Killing a wasp in germany will get you in deeper trouble than molesting a child.
Im not even kidding.
Killing a wasp in germany will get you in deeper trouble than molesting a child.
Im not even kidding.
How do we deal with the German problem?
Just nuke us
I'd rather we try to solve it without mass murder.
Make a movement and make a fuss, when taking the necessary precautions against the law. You're lucky you're on the inaide and can make a sizeable difference if you have he balls enough to do so.
Make all products they consume out of soi. Germans become ultragay. They die out in 1.5 generations.
Our future. Your present.
>wanting to solve something without mass murder
oh my god who cares i kill fucking wasps every summer and destroy their nests.
First its the wesps and then its the Hurenkinder who wanna fine me for doing it.
Send ivanka
>be Kraut
>watch 10 yo daughter get raped
>can't say shit cuz I'm multicultural now
>get stung by (Ant-man and the) wasp
>am alergic
>corpse gets sent to jail
And you're already handling it worse than us. Useless.
>solving anything
It's honestly just sad.
The least white regions of the United States are whiter than Cologne and Hamburg are these days.
>no child molester was ever put in prison
kill yourself
Keep telling that to yourself, hombre
That feel when I want to genetically engineer an inhuman wasp-child hybrid and molest it until it commits suicide.
>Germany immediately turns to genocide as a solution
you don't get a fine for molesting children in germany. you don't get to buy yourself out like in the stan that is the US.
bußgeldkatalog doesn't even deal with crimes against humans - just traffic violations and environmental shit
Germany will take care of it self. People keep focusing on the wrong type of demographics stats that will destroy Europe, race not age.