Guys WTF is this?

Seen this on Twitter about the queen meeting trump

Is... is that a Bogdanoff? Are the memes becoming real?

Thought this was a photoshop but this is the actual picture all over google for this front page.

Attached: 39769C29-6F29-45CD-8D0C-AC01BDEA1D32.jpg (700x891, 132K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nah just a Habsburg bro

That's fake tabloid garbage. Ofc it's a real picture but the salute wasn't seen as negative back then, nor the swastika.

stop the presses

It's why the Royal family changed their last name to Windsor to sound like they are English.

it's a real photo but before the war started in 1939 most people didn't have a negative opinion of the 3rd reich. most were neutral or mildly supportive at the time

He took ze throne? Force abdicate

>nazi salute

That's not the "Nazi salute". It's a European salute over 2,000 years old representing European manhood and excellence.

>what is the Roman salute

It’s the fact there’s a bogdanoff in the image bros

Attached: 821C73F9-C703-47C8-ADC6-824CDAB399AC.jpg (480x360, 65K)

>oh noes someone did a thing 80 years ago that had little meaning then but means bad things now! Let's all clutch our pearls!

I hate the news.

Edward VIII was forced to abdicate after about a month of rule by the (((real rulers))) of the UK because of some nonsense "constitutional crisis" and because he was on good terms with the nazi party

He was forced to abdicate because he married some used-up American roastie.


I see it bruh

Miss you Edward

Attached: Edward_.jpg (590x875, 66K)

So are you saying that the royal family should have been more progressive and allowed them to break tradition and let him marry a divorcee?

Try and tell me that’s not are Nige

Thanks user, It’s as if the salute distracts people from the fact a bogdanoff is in the picture

Attached: E26CA7AC-1942-456F-BF3C-13DBABDA78BC.jpg (1200x675, 78K)

If you believe that you’re retarded lol. He was forced to abdicate because he was close to Hitler, Wallace Simpson was what theabout told the public. There’s even video watch for yourself.

Back then the Nazi salute was more like pic related.

Attached: 8552F394-8EDE-4843-8406-6038BE8E4423.jpg (619x385, 79K)

He was literally given a choice: your country or the roastie. He chose the roastie.

He was an enemy of the Five Jew Bankers. He could not remain

You have bogdabots inside of you right now.

Attached: 1415210550777.png (988x768, 1003K)

Im smell some jewish shit here he wasnt even King a whole year and this disgusting daemon forces him to quit wtf?? He was pushed out in 1936 he could have stopped WW2 and SAVED ALL OF THIS WHY!!
fuck im mad

Attached: 800px-King_Edward_VIII_and_Mrs_Simpson_on_holiday_in_Yugoslavia,_1936.jpg (800x1060, 143K)

The king of the british empire gave up his throne for that disgusting man jawed divorcee
Royal family pushed him out or he was seduced by a succubus

Attached: 800px-King_Edward_VIII_and_Mrs_Simpson_on_holiday_in_Yugoslavia,_1936 disgusting.jpg (419x645, 59K)

>those shoulders and hands

Like I said, if you choose to believe governments tell the entire truth to their citizens, you can believe that, I know that government never tell their citizens the real reason they do things.

Attached: 1530633342464.png (602x1088, 177K)

Just disgusting man makes me want to puke. Every eligible girl in the known world at his command.
picks this disgusting piece of garbage and throws away his country and the world to the jews

By the end of 1934, Edward was irretrievably besotted with Wallis, finding her domineering manner and abrasive irreverence toward his position appealing; in the words of his official biographer, he became "slavishly dependent" on her.
Where was the royal family to assassinate this tranny demon dominatrix

Her father was Teackle Wallis Warfield, the fifth and youngest son of Henry Mactier Warfield, a (((flour merchant))) described as "one of the best known and personally one of the most popular citizens of Baltimore" who ran for mayor in 1875.[6] Her mother was Alice Montague, a daughter of stockbroker William Latane (((Montague))).

I just saw the Queen of England bite an infant's neck, drain it of blood, and 5-0 grind down a handrail in Buckingham Palace

Attached: queen2.jpg (356x534, 35K)

infant blood is the only thing keeping this witch alive at this point

>Is... is that a Bogdanoff? Are the memes becoming real?

What do you really think 2 twin brothers got the exact same plastic surgery operations every time resulting in turning them in exactly the same freaks?

Oh my sweet summer child....

Attached: 1484580180226.jpg (1024x717, 90K)

"The marriage produced no children."

That wasn't a negative sign back then.
School children in America use to salute the flag with arms out, some palms up but I don't think it was always the case.


Attached: bogdanoff sister.jpg (1155x916, 112K)