what the fuck is his problem
What the fuck is his problem
Hi, Joker.
Psychotic leftist. Possibly possessed
how did you guys find my dead thread
This thread has resurrected.
any good video going over whats what with the testimony
>Phycological glimpses
I didn't think this was possible, but I think I might hate this guy even more than I hate the Hilldebeast.
Absolutely disgusting human being. A smug, communist philanderer with no redeemable characteristics.
Satan's minion
Nope, sociopath
What a douche.
Same thing bro. Same thing.
Jow Forums couldn't have scripted a more perfect embodiment of the "elitist Clintonite" if it tried.
He looks like the kind of guy that buys a suit, takes the tags off, then tries to return it the next day with no receipt and bullies some cashier into doing it.
triggered by a memory of something Trump said 2 years
but not biased at all
not him
not even any unconscious bias
Hes a true patriot defending the republic from Russian puppets and their useful idiots in congress
in comes with positions of power
Narcissistic sociopath. Possible Rothschild experiment of demon posession.
Narcissist not sociopath.
If he was a pure sociopath would have beat the polygraph. So he has twisted selfish morality but enough to register on the polygraph.
Demonic possession.
he's a spook.
The interesting aspect is that Strozk said Mueller never asked him about his text messages, if he had any biases, or why he conducted himself in animus manner during two major investigations.
maybe you're ust a brainwashed virgin scrub online but guess what punk bitch we are coming for u, and u deserve it, you are NOT HUMAN ANYMORE
Lauren Southern is dogwhistling to White supremacists with her little It's OK to be White shirt, and you horndogs are licking it up like cum. Disgusting. We all know what you are meaning to say and we are not pleased. You will shake in fear and and swear up and down you were just liberal and thought Trump was cool because of memes. Now you know we will personally crush you!
This message is from your local antifascist ancom collective. We do not forgive. We do not forget. We see your online hate and you idiots trying to get fascism mainstream by selecting Trump. Well guess what: Voting Trump is not YOUR RIGHT, it's a fucking CRIME.
So all you anime nazis better hide and shut the fuck up before it becomes painful to be a MAGA nazi.
He's just upset because his girlfriend dumped him.
plus suppressed homosexuality causing openings for demonic entrance and metal pain lashing out
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
>elitist Daemonite
Nice word salad.
what did she mean by this
U be on Jow Forums?
It's me
his wife is getting BLACKED
>antifascist ancom collective
Aren't you those guys with the glass jaws who are always getting beaten up when the numbers are even ?.
You think you're hot shit, dontcha?
get a load of this dork guys
I think you got lost on your way to Reddit.
He's guilty
That's his problem
He's a man of character.
nice pasta you unoriginal faggot
he will get his
Ooga booga where the wite women at?
He “deserves a Purple Heart” - democrat senator nigger
Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus.
>wite women
it's with wimmins, larping leaf
I wonder if she'll suicide over the weekend.
who ordered the code red you faggot
He’s trying to act
Page is cooperating. He will be dead before the end of the year. He's a U1 witness, and he failed. Utterly and completely self-destructed out of fear.
the FBI has instructed me to not answer this question
he's a raging homo that would never go near lisa page even with your dick
>Comey was the director fo teh FBI
>Strzok was the chief of the counterespionage section of the FBI
Reminder this is the type of trash running the FBI.
i dont get the left praising this fucker... all of these "This guys a hero" shit, and hes a guy who completely blew the credibility of their futile witchhunt
I'd hatefuck him
they also praise Brennon and Clapper and now Bush of all people. they have zero credibility.
>i dont get the left praising this fucker
Desperation. The Left should obviously not want Strzok in anyway involved with any of the Mueller investigation but they know he was too heavily involved to push him aside. They feel they need to defend him or his further discreditation would further discredit the Mueller investigation.
i laughed so hard when Stephen Colbert said Trey "got his ass handed to him" by Strzok
like wtf how could he see how Peter was so obviously lying
*not see
have you ever had to put up with a total douche like gowdy, knowing you are the real patriot and the gop are perpetuating treason with assent of the morons, that is the face you would make
He's a literal faggot. This is how they act.
Apparently he WANTS to be the fall guy. Hope the payday will be worth the trouble.
Real patriots verify evidence before they get FISA warrants
>white boys
what did he mean by this?
I can only imagine how pissed off that made vets who actually got wounded.
he gay
if he actually gets a purple heart i will be genuinely angry
This is the most damaging fuck-up since Hillary stroked out and got thrown into the van. We should hammer it hard. MSM isn't showing it, even fox.
This. He let his superiority complex escape and now we must hang it around the left's neck. This is the lying, cheating, anti-American psychopath they support and defend.
I imagine it's whatever growth that is on his temple
>what the fuck is his problem
>That is a fantastic answer to a question nobody asked. - TG
"That is a fantastic answer to a question nobody asked." -TG*
That's the worst male pattern baldness that I've ever seen. It's like his hair is giving his scalp blue balls by not going all the way.
it's like God gave him a natural kike hat for being such a fucking honorary jew
>FBI agent drives a prius
>Conspires against a US President
>The state of the Bureau