Innocent white man under arrest for a "hate crime"

>A man who can be seen in a video chastising a woman at a Chicago forest preserve for wearing a shirt with the Puerto Rican flag on it has been charged with committing a hate crime, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office announced Thursday.

>Timothy Trybus, 62, of Des Plaines now is charged with two felony counts of committing a hate crime in addition to misdemeanor counts of assault and disorderly conduct he already faced.

>“You should not be wearing that in the United States of America,” he tells her. He also questions her about whether she was an American citizen.

>random mexican cunt gets uppity in american soil and acts like she owns the place
>white man tries to correct her behavior
>gets recorded and arrested for a made up "hate crime"

What are we going to do about these fucking spics running around in America?

Attached: BeFunky-collage22[1].jpg (700x394, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:
>Use your right to free speech
>Get arrested
This is some britbongistan-level bullshit, what the hell is going on nowadays?

>TWO fucking felony counts
so much for free speech. fuck this gayass country. and fuck especially puerto negro. I hope the next hurricane completely destroys it and leaves nobody alive.

We need the names of the judge, and lawyers who allowed this to be a felony charge. It's time for payback. Phone numbers? Hate Speech??

These mother fuckers of shitting all over the constitution.

how about dont abuse people cos theyre wearing a shirt you dont like? fuck this boomer i hope he gets enriched in prison

>all dat misrepresentation

More like:

> woman rents & gets permit for party
> group loitering in area
> woman asks politely for group to leave
> most of group leaves, but drunk asshole sticks around to harass woman
> doesn't understand that PR has been US territory for > 100 y, keeps harassing woman even after she asks him repeatedly to leave him alone
> Cop in background too lazy/stupid to diffuse situation and remove drunkard

Come on man, dude was being extremely shitty by any standard.

Attached: america-park.jpg (620x310, 26K)

BTW, the white cop resigned (was fired) because he wasn't showing enough compassion for the 'rican.

Attached: 1500938586368.gif (210x155, 1.7M)

didn't the supreme court throw out the whole notion of "hate speech"?

this guy should sue the fuck out of everyone after he's acquitted

You get the rope too.

This country is dead