Give me one positive outcome of accepting Africans into your country

I honestly can’t think of one good thing.

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If you're looking to purchase real estate, a temporarily nigger infestation will greatly lower the local property values. They can always be gotten rid of later via Section 8, after a sizable campaign contribution to the Democratic party.


>That new tire smell

They’re good for target practice

>one good thing.

Think of the delicious ethnic meals they will prepare!!!

new cultural experiences for a generation of ignorant morons and amazing food

try not being so racist. these people need our help and we would greatly benefit from them


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>hundred thousand
an hunred or even less it's more then enough to completely destroy a country

You can enslave them

>their cuisine
I can’t have pizza unless it’s cooked by an Italian?

this is when you link the webm of niggers eating another nigger's leg

HIV tests

These people can’t feed themselves and shouldn’t exist.

white women get their precious bbc

Never seen an African restaurant in my life and never heard anyone say they like African food
Only Indian/ Chinese/Arab food is popular

It will help them.

RIP to Italy then?

and make a profit? jew indeed

more happenings

Kek you Israelis have the right idea deporting them.

all the laughs of watching the machinations of an inferior race

That Jaw to Brain Ratio

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They're like xenomorphs but real. We've got to wipe them out before we unlock interplanetary travel, it is our responsibility to the rest of the galaxy.

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There are more spots available for people who want to go to law enforcement or work in prisons as wardens.

should look for the manufacturer of these rafts and kill him

RIP to every western country

There isn't any.

Africanization is the destroyer of worlds, the annhilator, the great flood and the biggest red pill of all: planet earth's great filter.

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At least your wives will be happy.

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A better football team.

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Y'all did back in the 1600's. Do it again.

>amazing food

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More Somali QT's Is ok with me plus great food!

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way to miss the point you fucking retard

Is this young negro drinking sea water? Jesus Christ.

Our culture is becoming africanized so quickly its scary.

Live Targets for shooting practice

What's your point? That people's lives will be transformed for the better simply by interacting with people who have a dissimilar racial background as them?

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are they in fresh water? or are they drinking the sea?

>Right now, Pedro is blasting some sort of trumpet and accordion mix in the back of a Chinese restaurant in every city in the US while not being Chinese.

West African toasted Baguettes guys, Europe needs more Africans hey I think it is great just more women for me to impregnate and bleach

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You don't need to have niggers living in your country in order to enjoy Jazz or any type of music for that matter.

No you.

They are cute?

It's extremely aggressive in the UK in particular the Africanization of depictions of history, not even childrens educational programmes are spared, not even r younglings!

I wish more people realized how bad Africanization is in the UK. It's horrific.

>that’s from French colonizers

>wanting stupid, dysfunctional mulatto children
Good goy!

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I am jealous AF though how americans get QT Latino conservative women though plus great mexican and latino food! We trade you some blacks for a couple chicas ok?

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checkmate nazis

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>Give me one positive outcome of accepting Africans into your country.

massive red pilling in turning people racist as fuck

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White Man And Black women is the most successful pair! Only strong white men like me can get hot Black Qt's

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Embrace your colonial ways white man and get to work bleaching!!!

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There's nowhere you can discuss it properly but it's so flagrant it hurts. At the same time, England is so utterly fucked demographically for under 30s the representation almost makes sense. Like it's insane, I come from Scotland and visited around near Birmingham, which I know is bad, but Jesus Christ lads, it's another world. It makes me feeling sick in my stomach for England.

Glasgow is going the same way but it's decades off. England man, what the fuck. I would make fun of you but it's too sad.

I would trade all blacks for hispanics in a second

why haven't you impregnated and african princess yet?

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No joke born and raised in London and I was 1 of 2 white english kids in my class.
In some areas of London the only white people are Poles/Romanians, we are already the minority

That looks like an Indian

east african i think


Isn't southwest london the most white and best part of London?

They are good Football players

We get absolute fuckin BANGERS like this

already submitting to the idea of losing to the African all star team?

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>raised in London
>1 of 2 white kids

Me too man, I feel like Peter Hitchens in that picture of him walking in Turkey every time I go to get milk.

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I'm going to be going to London for around a month for training as I'm about to start work for a big (((bank))). I'll see what it's like but Christ man, my visits to England leave me very sad. I've felt this way since I was maybe 9 years old, I'd see "English" school kids in hijabs and shit on CBBC programmes and just think "what the fuck why are they in the UK"?

I'm sorry you grew up in that. My secondary school had like 10 minority kids out of 1000, and they were mostly Chinese and very assimilated, no Muslims at all.

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>Worked in Dubai for a year
>did a business trip to london a little while ago
>Saw more Middle Easterners in London than Dubai

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When you see welfare queens I see doctors, engineers, professors, etc.

the only cultural experience blacks share with you is their love of violence

my wife's son

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They're an excellent means of both rapidly dispersing and creating horrific mutations of the pathogens you engineer in your government funded laboratory.

Second to none, anons. Second to fucking none.

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Meh, it's not that bad. Indians are practically 100% assimilated at this point, Pakistanis and Bengalis and are quite docile and will basically become the new working class in a couple decades (they already have the thick regional accents and are losing their already mild Pakistani accents they picked up from their parents). The blacks born here are culturally completely English though still over contribute to crime wherever they are, but they will be mixed out in the coming decades and mixed race people are accepted as English, so they will also be bleached out by 2050 as they mix with the local chavs and single mothers. The blacks who have black families will probably move into the middle class and have less children anyway before eventually also intermixing with other ethnic groups, mostly Whites.

Basically in 50-100 years, most people in England will look like Welsh mutts

To help these people who have nothing, accepting them makes a positive difference. Now they can wear clothes, eat pizza and hamburgers and live in houses too.

You begin making the world a better place one by one in small increments

it's the opposite in yurop as the government pays the market value rent to the proprietor for their brown pets to live in and that keeps the boomers' property investments as inflated as they are accustomed to and actually increases the value of other properties as there's that much more competition for actual citizens to get into the limited remaining spaces. the property value will only go down when the government decides to stop paying the rents and the owners go into realize the third world idiots have ruined all the appliances and broken the toilets because they squat on top of the seats to shit.






I do not doubt this one bit actually. I thought Jow Forums was just4memes, then I visited a girl in some remote swedish village, made a trip to some nearvy city to take her out, and certain areas (mostly just the city) were swarmed with arabs. FWIW, Swedish men seem to unanimously hate the immigrants, with a few femme cuckolds trying to weasel some pussy from welcome refugee types, but the women damn near 100% see no issue with immigrants at their most mild, and fully advocate for mass replacement of native Swedes when on full koolaid. Weirdly enough, visiting America for a year made this same girl very, very racist. Or maybe I did it to her.



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urban bugmen have been trying to force the ethiopian food meme for a few years but it never seems to take off... it's like a bunch of slop that you eat with your hands, absolutely terrible.

They bring diversity and their culture with them? It's a fair exchange.

what do we get for our part of the bargain?

>bushmeat banh mi

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Or a few trucks of food :O

Well we cant use the food argument since it is either dog, cannibalism or mud cakes. So I guess there is none.

Diversity and we get to share in their culture.

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>That filename

Why would we want their culture?

assimilated? bruh I visited London all the indians live in their own fucking neighbourhoods and they even look very different from english one's they have not assimilated or at least according to my definition