Russia and China

Do Americans even stand a piss ants chance against this union?

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And just how the fuck are you gonna do that? Combined their economy dwarfs the USA, and Russia may absorb more of the EU because Trump is pushing America's allies away. You are fucked from all sides whitey and your country is wrought with turmoil from the inside also. It is literally like watching the collapse of Rome.

>Russia & China
Don't confuse a vassal and master as mutual allies.

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Imagine fighting an army who has not only polluted their own water supply, but also the air and food. No change, no chance at all. Sad!

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>And just how the fuck are you gonna do that?
with European allies SHITTING on your faggot ass
no buts 2bh


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google blue water navy

>Implying Jews won't drop refugees in both countries in the next decades,making them shitholes,only to save Europeans,so they milk them forever
You know nothing,my friend

t.Eastern European Jew

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What did the Aussie shitposter mean with this?

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>Eastern European Juden
>Suspicious Memeflag
Stop Larping as MOSSAD, nigger.

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Their hatred for the west is the only thing keeping them together

>Combined their economy dwarfs the USA

Italy has a higher GDP than Russia. China is still inferior.

How the fuck are they going to fight when they're busy dying of thyroid cancer and dioxin exposure

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Russia has no territorial ambitions. China wants Taiwan and the South China Sea and that's about it. which Russia won't back them up on. it's part of a grander Eurasian coalition which is being formed as a temporary convenience against the West. for example, India and Pakistan, who fucking hate each other, have jumped on the train together as well.

>Russia has no territorial ambitions.

Except all the former soviet republics

china has china quality equipment, all show, no power

>He doesn't know about the eastern Jewish tribes and their influence in Europe

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>falling for fear mongering propaganda this hard

Belarus is by far the most compatible former Soviet republic with Russia, and virtually all work on unifying again stopped over 20 years ago.

lol come try it faggit

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Geography and a more powerful military. China cannot fight a war at the present, and they are too unstable to reach the level they need to take on the US. Russia is in a similar position, and even if our allies get a little rustled at us, they still know that we're preferable to the alternative. The only hope that anybody on this earth has of beating the United States is to start a war within the next 5 years and hope for the best. The window is closing. US hegemony in space will ensure an American millennium.

They'll send their qt waifus to be impregnated

America will become a shithole due to miscegenation you faggot nigger spic mutt :((((((((

I'm fuckin' laughing my balls off because the image you used is hilarious. WHATCHA GOT BEHIND YER BACK, BEAR RUSSIA

destroy their comms
destroy their food supply

>and Russia may absorb more of the EU because Trump is pushing America's allies away
the EU is more of a liability than an asset. they can't even arm themselves and get mad when they are told to spend money on their own defense

Doesn't mean it won't rule the world and be more legendary than any civilization that has ever existed.

Imagine being this delusional. Cringe.

>Spotted the CIA

Bring it the fuck on Commie. The reality is your pissant troops have no choice but to die for their leadership. I would voluntarily die to a mortar round after piling 500 of you asiatic fucks up as sandbags if my president asked it of me. To the constitution and the founding fathers goes my soul. Get the fuck off my goddamn lawn.

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Good luck ruling the world with 80 points of IQ lmao

>Dying for Goy Emperor

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>forgetting the last 100 years of history
Kinda sad a 300 year old country has surpassed one that literally memes itself as the original civilization.
Russia is an empty, broke, resource rich shithole, with extremely corrupt cities.
Ya, I think we'll be fine

>I wanna go to war
>Writes that while sitting in a comfy house
>With electricity
>Running water
>Available food
>Without the stress of controlling every cm because you might die thanks to an IED
Absolute cringe

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When you get a grip on your failed economy and develop a border policy and actually keep the shitskin hor- wait... macedonians are shitskins. I've met your beaknosed women.

Get fucked and stay the fuck off my lawn.

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>Dying for something you believe or dying for nothing
Either way we die, so might as well die for the benefit of someone that loves his country. There has to be someone even you can trust.

No... that’s why you JOIN them

Russia and China are FAR more likely to have a military conflict than the US and Russia. US and China conflict in the south seas might happen and china would capitulate in a month because we would cut off 80% of their energy and they couldnt do anything about it.

>doesn't even attempt an argument

>56% american calling 98% Macedonian a shitskin

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Russia is literally on its deathbed. All they have are gas and oil like any sandnigger country and the 50-80s engine and rocket headstart they gained stealing from Germany and the West.

Hey nigger lover, nobody wants to goto war.

Thestack of Vets i know fucking love our President and Mad Dog Mattis. If they already served and respect our leadership, will step up if asked.

Remove your memeflag and fix your shitheap country, if you own men weren't busy loading onto "refugee" ships and abandoning their women and children to the monsters in their homeland, you wouldn't have U.S. soldiers kicking your mudhuts down.

Go lay down in front of a tank.

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this, I'm happy I live in a country with nukes

lol thats a fake bear

Go back to your shitty occult Charles Manson tier natsoc larping. In the end, you're just another shitty stormfag who supports an inferior version of Reich ideology, and is so desperate for any sort of approval cock that you support (((civic nationalists))) like ((Trump))).

Pic related is you.

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Kraut and Polack genes. Goes back 6 generations to the boats from Europe. So eat my sauerkraut laden dick you shitskin.

Again, secure your own borders and handle your economy. And then your pissant excuse of a shitskin filled nation might have an iota of an opinion that is valid.

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I'm pretty sure USA would only benefit from a war against these two. It'd give US the pretense to abolish all sorts of destructive socialist practices while sending millions of dindus to their deaths.

Yes. We have 46% of all the world's guns. They better bring 2 billion troops.

>Calling other Balkan slavs Untersmensch

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Dont underestimate anyone you want to consider an enemy. Instead, study their strengths, weigh your disadvantage against their strengths, then through doing this you shall find your strengths & their weaknesses.

Then play your strength against their weakness

they're not actually friends.

Found the Chinese spy.

Fix your countries economy and border and you are welcome to a valid opinion about my nation.

We aren't natsoc's here, we're Americans "I pledge allegiance to the republic for which stands." . Pull your head out of your ass. And fix your own shit.

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They won't even reach our shores. There is a problem though that the leaders don't see or rather cannot do much about it. Its the Mexican border; its through their that they can launch a successful attack on the US soil. I am sure they have great battle plans for such an attack but I hope we would just militarily controlled their country to avoid such a mess that is guaranteed in the future.

The fuck is going on here?
By the pope!!

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Kraut AND Pole.

Never called anyone an untermensch, i called your excuse of a nation a shitskin laden cesspit.

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china is a paper tiger
EU would probably join the US

You ain't fooling anyone Pavloski

There's not a regime that can take the US. There's not even one that has the balls to step foot on our soil. The battle would be fought on their turf and we would win.


>Macedonia - 95%, assuming you don't count Turk and Romani "Shitskins"
>America - le 56%, and projected like pic related

I always laugh when Americans commentate on our ethnic politics.

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I don't understand how a country with so many brilliant people can continually waste so much talent. They consistently crank out fields medalists, top chess players, engineers, writers. And they just keep sucking. Communism/Kleptocracy was a helluva 1-2 punch.

>I always laugh when Americans commentate on our ethnic politics.
You don't get to laugh very often, do you? I know that feel, bro.

We wuz da real Romans and Macedonians'n sheeeet

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>and we would win
Lmao, dont be so delusional

the chink 'aircraft carrier' had to be towed back to port less than a week after it launched recently, also the runway on the ship is too short for their seaborne aircraft so the whole thing has to be scrapped and remade.

Chinks are effeminate as fuck and I wouldnt even count on them to zerg rush

pissant is one word.

Trust me. Russia will turn on China. There can only be one superpower on the continent. Once China starts collapsing Russia will join us in partitioning and ruling China.

Yes because neither of those countries have anything close to a formidable navy.

> Combined their economy dwarfs the USA, and Russia
Factually incorrect

I’m eager to find out.

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