God I hope he's the "person in contact with senior Trump officials" and rots in the prison for the rest of his life. Let the whole investigation crumble and have his sentencing slip through the cracks.
I just don’t get it. He knows he’s being recorded then he calls it fake news. I know he has narcissistic Personality Disorder but I’ve known people with that disorder and even they wouldn’t go this far if they knew their statement was on tape. So what is really wrong with this guy?
So unbelievably embarrassing for this country
Aaron Roberts
All they have to do is shut the fuck up about him. Thats it. As it stands, all these websites, glorified bloggers and news media relations are just giving him free (you)s and aggravating fencesitters who are tired of constant lefty smugness and half-truths.
Yes His only addictions are winning and aesthetic design He doesn't have any vices to use up his spiritual potency like normal people Japs know this and that is why they respect him so much Their honor system was created specifically to keep that kind of untapped power under control by limiting people's ability to gain that kind if power due to subservience to the class system
The ride never ends senpai. I'm interested in where this will go from here though. Will they abandon Russia altogether and start forcing the Israel narrative?
Caleb Carter
>"""blog hacking controversy""" ...really, nigga? That's how they framed it?
Colton Cooper
his words are america first but his actions are israel first.
In my lifetime, I've had an actor with alzheimers who refined the trickle down system so there wouldn't be any leaks at the top; then his top CIA spook who more than meddled in democratic processes in central America and who fought on both sides of the escalating drug war; a corporate friendly, don't-ask-don't-tell adulterer who otherwise presided over budget surpluses and times of relative peace and prosperity; a CIA spook's son who was a puppet of his daddy's ol' wardog buddies so they could start needless and costly (in terms of trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives) wars which helped lead us right into the Great Recession. Then, thank God, we had Obama.
I didn't like all of his policies, but there's absolutely no competition among the Presidents of my lifetime.
Colton Cruz
>reasons why lynchings were a thing in this state RIP old man.
>And so, this is what funds that previously provided health care for HIV/AIDS patients will now be spent on — doubling the number of immigrant children detained indefinitely Pence is ruthless kek
I told you, Trump doesn't understand that memes he IS the memes One of the reasons we began with calling him the god emperor of mankind is because just like the emperor Trump has a direct spiritual and mental connection with the memetic flow of this world(the warp force) What he does determine reality and like a chaos god all of our believe in him increases his ability to alter reality as we know it
Daniel Morales
>How can anyone have hope for Russian collusion to be true at this point? Mueller is grasping at straws
Libs need someplace to go to hide from their raging cognitive dissonance, so they move into a fantasy world.
Kevin Hill
Jesus fucking Christ. Fascism is the only solution.
Jacob Nelson
so Trump is their god or what O_O
Ryder Rivera
Does it blackpill anyone else that the only thing the kike-controlled textbooks will talk about for Trump's first term will be "Russia Russia Russia?"
Henry Perez
yay trump
Benjamin Walker
pol, is Stephen Miller an edeljude or is he just jewing by acting so conservative ?
Christopher Rivera
What did they do to Boris? Trump said point blank England deserves him instead of May
Barack Obama did the presidency with more style and class than anyone before him. He emerged from his tenure unscathed by scandal. He's a family man and a man of character. Racist white people hate him because they know he's better than them and there's nothing they can do about it. A black man was a better president than any of the forty some odd white men who came before him. They were so upset that they were willing to elect the biggest sack of shit in American history just so long as he was white.
Try as he may, he'll never be able to erase Barack Obama's legacy. Suck it up Trump supporters.
> In 31 states where voter registration includes a reference to party, about 44 million are Democrats, about 32 million are Republican, and roughly 31 million are independent, according to the University of Virginia Center for Politics director Larry Sabato’s “Crystal Ball" newsletter.
Here is the punchline > The 31 states include several Democratic strongholds like California and New York,
Wait for it > but not deep-red states like Texas or several in the south-east, including Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina and Tennessee.
JEJ, > The advantage of democrat registered voters is deep blue state is this big if we exclude the largest red states in teh nation > DRUMPF BTFO!
It is called rewriting history. Something jews love to do.
Ayden Jenkins
Boris quit the government because May's Brexit deal is a pile of shit that effectively keeps us in the EU.
Brayden Richardson
They're so oddly spaced. I can't remember ever seeing people congeal like that before. It's almost...neat. They look like a massive mannequin display that someone carefully placed, giving each one its own territorial bubble.
idk, it's just off, like the bulk of them have been instructed to stand apart at a certain distance, give the impression that more people showed up than actually did.
>trickledown you fell for the leftist propaganda koolaid the Big Lie of our age is the notion of "Trickle-Down Economics" which is a non-existent strawman no Republican has ever espoused
Jaxon White
KEK, it's basically invisible
Noah Foster
You're the same nigger that spammed KAC slashfic the other night.
Sebastian Moore
Both of the jee in his family trees are converts He is not real Jew by blood which is why he can completely reject it without committing suicide
Democrats will lose mid-terms, Ruth Bader Ginsberg will die, and leave the pant-shitting socialists spitting mad
Then Mueller will have to finally release his report so everyone can see the huge nothingburger that millions of taxpayer dollars have been wasted on.
Then God Emperor President Trump (uhhhnnng fuck YAS) gets to declare national prosperity right before the big red tsunami in November.
Hey, don't forget the British EU negotiations cunt!
He'll offer the UK an incredible deal . Or we'll just tell them he did. ;)
Are you guys with me?
God Emperor Donald J. Trump. Republican supermajority. Republican Supereme Court for decades to come.
We're literally literally going to be dragging Antifa pantshitters into FEMA camps this time next year for obstructing ICE and other Federal employees. We'll literally be giving their welfare checks to hard-working people as tax breaks. We'll LITERALLY be doing whatever the fuck we want and there's exactly FUCK ALL degenerate freaks can do about it
Congrats, babydicks.
You beat your chests and thrust your little dicks thinking you'd won the entire world when Obama won.
Now, you get to find out what a big, brutal bloodthirsty behemoth real Americans are. And how much delicious mischief we'll do with no rules, no limits, and no more progressive shitfucks standing in our way.
Daniel Bailey
Easton Roberts
>Giant >10' tall pathetic excuse for a balloon >Still had to beg the Caliph of London's permission to float it 8' off the ground
>One of the group’s biggest tasks, Ms. Alter said, is persuading candidates to campaign heavily on social media, rather than relying solely on TV ads and printed mailers. Many Democrats running in 2018 are spending a much smaller percentage of their ad budgets on digital ads than their rivals, sometimes as little as 10 percent versus more than 40 percent for Republicans, according to two political consultants with ties to multiple campaigns.