serpentza dropping major redpills on niggers in south africa
Serpentza dropping major redpills on niggers in south africa
I have already reported his video.
It's funny how the guy proclaims his videos are apolitical and supposedly "neutral" but yet he makes this stupid shit.
this would help
>I have already reported his video.
flag checks out
Also, I'm not hoping to get his video taken down.
I believe in free speech, don't misunderstand me.
But I can see that the video is monetized and that is not okay considering his political opinions.
Of course you did but that just makes us want to gas you more
>the video is monetized and that is not okay considering his political opinions.
why is that shlomo?
because it promotes violent removal and re-segregation of disenfranchised Africans, brainlet.
no It doesn't he's just telling the truth.
Blacks are taking vengeance on whites because whites built a successful country then were pressured into handing it over.
You monetize the most degenerate shit and actively erode good cultures to promote shitty ones. Fuck you.
>knows about niggers due to growing up in South Africa
>somehow is still a left-wing dirty westerner
How does he do it? In his China videos he complains about them not being cucked enough, yet now he praises it for being based?
His bike rides with the other guy are super comfy.
He's Anglo.
Can't they just emigrate out of the country? The Bantu blacks would have eventually got to the place anyway.
The holocaust is a joke.
lol i will pay anything to get a front row seat to the ovens you guys will burn in the real holocaust.
Nigger youtube promotes pride week shit wich is monetized. They will try to promote Vox making news channels on youtube now. Shits political wether you agree or not kikenstein.
see this comment
This is coming from the same guy that probably supports African refugees in Israel being sterilized without their knowledge.
I figured he would be a "right-wing white supremacist w/ an asian wife."
either way, him and laowhy are pretty cringey and beta.
Laowhy is 10 times more cucked but your entire post is pretty correct. But Serpentza truely is a weeb/ asian fetishist.
that really explains it all
china looks pretty comfy maybe not japan comfy but still comfy
>I figured he would be a "right-wing white supremacist w/ an asian wife."
Nah. I watch his content regularly, and he's a regular old cucked westerner who wants China to adopt western values such as anti-racism and sex-positivity. He has a subconscious understanding of some of the world's problems (e.g., Communism leads to neglect and destruction of public property) but if you ask him he'll probably deny it and tout western socialism. It's actually impressive to what lengths he goes to prevent getting redpilled.
I feel the same way and the shithole I fled was just Canada.
Untill you live there.
How the nips treating you? I heard there can be alot of judgement but most japs just arent vocal. How did you get a house? Why did you abandon your race?
i can't wait till we can gas you
That's how I felt living in Surrey. That place has been completely taken over by Indians; it's like a different country.
if only japan allowed white refugees just give us a okinawa or something we will behave and work
Shits all fun and game untill their killswitch goes on and they start beheading us or doing some Unit 731 shit on us mate. Otherwise i envy the Japs and theyre often very kind.
Keep fueling the fire, it'll only make the oven hotter.
nah all the violent ones died in ww2 similar to how all the violent criminals left to Australia from uk
Do you think he does it to justify his yellow fever?
I don't mind the guy though, his content is for the most part pretty interesting.
Why are you cunts always so much nicer than brits? I really hate british anglos and american ones often too, But you cunts are often nothing but nice to me, Whilst you're supposed to be "criminal babies and scum of the earth" According to them.
Jews will always jew.
Just wait until he finds out the tribe that really ruined South Africa
>It's funny how the guy
maybe we're generally stupider, maybe the heat cant say for sure
Leave, your filth isn't allowed here.
Doubt it mate, You guys are tougher and got some sense. Brits are often soft cunts, Arrogant and deformed physically.
Are kikes aware of how subversive they are?
>and american ones often too
You guys are often cunts, Your normies even act like you're better than us. Yeah some of you guys are genuinly cool but the amount of fat slobs that roll around feeling superior is quite sad. Both RL and on this fucking site. But ofc on this site its way worse, With Muricans always praising your country into the heavens whilst ignoring the absolute failures for wich they would criticize other countries.
>Both RL and on this fucking site
Where do you run into Americans in real life? Amsterdam, kek?
Weird, I got the impression from past videos that he leaned left.
They really are. It sounds insanely dangerous to drive a motorcycle in China, but it does look like an adventure.
>why are anglos superior in every way
>it's not fair I hate them
When oven time arrives you will get a pass to go to the head of the line.
The Jew has issues with monetization. Ha!
Based Serpentza also recommending /ourgirl/ Lauren's Farmlands doc on SA white genocide.
Yes I watched a few of his videos a couple of months ago and he's your typical bluepilled, bleeding heart liberal
i laughed
He's based.
Who cares. No South Africans are white. All "white" South Africans have Khoisan, Bantu, Indian and Malay ancestry.
And yet you have no idea why people are anti-semitic
In the Jim Crow South, all South Africans would be legally niggers. Including the so-called whites in the country.
While he is liberal (like 95% of white people), he is definitely not bleeding heart or virtue signaling about it. He knows niggers tend to be scum, but he is probably oblivious to the genetic reasons for that. He is the type of ''manly liberal'' who thinks niggers should adopt responsibility and maybe be supported with better education, but he has no idea that niggers are biologically unable to act white.
You are just a hater
I don't know if he's really redpilled, I think he blames it on culture rather than it being biological. I know that he's a big Sargon fan.
He is 98% European according to 23andme. Also supposedly 1% sub-saharan, half percent south asian and half percent east asians. Those could be bullshit though, considering how rare racemixing was in the past.
C-Milk is 100% European German phenotype tho.
Shut the fuck up schizoid idiot. Stop polluting the internet with your delusional ramblings.
0.001% African made you a full blown nigger in the Jim Crow South.
And "white" South Africans have more like 2% African ancestry. Forget about 0.001%.
What I'm saying is 100% true. Not at all made up.
Yeah. Race mixing was so rare in South Africa that a whole Coloured race exists.
Except the issue with the Bantu is less so the Bantu and more so the stranglehold on Western culture by nefarious agents. South Africa could have transitioned fine, and in some ways it did. It wasn't until subversives in the West pushing for White guilt that the Bantu's saw an opportunity and pounced. Can't blame them. Hate them, but certainly won't negate the effectiveness of grabbing the bull by the horns.
More typical of South African whites in this guy, Matthew Bode. Who's 5% non-white, including 2% African.
I seriously doubt it.
>I believe in free speech
>is not okay considering his political opinions.
Come on Scheckelchecker, make up your mind,
are you in favor or against free speech?
based jew triggers Jow Forums
Do you not understand why every honest person wants your kind hung from a lamp post until you're expunged from the earth?
this must be bait
go suck sadiqs cock, i put it in the next post.
This guy got cucked by a guy from SA.
Have the decency to at least use a meme flag.