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Looks like someone is bringing in Tuna and Pickled herring until this policy changes.
Who? What?
yea whats that stuff they eat in i think its norway, maybe sweden, but its like nasty fermented fish or something? bring that
Lutefisk? Hakarl?
not sure, i just remember watching a bad unboxing video by idubbz someone sent him a can and he opened it up and the smell was making him wretch. it looks like a gray paste
>telling your employees what they can and cant eat
Pretty sure that isnt legal
Surströmming. Uma Delicia.
What the hell is WeWork?
Viral marketing is prohibited, Bloomberg intern. Especiall as a one-line writing prompt. Maybe try writing a legitimate post?
lutefisk, it's like snot
There is a myth that st patrick created lutefisk in an attempt to poison viking raiders but it backfired because the vikings were so tough they loved it and too it back to their homeland
it's basically fish that gets soaked in lye until it because like a sponge and then taken out to dry out so it loses that burning that lye likes to give things
I had a can of this that was “aged” 3 years and when I poked it with the can opener the pressurized juice shot into my face. Threw up for 30 minutes
what they can or cant eat in the company is perfectly legal, what they cant or cant eat in their private lives is illegal
yea thats it
sounds tasty
i guess i'll just work from home now... oh well
Every. single. fucking. time.
Thanks for the reminder Satan.
vegetables are ultimately cheaper anyway
Ffs you ignorant spergs, look shit up before making yourself look like idiots.
All it is, is for company functions and events. There is no ban on meat at the company, the company just wont be serving meat to their enployees.
In all fields, unless you are a jewish nigger kike dick sucking faggot
But nowhere as filling
I can't find a meal satisfying unless it has at least a bit of meat
What the fuck is WeWork?
What the fuck else did you think we thought it meant? That they were gonna kick down their employee's doors in the middle of the night and inspect their fridges for meat?
Wew, lad
Based. Animal products is bad for your health. It increases the risk of cancer, stroke, heath attack etc. and it should be banned globally tbqh.
That meat was banned from the company, hence the foul smelling meat alt suggestions. Dont double down my man. In all fields
Like knives? And porn? And rights? Right?
you're supposed to open it underwater silly
Knives and guns shouldn't be banned, but porn and animal products should be banned.
That's not what it says dumbfuck
You'd make a shit lawyer.
>vegetables are ultimately cheaper anyway
per calorie, no
I had no idea what "WeWork" was
this is the gayest-sounding shit en.wikipedia.org
>WeWork is a foreign corporation that provides shared workspaces, technology startup subculture communities, and services for entrepreneurs, freelancers, startups, small businesses and large enterprises.
>startup subculture communities
so pretentious soiboi faggots sipping lattes and eating organic Greek blueberry yogurt
And that right there us why your piss ant island is covered in walking piles of shit. Good hob.
No, corn syrup and other plant derived chemicals are much much worse
Yeah, we know they're not banning meat mate. That's why the suggestions for the great smelling meats. Bring Your Own Meat to functions.
Then wtf? This thread is even dumber. Why bitch about a non issue of a company very few people work for. What is the thread sliding?
I don't even know what that means.
What do they DO?
vegans don't even get all the nutrients they are stupid :)
lel have fun with that. The meat market at my grocery store is responsible for about 1/6th of the daily profit.
Time to sell WeWork short
It's an incubator basically. You get paid x amount of money to loiter around making a thing and if your successful they get like 30+% of your profits for life.
I imagine it smells like baby milk head and onions
This picture makes me want to have a liverworst sandwich
Ahhh, so they lose business from meat eating clients. What a brilliant business plan.
WeWork, the shared workspace company, is taking a pass on meat. The company notified workers that its events will no longer include meat and that it won’t reimburse their meal expenses if those meals include red meat, poultry or pork.
Some allowances may be made for “medical or religious” reasons, the memo said, although these would need to be worked out with a team overseeing the policy. WeWork has implemented other environmentally friendly policies, such as reducing plastics at the company and donating surplus food to certain causes.
WeWork recently said it would seek to borrow $500 million through high-yield bonds to help manage high growth but also yawning losses. The company’s revenue doubled last year to $822 million, while its net loss widened to $933 million.
Juicero, a failed maker of high-priced juice machines, had instituted a similar ban on reimbursing employee expenses for meals at non-vegan restaurants.
Founded in 2010, WeWork was most recently valued at about $20 billion, though an executive from SoftBank Group Corp., a major WeWork investor, said at a conference in London in June that the startup was looking to raise funds at a $35 billion valuation.
Get in on the IPO, lucky investors....
Literally what? Who gives a fuck nigga
i miss that forum