So.. who are these people who defend South Africa and say all these stories are exaggerated? Here we have Winston...

So.. who are these people who defend South Africa and say all these stories are exaggerated? Here we have Winston, who's credible guy in my opinion. And who paints a completely different story, from what you read on various forums from various Afrikaners.
What's those people agenda?

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>One quick rundown, Please.

Attached: murican psycho.jpg (640x360, 96K)

I like how he works in stories of how bad South Africa is while talking about China.

>nog commies killing white farmers in S.Africa
>the west doesn't report on this
>the west won't let them become refugees
Just let the South African farmers leave and let the niggers starve themselves like in zimbabwe

Did Winston live in the city or the country when he lived in SA?

Tbh white South Africans seem like really chill and down-to-earth people. I would have no doubts or regrets about letting them into Europe. If we could exchange them with our "European" blacks that would be even better.

>nogs molested his mother and their worker, almost killed them
>mugged and killed his friends
>there were little opportunities for a white guy in RSA to get ahead
>lived in constant fear for his life
I just dont' get why some white people in RSA still defend this. I'm not buying Winsoton's explanation. You would have to be completely brainwashed to go out of your way and try to convince people on the interenet it's all sunshine and rainbows in RSA. I've seen that even on Jow Forums. And since I haven't expirienced it first hand, I had doubts, if it really isn't exaggerated. But Winston's vid convinced me. He doesn't strike me as a guy who would lie about this.

What if there were also blacks trying to escape their kin from RSA? Would you accept them with open arms too?

Every South African white I've met has been great

winston is based. he needs to hurry up and breed his chink wife though.

They're of the same stock and when they multiply in numbers they'll just being doing the same thing in whichever host nation they land in.
So no one wants them. They're just the beasts of the field

How can I marry a white South African woman and get here citizenship so she can bring all the relatives over?

No. It's their continent. Their problem.

The problem with blacks is that even if there is one generation that migrates to Europe that can be considered "based" acceptable, their kids or their grand-kids will turn up to be annoying gangster cunts or nosy college feminists whining about white privilege.

I was just curious what the Dane has to say about it.
I don't think that black people who support the old RSA, would turn out like that, but of course you would also have a lot of people just escaping the poverty and who are still full of hatred for whites. And you can't filter them. This is the same problem we have with the rest of immigrants in Europe. Of course, there are some cases where they are decent people, but you just can't vet them. In the past the vetting process relied on having enough determination to plan the trip, what you will do in Europe, what job will you have and how will you integrate. Now you can just come and do nothing.

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Holy crap his eyes are more Chinese than hers.

He grew up in an abandoned office building in Hillbrow where he used to shit down elevator shafts

underrated amigo

He’s a massive weeb. I’m sure he posts in Jow Forums he created the otaku magazine. He was born in a suit I think.

Seems like a step-up from South Africa, naturally, but I don't think I could stand being a "curiosity" either. I feel that would be inherently demeaning regardless or at least disingenuous.
I know how hard it is for white South Africans to imigrate to the west but I'm surprised he chose China over some Eastern European country where he could feel more at home.

i cant find this video?