Why do they have so much fascination over a fucking hat? Is there some psycological explanation?
Why do they have so much fascination over a fucking hat? Is there some psycological explanation?
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They need to smoke and drink for ten years before it fits
It's a low-effort thing they can do to change their outward appearance.
They're too autistic to realize that it doesn't help.
>They're too autistic to realize that it doesn't help.
I think the biggest problem is it's supposed to be a formal hat and they always wear it with some anime t-shirt and shorts or some shit like that. They also decide to wear it in situations that don't call for it, like at the mall or in school. If they were actually wearing the appropriate attire for an appropriate occasion, it would be a lot less cringey.
Unironically this. Young looking men, even if they're in good shape (which these obviously aren't) don't look good in fedoras and frankly look slightly out of place in most formal wear.
It's a shame fags ruined the fedora. They looked pretty good without a cheeto-stained anime tshirt and faggot beneath it.
>formal wear
doesn't mean what you think it means, ffs
white tie is an example of formal wear
a business suit isn't one, Mutt
Or, here's an idea, formal wear means something different in different cultures you retarded frog. Not that I said jack about suits.
Losers going to lose.
what i don’t get is how they’re known to be the biggest cringey neckbeard red flag yet people still wear them unironically
Business suits are everyday wear.
nope, you niggering shitwit
it's in the fucking name
you dress in formal wear for formal events
your kind may lack so much culture that just dressing a little smart, instead of putting your sharted jeans and burger sauce stained t-shirt on, is thought of as formal, but it doesn't change shit: it still isn't formal
to hide their balding due to excessive masturbation
wait is this legit? I'm whacking my strands off on the daily?
Everything interesting is considered cringey at this point so I roll with it
society has taught that them can just wear the same thing they percieve as "class" and achieve it
yeah man, nofap grows ur hair back.
also i just noticed i got a 14/88 digit, nicc
Checked and terrified
tfw very balding
It's because white people have something called class. You subhuman spics and niggers think you're so great because you have "swag" but swag is for boys and class is for men.
wear a hat
Or you're a fuckwit whose talking out your ass and using your countrymen as a shield. Anyone who thinks buisiness wear is the same thing as formal wear is top prole.
The question I want the answer to is why they're so obsessed by cake. Look back over the past while. The amount of times cake pops up in liberal and especially fag discourse online has been remarkable. Search cake + Tina Fey for a good start.
it actually works the other way
it's accumulated testosterone production that causes balding
and nofap increases testosterone
so if anything nofap accelerates hair loss
Fedora detected
The day one can afford a hat is the greatest day of any millennial.
Think of it as equel to a final house payment.
This is their mortgage burning party.
not even
Neckbeards didn't ruin fedoras they brought them back
Who do i believe Jow Forums?
Also i apologize for not acknowledging that 1488, good stuff brother
do your research (then see I'm right)
"I'm not un-cool, I'm actually too classy and intelligent for my peers. I'm of a different generational mindset."
"Let me wear this fedora and act like a reincarnated grizzled P.I. from the 50's"
Do not listen to the faguette, take advice from based Flemishbro.
Head massages also help grow hair back.
Why should I aspire to act like my peers if they act like morons? Why should I aspire to have their taste if their taste sucks? Why should I aspire to have their attitudes if I don't agree with them?
It's the equivalent of gorilla's beating their chests.