Remember when Jow Forums said Hillary was sick and would die before her first term?
Jow Forums was wrong once again, she has never been healthier
Remember when Jow Forums said Hillary was sick and would die before her first term?
Jow Forums was wrong once again, she has never been healthier
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No, I do not remember Jow Forums saying that, actually. I remember some speculation about her health and her having to be held up by her entourage a couple of times, though.
So, anyway, what's your point? I've not heard a lot from Hilary since the election, apart from her trying to cash in on it with a book straight after.
All we did were laugh at her stroke like behavior when in public once and put her on a death/coma watch, no specific year mentioned.
>Remember when Jow Forums said Hillary was sick and would die before her first term
She's still going to die before her first term because she's never getting one.
The dreaded kuru.
>unironically listening to Jow Forums
Know the best part?
This is the year Trump wins fucking everything.
Democrats will lose mid-terms, Ruth Bader Ginsberg will die, and leave the pant-shitting socialists spitting mad
Then Mueller will have to finally release his report so everyone can see the huge nothingburger that millions of taxpayer dollars have been wasted on.
Then God Emperor President Trump (uhhhnnng fuck YAS) gets to declare national prosperity right before the big red tsunami in November.
Hey, don't forget the British EU negotiations cunt!
He'll offer the UK an incredible deal . Or we'll just tell them he did. ;)
Are you guys with me?
God Emperor Donald J. Trump. Republican supermajority. Republican Supereme Court for decades to come.
We're literally literally going to be dragging Antifa pantshitters into FEMA camps this time next year for obstructing ICE and other Federal employees. We'll literally be giving their welfare checks to hard-working people as tax breaks. We'll LITERALLY be doing whatever the fuck we want and there's exactly FUCK ALL degenerate freaks can do about it.
Congrats, babydicks.
You beat your chests and thrust your little dicks thinking you'd won the entire world when Obama won.
Now, you get to find out what a big, brutal bloodthirsty behemoth real Americans are. And how much delicious mischief we'll do with no rules, no limits, and no more progressive shitfucks standing in our way.