Are there any Trump supporters that care about this?

Are there any Trump supporters that care about this?

If it came out that Russia did try to help Trump get elected (whether it be collusion or just their own self interest) would that be enough for you to turn on him?

Attached: russia.jpg (561x412, 71K)

No, because they would have been attempting to bring about what I wanted to happen.

Did you turn on Hillary when you found out she rigged the system against Bernie?

Only Trump could make me turn on Trump.

I don't care how he got elected (though Muh Russia is bullshit) he needed to win.

Let me know when you're concerned about Israel's manipulation of all our politicians.

They're our greatest ally

Hillary Clinton is literally a child eating satanist. If Russia help save us from that demon then thank you Russia!

>Only Trump could make me turn on Trump.
What would he have to do? You don't care that he is in bed with your mortal enemies.

We all know the Lawyer didnt have a valid visa so Obama got her in. Then they tried a perjury trap by leaking a little bit of the meeting then theyd leak another person at the meeting so it was obvious they had tapes of the whole thing and it was a frame job.

Then later we found out the lawyer works for fusion gps so we were right all along.

He's done a lot of good for the nation as a whole. FAR from perfect, but as good as one could expect from a standard partisan candidate.

To answer your question, no. There is insufficient proof that he's even in office because of the Russians.

If we're going to be so eager to run Trump out of office, we better get a noose set up for all the kike traitors with the democrats, too.

Not at all, because he's actually benefiting the world as a whole, especially the US. If he was doing a shit job then I would be upset about it.

My mortal enemies are the progressives and the DC crime family.

Putin is not my mortal enemy, Chuck Schumer is my mortal enemy.

No, I wouldn't care at all. I don't see how it could possibly be illegal in and of itself to have Russians actively running your campaign for you

Im sure we will see evidence of this in 2053 and Trump will go to jail in 2061

no, if someone else does something with out him being actively involved its got nothing to do with him even if he benefits from it

>Putin is not my mortal enemy, Chuck Schumer is my mortal enemy.

I was implying the Jews/Israel were your enemy.

Anyone who helped trump win is a friend of mine... as long as they are white

Mortal enemies? The Cold War is calling for its foreign policy back! Hahaha

The election was to important to leave to chance, if I found out he colluded with Russia to steal it I would respect him more.



If there was no collusion, then no, it would not make me turn on him.

If there was, it would depend on what the "collusion" was as nobody really seems to define what that means. At the end of the day, if all Russia did was expose Hillary and the DNC then I view that as a good thing, and think anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot. So even if Don Jr. DID get dirt on Hillary in that meeting, I wouldn't care and moreover, that's not illegal. The type of thing that WOULD make me turn on Trump would be if he sold state secrets in exchange for help or something, which I seriously doubt and there's no evidence out there for anything even close to that.

Attached: 1484033671580.jpg (500x682, 67K)

Ok, guys, here we go. I've been holding back this truth for a long time. Please pay attention. DOLAN TRUMP IS BAD GOY OK>

Russia rigged the election by making Hillary look bad by revealing that Hillary rigged her primary election. Yeah it's that fucked up.

I'm a neoreactionary not a stormfag so I don't take the black and white view of jews.

Jews tend to be enemies because they tend to be progressives but I don't view all jews as enemies.

Israel is increasingly an alt right nationalist model state, so not my enemy. I have no problem with Zionist only shitlib Internationalists jews.

you know that corn was fed infos originating from humble kazahk krishna doll forum right op?

nope. it's not about liking trump or actually caring that he's president. it's that it absolutely rapes the mind of the liberal and fucks them into the dirt on a daily basis having to see trump as their president.

I still remember their glorious tears as if it were yesterday on election night.

This shit is gonna blow up in Dems faces.

the guy is the king of trolls and literally drives the fucking SJW trash mad. I wouldn't care if he got elected using child sacrifices.

Attached: 35487337_567127097021642_7454344044936691712_n.jpg (640x640, 100K)

Are you serious, kike? Of course not.

bill clinton accepted bribes / half of congress from the chinese to steal our IP and do bad trade deals, so what's worse. actual treason, or opposition research

No. I'd love him even more

It pisses me off every time i read a lie this bold. It's especially arrogant from a co conspirator in the "dossier" affair like Corn. Really pisses me off

>ancap flag
>hard drive full of jailbait
checks out

Why was dossier in quotes? Are you implying it didnt exist?

Implying jt was a bunch of leftist Clintonite fan fic scraps that got dressed up as an authentic IC document in the form of a dossier for the express purpose of foisting false evidence on the FISC.

Just like today's indictment is a bunch of leftiat Clintonite fan fic scraps dressed up as an authentic legal document

its all tripe
colluding isnt even a crime. no law was broken
the only reason why its brought up at all is to convince the lobotomites that Trump isnt trustworthy

isnt this the jew that Strzok was leaking to?

>If there was, it would depend on what the "collusion" was as nobody really seems to define what that means. At the end of the day, if all Russia did was expose Hillary and the DNC then I view that as a good thing, and think anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot. So even if Don Jr. DID get dirt on Hillary in that meeting, I wouldn't care and moreover, that's not illegal. The type of thing that WOULD make me turn on Trump would be if he sold state secrets in exchange for help or something, which I seriously doubt and there's no evidence out there for anything even close to that.

This basically. Have fun think tank researchers, tell your bosses fuck you for me.

Probably because referring to it as an actual dossier gives it more credibility than it deserves. In reality it was a fictional short story, but if he had said that you wouldn't have known what he was referring to.

I thought we were supposed to be the crazy ones.

Me too man. Every time I see another lie, like Trump making fun of a guy for being cripple, it sends my blood pressure into the rafters. It's not just the lie, it's that fact that millions of people believe them to the point of going on pussy marches, or rallying for impeachment (that they don't even understand), or calling for abolishing ICE (again, without even understanding what they are, or what the consequences would be), or whatever.

Even if you prove it to be e lie, the fire has already spread and if you point out the lie to someone, it doesn't matter because their opinion was already made by it and they just find a way to rationalize their hatred anyway.


Fuck that presumptuous cunt who the fucking hell does he think elected Donald Trump I did and I have founders in my ancestery he can kill himself

Yet the indictment clearly says that the elections weren't hacked and that Trump and his campaign had nothign to do with the 12 indicted Russians.

Attached: indictment.png (852x71, 6K)

Of course xhe didn't.

what the fuck is a trump?

If Hillary can use Saudi and Chinese help. trump can use Russian help. It’s only fair.

Not given the alternative. No. All they are being accused of is exposing how crooked Shillary and her cronies are.

Why didn't the FBI examine the DNC's servers?