How Syrian bodybuilders can show Trump how to BTFO Antifa and win a violent leftist revolution

Long story short - need to get supporters to move to the cities.

More relevant pics to follow.

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Like the Alawites and Assad, white Americans have a lot riding on the Trump regime. A single amnesty for illegal, now a part of the Democrats platform, would permanently destroy whites' federal electoral prospects along with most of their state and local ones.

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Given this interdependent relationship, it's only natural that young white men form the core of street support for the regime. After all, they have the most to lose in the event of a Trump defeat. But, young white currently aren't well positioned to physically support him.

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So what can we learn from the Shabiha? Primarily the need to create high-trust urban enclaves of loyalists. Cities are where most political activity occurs, but Trump's base is mainly rural and suburban. Must change if we want to field large numbers to push back.

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Same story at every contentious protest: right-wingers, who had to drive or be bussed into the area, face off against huge numbers of leftists who walked there. Trump must concentrate his supporters where they can respond to agitation quickly and with few logistical needs.

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How can Trump do this? For starters, like Assad, he must give his supporters financial incentives to concentrate in disputed urban centers. He could provide workers in largely pro-Trump industries (energy, arms, corrections, etc.) relocation funds or bonuses.

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I wonder if Assad is okay. I'm worried about him.

Old news. If you want to punch leftist faggots you just join the Proud Boys (No, you don't have to do any gay stuff to join.) and wait until Skinny Gene takes a swing at you with his stick.

Fuck off Tyler

I tried to join. The head of my local chapter said I had to give him a hand job behind the dumpster. Can't wait for my first march!!!


Point is we're stupidly out-numbered in cities. Cities would be shut down in event of violent leftist revolution. Natl guard called in and martial law called, but the cucks in Washington would pass conciliatory measures (more immigration/open border BS) to pacify the crowd. All avoided if there's a ready strong presence of supporters already in place in the cities.

He mentions some proposals. Did you read the thread or are you too busy fapping?

Look at my reflection Jack, you faggot.

All of the big cities are now full of diseased homeless (hep A, etc) on very strong chinese drugs. The second civility really breaks down we don't have to do anything, the zombie hoard will literally eat their way through the radically unarmed normie population. If, say, LA were to be hit by an earthquake, the 50K hoard living along the LA river alone would overwhelm FEMA in a minute. There is no need for stocking the cities with right wing safety squads. We plan on letting the zombies roam for a while then setting fire to the whole thing. Nothing of value will be lost.

Not to mention how much artillery the Natl Guard and military has aimed at the cities...

> martial law called
> cucks in Washington pass conciliatory measures (more immigration/open border BS) to pacify crowd
> America becomes Mexico FASTER

Ok, I think I'll need to post the whole thread for you brainlets. Stay tuned.

Although less savory, Trump could also ensure that his supporters dominate the underworld. Not only could we direct money from vice to our communities, but we could also ensure more insidious crime (opioid sales, human trafficking, etc.) is kept out of them.

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The Shabiha overmatched enemies of the regime because of state-sponsored fitness culture. Passing steroids to his supporters wouldn't be the best idea, but Trump could easily provide government-funded fitness training and even supplements to young people.

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Another good route would be to hire Trump supporters to revitalize blighted urban neighborhoods and infrastructure. He could give the workers incentives to relocate to they places they rebuild, including low-interest loans, education support, living stipends, or simply cash.

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All of these work towards the same goal: concentrating Trump's most loyal supporters where they're needed most while expanding their economic and social ties to regime. The more integrated young whites become, the more likely they are to fight to protect what's theirs.

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If this happened the heavily armed middle of the country would murder everyone in DC and you know it.

>and you know it.
Now that I think more than a second on it, this is clearly just bait to drag more morons in to the city. Fuck off and die, shill.

Not everything is bait, you paranoid faggot. What would be so bad about having more right wing squads where they'll actually be needed. It could also turn some states red, as young whites moving to the city would be voting conservative. Are you afraid of the city or something?