This scares Jow Forums

Your women will always be ours

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must be nice to have all that time to live in the gym, while us white guys have been getting fat slouching over desks and labs and workshops building fuckloads of weapons and feeding the world.
if i didn't spend all day machining explosive lenses for nuclear weapons, i'd look like that too.

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Why do you reply to this shit? just post this and move on

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the funny part is that's a negro with some upper body strength. you don't see that very often, which is probably why niggers always sucker punch people.

Fuck off and die, memeflag


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>This scares Jow Forums
you have no idea who is here, op.
lessers do not scare us.

Yes, the thought of being born a nigger scares me. Think about all the wasted potential and mental constraints I would feel. All the amazing thoughts and artistic feelings I would be missing out on. The books, the music, the travels, the satisfaction of working that I wouldn’t be experiencing.

Truly horrifying.


nice meme flag nigger.

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TurkROACHE scum.
Mentally ill, gay TurkROACHE scum.