar to the military.

Why I thought this: the Eric garner case didn’t fetch much from the Obama administration.

Why it didn’t happen: whites woke up, police spoke out in favor of body cams, police accountability groups were incompetent fucktards ran by criminals, the Dallas PD (who were never a subject of controversy) got shot during a Black lives matter protest, and trump won.

American liberalism is a deep state false flag to keep socialism at bay

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The US WASP elite made an agreement years ago to gradually relocate and concentrate power in soon-to-be Greater Israel where further generations will live like kings and queens of neo-Biblical non-precedent. Elite WASPs and elite Jews reached a compromise somewhere, agreeing to interbreed to create a master race. Trump is genuine but he is giving white Americans who can't make the jump, a last hurrah and tidying up before SHTF. Clearly, Jared and Ivanka, and Chelsea and her (((husband))), Huckabee Sanders and her (((husband))) represent the first new wave.

Disney is seriously considering filming the next Star Wars trilogy in Israel, and Hollywood as a whole is branching off to Israel. In the next five years, half of all shows will be Israeli adaptations. This is only the beginning. The goyim will simply acclimate to this change.

Jow Forums is a reactionary beacon to American society slowly breaking up into permanent elite and goyim classes, with the elite heading to Israel (and New Zealand as vacation) in the next half Century. There's nothing we can do except light off literal and figurative fireworks and savor the Trump bantz.

this is not even a fucking conspiracy this is literally factually true
have we completed the conversion of Jow Forums into the_donald 2 now? fucking kill yourself

Not really tinfoil. Jow Forums is neutralized and neutered now, and it was heavily monitored since 2015 to study its influence, reach and techniques. Now it's a husk where the socially homeless but nationalistic warm their mitts and mumble. And used for...Trump TV parties.


Trump has known about ayylmaos since he was a kid.
Fight me

the same people of Jow Forums is pretty much the same people of Jow Forums to me and that honestly isn't a good thing.

I agree with this, but I'll add that the mods on payroll aren't even trying to hide the fact that they're sliding and shutting down breads in favor of constantly bringing the general discussion down to ruination and bottom-barrel issues

Hmmm interesting perspective!

The right and the left are being played against each other to distract us from the fact that we are all slaves working under the cover we call the monetary system.

Do you mean that he's actually some sort of right-wing psy-op to legitimise Trump and give the conservative electorate an easy target to direct their anger too? Because I agree with that a lot.

Sad! but true m8

I believe that mental illness is a hoax and that all sickness of the mind has physical underpinnings. Especially homosexuality in relation to commercial plastic softeners