A lot of people use the Nordic countries as an argument for why socialism works. However, one of the rebuttals I have heard for this is that it works there because these countries are largely ethnically homogenous. Can someone explain to me why this makes a difference?
>inb4 niggers ruin everything
I want an actual answer. Like theoretically could socialism work then in a country that is all predominantly Asian? Why does everyone bring the same race impact economic policy.
Nordics have very low corruption and high-trust. Those two factors curtail a lot of the negative effects that might arise by giving increased power to the government. Also they have a small population.
Isaac Anderson
>Can someone explain to me why this makes a difference?
The biggest factor is that an African country with an average i]IQ of 70 is not capable for that kind of system, only a high IQ white country is. Also isolated socialism never was viable that’s why they always strived for world socialist domination.
Because even if there is 1 free country left all the IQ and riches will leave there and a literal brain drain will happen in the socialist countries inevitably destroying them while the free country will strive and prosper
The Nordic nations are not fucking socialist for the 1000th time. They are capitalist and have private ownership of the means of production. They just have a massive tax burden and welfare system. Also, they are not doing good. They are stagnant boring places that have lost most industry and are being overrun by feral niggers. They are Ponzi scheme debt timebombs waiting to explode, just like most of the modern west. Leftism is fucking cancer and will make a nation bleak and a former shell of itself.
Wyatt Sanders
The Swede Gov. secretly euthanized 1000's of children in the 50's 60's to save money for themselves. At the same time they gave money to sexual perverts and murderers, when they did imprison them they gave them upper class apartments in low security settings while their political foes were put in gulags. The Gov. also educated the children to be sex toys for perverts. Socialism ROCKS, if your a deviant
Chase Baker
Democratic socialism is different from socialism and different from communism.
Anthony Howard
So basically Mexico becoming socialist with this new person they elected will ruin the country because of the high levels of corruption and low trust in the society?
Adam Cooper
Yea, it's one of the left's memes that won't fucking go away. It's fucking retarded. Whenever I argue against socialism over here, all I ever hear about is how the Nordic nations are socialist and doing great. I hate leftists so fucking much.