Too many shills. Let’s do a red pill thread

Lets drop red pills
>this kills the shill

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Attached: 35A931E1-1B0B-412B-B5D7-84E1BE1F2059.jpg (1024x455, 86K)

Reminder: white genocide is real

Attached: B8331F43-BA87-4527-A5F8-11218C1AC292.png (1242x2208, 2.13M)

Attached: MuhDialectic.png (1500x2207, 300K)

Attached: 148819331945.png (600x805, 497K)

Attached: howtokilloffarace.png (2446x1284, 696K)

America belongs to us, that's the true redpill. If you complain about the future of the white race, then you have no legs to stand on here in America.

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Attached: salon.jpg (598x202, 19K)

Attached: image.png (797x474, 306K)