It’s doomed

It’s doomed.
When you’ve seen 20 years of how it goes you know it’s doomed. When you’ve only seen 10 years you think something can be done, and you were born into accepting some things that had already come that should be intolerable.
When you get to 20 years of paying attention there will be new younger people who think something can be done, and you will be the one saying “you don’t understand, it’s doomed. Even the things that you’ve accepted would have been intolerable to me.”
And on and on.

Attached: 4FEE1392-6D2E-404E-8968-E4F37D91F417.jpg (640x357, 60K)

Only two things exist. The pure hatred of the abuser by the abused, and the pure hatred of the abused by the abuser. We are locked in our roles, they will never stop stamping on us until there’s nothing left but the mass of animalistic mewling libertine filth.

Get on my level. they used to let people catch their flights with a cigar lit in one hand and a gun in the other. it was safe because nobody was a nigger-enabler. they were far too scared of them to risk that shit.

Attached: 1518582138756.webm (360x246, 2.92M)

That guy is such a good fit for the 56% meme.

I used to be able to bring a real gun to my school for 'shooting class'.

Nice demoralization tactic you jew

>When you’ve only seen 10 years you think something can be done
>When you’ve seen 20 years of how it goes you know it’s doomed

I'm at 15, so not much hope left.

The Jews and degenerates seem to win 90% of the battles, the few the right wing do win are just holding actions.

Where’s the lie?

Bad attitude

Honestly this. OP writes like a seasoned oldfag.
All there is leftist victories and right wing retreat.