Trump Jr. clearly surfs Jow Forums

He just posted this with a very shit posty tone to it

This guy obviously surfs this board

Attached: FDF8B8A4-1B79-4A75-B11A-8B9B8DF9008E.jpg (750x1121, 777K)

He should have posted the jewish version also for comparison.

Antisemitic jokes aren't funny

Yes, they are

Attached: jvBLlXx.jpg (345x424, 20K)

It's not really a joke when it's real.

>tfw people payed 16k for this balloon

Increase taxes people clearly have too much.

This level of irony therefore makes it funny.

Jesus Christ that AIDS infested thing up front with it's legs spread.. I'd pay $$$ to smash it with a sledgehammer.

someone could have just showed him the pic, no reason to assume he browses here but you are free to be wrong. if it were me i wouldnt want to say wrong statements though thats embarrassing.

I can't say it's really funny to me. At the end of the day, we're the ones getting fucked by the Chosen tribe. It's simply the sad reality we live and, and trust me - it'll get a lot worse before the breaking point.

the left is so far gone, its nuts. they act like children who never grew up
t. 30 year old boomer

Attached: 222B7603CC904EA797C0FA18CDE1BD70.png (750x1113, 1.21M)

Haha, fuck yes I knew he would. We need every e celeb spreading this. This is the pic that kills leftism, it is the straw that breaks the camel's back in the minds of normies.

dont let memes be dreams vulgarnigger

>black lives matter
>same banners that usually pop up
This all had to be soros

As evidenced by this photo, there's not a whole lot of Muslim support for this movement.

Attached: 6y7b91908713523.jpg (400x400, 16K)

owns mods op owns mods

hi Trump Jr.

They aren't funny, they are hilarious

Attached: 1514499358479.jpg (490x437, 61K)

Jr browsing the catalog, sees this thread and his heart beat starts racing

Gee I wish he'd give me a small loan of a million dollars..

30k£ you mean

I just watch the show at this point
My only consolation is that they are going down with us
Faster than us actually

Really makes me think

Attached: seenUnseen.png (537x269, 288K)

Tell papa Trump to come back next week.