Oh look, a dog is better behaved than your average white university age student.
Maybe not raping women isn't so hard after all?
Oh look, a dog is better behaved than your average white university age student.
Maybe not raping women isn't so hard after all?
Other urls found in this thread:
>here's a picture of my shitbull, i tell him not to eat me and he does it, how hard was that?
if she got drunk and passed out the dog would totally eat the steak and probably give her a go too
LOL. Put that same dog in the room with a bitch in heat and talk to me after.
Actually he wont get any closer because you're in the fucking room and he is programmed to react violently to stimulus and doesn't have a theory of mind, therefore thinks that you will react violently yourself to the intrusion.
Also it's doggy law that the alpha eats first AND last. The dog expects to use these opportunities to advance his social position. you will use them to train him.
Leave the room for 20 minutes and see if the dog doesn't eat the steak
>why wont men obey my every command like dogs?
>Maybe not raping women isn't so hard after all?
Tell that to the nigs, spics, and kebabs.
A dog is not, in fact, more well-behaved than me. I can happily ignore her.
I really tried doc I did my best but I can't stop raping women.
Yeah the dog isnt going after the steak because he wants to eat an infant child instead.
Women deserve to be raped for spamming these Alinsky-tier non-arguments all the time and expecting to be taken seriously
>pit bull
>Warning Hair in profile pic
>completely illogical comparison of two things
>subtle begging to share at the end
This person has nothing of worth to offer any conversation.
Here's a midget.
>Women deserve to be raped
Ugh, I really can't believe you even just posted that, even if it was a joke. You're a piece of shit, you realise that, right?
walk out of that room for five minutes
Why eat steak when you can eat people?
I really am sick of seeing roasties with pitbulls and I own a pitbull.
This bitch will get fucked up by her dog mark my words
what do you mean?
That dog will kill you if you break the unspoken contract. And it will take men and guns to put things back in order.
Gay dog or drugged.
wow she is hot
This so true, I knew a man with two bigg ass pitbulls like massive dogs and he was so poor he couldn't feed then properly and one night when he was eating the little food he had for himself the dogs kept looking at him like they were going to fuck him up luckily they didnt
>women get raped due to the way they are dressed
Literally nobody says that. Also, her house looks like a shithole, her dog is ugly, and her dinner looks like diarrhea and vomit on a plate.
This bitch looks dumb as fuck
Men wouldn't rape if the police were watching...
the worst part is that more men would undoubtedly do whatever this bitch said whereas the only dog that will listen to her is the one that is stuck with her and relies on her for food.
aka the dogs of people
>why can't we just train men like we do animals
I think she revealed a lot more about her personality than she thinks.
Oh I wish I could meet this condescending little girl. I'd be grinning from ear to ear.
Reminder that when failed abortions say "It's the owner, not the dog!" they're literally talking about women and niggers.
>"men ravaging women is like dogs ravaging steaks"
>dumb thot actually admitting that women are meat
Now leave that steak out on the front porch and see what happens.
stupid pitmommies
Even the best dog would eat the steak if she left the room.
There is a huge difference between dressing like a whore in front of your brother and doing the same in front of a stranger.
To make that simil accurate she'd have to wiggle the steak around a kennel. And that's why women are stupid.
Also this.
For a moment I thought it was OP's legless cunt after playing with that pitbull's needs for too long.
If women could only be taught not to throw away babies...
>Feminist retard owns pitbull
Imagine my shock.
Good. Now wave the steak at him while energetically asking him if he wants the steak. Are you going to be surprised when he goes for it?
I remember watching a documentary about the genius of dogs. It was about how when humans became none nomadic and actually starting producing waste products that edible to dogs, the dogs stopped hunting us and became our friends because they knew we had a renewable food resource.
The dogs we see today are thousands of years of human breeding to be subservient to humans. Men have never been subservient to women, in fact we created the world they enjoy so we won't cower to them like dogs.
ahaha fcuk
>That image
Fuck you made me have a little giggle. I feel pitbulls in particular get a bad rap but I can say from my own experience growing up with one that they're not all just violent creatures. In fact, the pitbull I was around was a little wuss, I remember her cowering & whimpering because she saw a rat. She was a genuinely good dog, very loving and caring, just a shame she ended up getting run over.
So Blacks have less impulse control than dogs
thats not true at all
leave for only 0,05 seconds
To be fair, little doggos are violent as fuck when I get near me and I have no idea why. The shit they pull would make headlines if they were a larger breed, but they get away with that shit 100% of the time.
The dog is clearly more interested in mauling her face than the steak.
>ITT: white males defend rape
Wouldn’t expect anything less. Why aren’t white men so degenerate?
>Why aren’t white men so degenerate?
Typical nigger, can't even form coherent sentences to make his point.
Our (white men's) point is: animals will be animals
>owns a pitbull
Why are these dogs so popular among legbeards?
Go to bed faggot
Oh look,a 3 month old post dug up and spammed onto the board,again.fuck off,SAGE.
Nothin personnel kid
Oh you!
>strawman, anecdotal fallacy, appela to ridicule, red herring, et al
lets change the definition
>being 50cm near the plate is rape now
Fucking newfags
> Wiseman
Midgets suffer a lot of spinal problems. I hope she's okay. It must be a lot of work to maintain a good body as a midget considering the spine thing.
>leave house for 1 hour
>come home
>steak isn't touched
>dog is dead because nigger broke in and shot him
>burglar ejaculated on your bed before leaving
You have the mind of a child
Fuck off
This I've had my faggot dog for over 6 years and thought I could trust it and it still ate my food the other week when I went to the bathroom. Dogs are stupid animals and get away with everything they think they can.
I was only 19 years old.
I loved Žižek so much, I had all the books and films.
I pray to Žižek every night, thanking him for the knowledge he's given me. “Žižek is love” I say, “Žižek is life."
My dad is Jordan Peterson. He hears me and calls me a cultural marxist. I knew he was just jealous of my devotion to Žižek.
I called him a pseudo-intellectual.
He hits me and sends me to sleep.
I'm crying now and my face hurts.
I lay in bed and it's really cold. i smell something...
It's Žižek! I was so happy.
He whispers in my ear an obscene joke.
As I laugh he grabs me with his slavic hands and puts me on his lap. I'm ready.
I am all ears for Žižek.
He penetrates my mind and expands my view on the current predicament.
It hurts so much, but I do it for Žižek. I can feel my neoliberal illusions shatter and my eyes starting to water as i am picturing future authoritarian regimes in the west.
I want to revitalise the left.
He sniffs a mighty sniff as he fills my young mind with his wisdom.
My dad walks in.
Žižek looks him straight in the eye and says,
"Capitalism is entering an authoritarian phase."
Žižek crushes him in a debate and leaves through my window.
Žižek is love. Žižek is life.
Part of me likes pitbulls because of all the retard pitbull owners they maim. It's a pretty complex feeling.
Now bring a strange dog into your house.
That's not very fair at least my doggo isn't ruining civilization.
I think I can leave my dog alone with my food on the table
As a pup he grabbed my pork chop right off my plate lol. So I grabbed him by his hind legs and lifted him and spun him around until he pissed himself.
He’s never even looked at my dish ever since
Fucking lol saved
I guarantee a white man trained that fucking dog.
>pitbulls biting each other and owner
>guy pepper spraying everyone from 30 ft away
Fucking pol before I came here I wouldn't have found this so funny what have you done to me?
I just "listen and believe" the men who say they didn't rape and then there wasn't any rape problem anymore.
if our ancestors werent raping each other into existence we wouldnt even be a life today as we know it.
if women are so worried about rap y dont they just tie a rap whistle around their neck everytime they go outside.
checkmate femenests
cute pupper. would leave unattended with small children/10
In Tucson they actually have stickers on dumpsters that say "Don't throw your baby away" or something like that and have the number of the local firehouse on it
He's using citronella spray, not pepper spray. It's supposed to snap dogs out of a state of aggression during a fight.
t. worked at pet store in high school/college and had to use it a couple times
>equating men who dont rape with a pathetic obedient animal
Nothing turns a woman off more than a guy who asks for permission
>"Capitalism is entering an authoritarian phase."
Yeah it is, and you know what else? JP is one of it's architects, right down to his false anti-christ teachings.
>letting failed genes like that perpetuate
If a mother throws her baby away, she should also be thrown away.
My collie would eat the steak then go out to the garden for ten minutes and mope as if he decided to punish himself and the steak was worth the punishment. Miss him so much, rip.
hahahaha yeah desu i am cautious of pit bulls because of all these cases that they've apparently attacked without provocation. theyre quite unattractive looking dogs anyway.
why is desu turning in to desu? this isnt the first time ive not been aware of typing desu and yet aparently ive typed desu. am i being fucked with or do i have some serious issues...
okay what the fuck??
Yeah you have issues to be honest