Want an endless and idiotic conversation with a Swedish girl?

I was just on snap one day when i saw some girl had added me, when i accepted her friend request the first thing she said was "YOU HOMOPHOBIC, TRANSPHOBIC, NAZI PIG! HOPE YOU DIE BLACK MUSLIMS LIVES MATTER FUCK WHITE MALES." And i knew this was gonna be good. I was confused at first and then she explained that she saw my "Offensive" facebook bio that said "Trump 2020." and decided to have a little feminist meltdown. Our conversation went on for about 2 days until we agreed to disagree, as she clearly ignored everything that was going on in Sweden, migrant crisis, rape, violence, etc. I found out she was the same age as me (14). She is open for discussion,

I will show you some of our retarded conversation here on the left, but anyways. If you wish to add her for some reason, here is her snap. Or you could just call me a normie faggot.

Her snap: thatgirlelin
Quick note: Danes and Swedes have always hated each other, so this couldn't be more normal. It is politically incorrect VS politically correct, basically. Probably gonna get banned for this post too for exposing some personal stuff.

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you must be over 18 to post here

Being that retarded he says he is 14...

mods do something


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Great take on the meme

What if i say nigger?

post that 14yold swede snap

It's okay cuz you're a nigger yourself, Majid. Delete this thread before you get banned if (You) wanna keep posting here.

Thanks boomer

4 year ban nao!


snap: thatgirlelin

Attached: Screenshot_20180713-225953.png (1440x2560, 839K)

Stop bumping this shill thread


based and redpilled gen Z bro

>that butthurt 30 year old millennial living in his boomer parents' basement
lol enjoy being poor loser

this is /b/ tier cancer

Want a pic of her?

Yes but only if it's cheese pizza that will get the police brought to my house - in minecraft

14yo fag

>Want an endless and idiotic conversation with a Swedish girl?

Attached: Screenshot_20180711-163410.jpg (1339x2440, 1.08M)

You're talkin about stuff


I'd much rather see your titties

Now you're talkin aboit OTHER stuff


I'd much rather see your titties

>stuffed animal overlay

>ID: Hue