Ghost does it again!


Ghost has revealed that Q user is a furry fag poet named Dustin Krieger who is working with a leftist think tank to make the right look retarded

Skip to around 30 minutes ago in the live stream

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Other urls found in this thread:


Self Bump

Ghost is a fat lard ass hambone

q anin predicted this?

Apparently his poetry is very similar to Q's and he's a big fan of Q from star trek

Boomers irreveocably btfo


How will boomer fags ever recover?

Are the shills really sliding this?

>Qtards are now apart of my kino
Why must we suffer?

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>Q is this one guy because this eceleb says so

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Yeah that’s bullshit. Whoever Q is, knows deep intelligence, and military jargon and protocols

did q user predict that he Was a furry faggot?

Hey guys, Q is actually Carrot Top. I know because Pauly Shore told me.

>Q is official military personal because Q says so

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Nice straw man, kike,

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Ghost called his grandmother's house (where this degenerate lives) and he all but confirmed it

kys faggot
>in all fields

>he all but confirmed it
he "didn't deny it".
I don't deny I'm Q, either. Guess that makes me Q.

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And the right fell for it, like they always do. You knuckleheads are always looking for a conspiracy because your politics are fucking retarded. Good job cuckservatives, you did it again!

If you knew anything about the military and weren’t living in your mommy’s basement youd know that the way Q speaks that he’s OBVIOUSLY deeply involved in intel and military.

He got angry becuase he didn't pronounce "user" correctly and then started to message ghost saying that he's going to bring Q's wraith on him

Link to Q's furry profile and poetry?

I'm going to bring Q's "wraith" on you. Therefore I am Q.

>Shitpost ambiguous messages that can be interpreted in many ways
> he’s OBVIOUSLY deeply involved in intel and military.

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Can you post any examples? I was U.S. Army intelligence and I never saw anything that gave me that impression.


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>being this gullible

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>That ID
Sup, kike.

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Wtf i love furries now.

>inb4 he's got nothing but ambiguous shit that is garbage to an actual enlisted member
I will be shocked. Shocked.

just give it up gramps, it's over.


Yeah not all of us furries are insane lefties

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Edgar Cayce predicted this.

>Imagine being this fucking out of the loop

You boomers have got to get the fuck out

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It's like some furries just want to be hated by everyone. You'll die in the purges you know.

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So a washed up drunk boomer goes on an investigation and finds nothing. Move along people.

Rape Trees

Ghost speaks more truth than Alex Jones, Lauren southern and other e celebs that are shilled on this board you nog

These "doxxes" are all garbage.
We know Q is a fucking larper who fakes images, but the identity proofs are as terrible as Q's larping itself.
You have that faggot 0HOUR1 who doesn't understand 8ch tripcodes.
This shit is even worse.

The Q is a reference to Q clearance, so any Star Trek bullshit is completely irrelevant. This is just e-celeb garbage from folks who don't have the autistic chops to get to the bottom of Q's identity. It's going to happen, but this isn't it.

>who is working with a leftist think tank to make the right look retarded

>the whole larpfest is a leftist think tank idea
>"hey I know I bet we can beat those gnatzis if we get all their parents to become interested in digging into the truth"
Absolutely brilliant strategy.

Q clearance is for the DOE. What would he know there? Stock tips for solar?



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Don't talk shit about Alex Jones.
He will find you.

>youd know that the way Q speaks that he’s OBVIOUSLY deeply involved in intel and military.
Thats some high grade stupid you got going on there. You fucking boomers make it so easy to deceive you that I really cant blame the kikes for doing it. This whole Q thing taught me something very important. "Fighting for freedom" is bullshit by every definition. 80% of the population is so stupid that even if they were offered full freedom they would use that freedom to put the chains back on themselves.

>boomers btfo
>ghost radio
ok 25 year old boomie

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>OBVIOUSLY deeply involved in intel and military.
Obviously you don't know shit about how security clearances work and neither does Q. Q is a larping faggit.

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>I sense you have a grandmother
Cold reading.


The only truth alex jones speaks is that which is necessary to push his red herrings.

I know it's dumb, but that's what the Q refers to. So these e-celebs who come along with their 5-minute investigations and find someone who likes Q lollipops or whatever the fuck ever are just wasting everyone's time for views and helping the Qfags keep their delusions.

>What are you doing on your F40PH friday user????

Here's this furry's Twitter if anyone wants to fuck with him


The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Only beta orbiters follow LS.

No I'm Q.

this retard is playing GTA and sperging about the based chair gamer nigga wtf

>Dustin Krieger
Would be ironic if this faggots a kike and we could use that to parlay a nice victory


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Faces match, these are his mug shots, notice he has more than one. He committed multiple offenses after his fellow furry boyfriend died

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>Q clearance
Q is a larping boomer who listens to too much Mark Levin. Levin talks all the time about his Q clearance when he worked in Regan Administration. The only people with a Q clearance these days are DOE employees who work with nuclear weapons.

Threads like these are why Jow Forums need competent mods

It was a strategy to keep the right from digging and finding the truth. Remember, "Trust the plan". It was a complacency physiop. Don't do anything, just let it(the plan) unfold.

Thought the mods hated Q why would they delete a thread that could finally bring down his lies

I know he's a larper, boomer or otherwise, but the bullshit doxxings are hurting more than helping. When guys like 0HOUR1 (a larping faggot himself, I might add) say that Q = PamphletAnon because PamphletAnon posted some leak-test messages after Q leaked his tripcode pass, it just lets the Qfags dig their heels in and insist that it's everyone else who is stupid.


Pure cringe


Q got laughed off this board. We didn't need the mods to step in. Q failed to prover his bona fides early on. Everyone caught on when we weren't trolling him, the mods were deleting his fake and gay threads.

Didn't watch LOL

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Oh no no no no no no


I wish this whole phenomenon will go away forever.
It just proves how easy it is to manipulate humans with propaganda.

Another thing that is very concerning is that this Q shit is literally a cult. He even has a slogan for it. Look at the douchey Q followers itt and elsewhere attacking people that don't believe this garbage. I'd actually prefer if he was a lefty dem suckering in the right to make the right look bad.


Official furry account of the famous Q user

I haven't seen a CBTS in years. Who cares? We already chased those heretocs outta here

Made this some time ago

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Interestingly I was a 35n in the army and I actually think he has some ties to actual Intel. What was your MOS? I can post proof. I doubt you can.

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holy shit Ghost still exists. listened to this guy nonstop for a month when Skyrim released. cans.wav

Glad to see a based boomer btfo that 33 year old boomer. That faggot is just like that anon5 faggot who kept making those larp threads. Glad to see him shat on.

explain how he got pictures of noko from AF1, trump to say tip top shape, news about zuckerberg getting in trouble, news about australia donating to clintons, pictures of trump's pen and signed orders

He's been back for a couple years now.

Cbts turned into Q

60 year old US Marines Vet CIA nigger intel fag here, on holiday in the glorious uk looking after trump. i have 3 trillion confirmed kills, spread over 600 tours, all with my bare hands and socom pistol, and let me tell you something maggot, this Qanon you speak of, Hes not even nearly intel or military. talking like a faggot doesnt make him one of us. this bastard should be hung from the lamp posts for stolen valour. im on away now, but when i get back to base in america, i will pull some strings, and find this shitbag. FREEDOM
follow the pointy nose

Any one of us conspiracy fags could have fed you the same line of BS if we had enough Mountain Dew. You know it’s true you gullible fag

Q predicted this... seriously.

These people are Qultists. You're not going to get through to them. If you try, they'll just double down on believing. Sad.

is it still quality content or has it become shit? the good old days when bronies were the worst thing you had to consider.

Asho and KaraszKun still around?

Pretty sure Anon5 and Q are the same person. Might have been separated at birth otherwise

(((capitalist radio)))

physiop, physiop, its time to get physiop

Someone message that furfag and tell him that welcome primer on /qresearch/ is fucking gay.

>This is a political research board, a war room, whose occupants likely have a higher-than-average level of intelligence. You have little to teach the anons who work here, but they have much to teach you, if you just LISTEN. You'll hear straight talk and heavy locker room bantz, because high competition spurs excellence. If that's too hard-core for you, take it to Reddit. Don't presume to dull the edge of these warriors; they'll skewer you before they let you interfere with the fighting force they've created. The chans are a boot camp for the mind. Being called faggot is a mark of having submitted to the training. Do you see why Military Q would relate?

I already corrected it nigger

its that retarded anon5 aka frank

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