White woman dating Indian man

What do you think about a white woman dating an Indian man?

Would you think there was something wrong with her for dating outside her race?

Personally, I feel most Indians are gross. But there is one guy I really like. We dated for awhile 6 years ago, but I broke up with him because he is Indian.

I recently ran into him again and he wants to try dating again, but my friends and family all say that he is pajeet and shouldn’t be trusted. I don’t know what to do.

I just don’t know if I can deal with the social stigma. I was raised in a pretty conservative area in the Midwest and I plan on going in to politics here in the future. I don’t want to be known as an Indian lover. This guy is really nice to me though and very smart. He is also pretty liberal minded for an Indian and would give me some freedom in a relationship. He is Hindu, but he doesn’t mind if I eat steak with him and he doesn’t want to change my religion. In fact, his best friend is a Pakistani muslim even though his dad fought against them in 1999

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White women that date indian men lower themselves. The ones that date indians are just whores. They all hate pajeet, but think (often wrongly) that pajeet will make them lots of money.

I’m also a Pajeet

Tfw no white gf

Pajeets usually stick to their own kind. Their families will arrange a marriage for them

try finding someone online pajeet

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dating outside of your ethnic group is wrong and this whole idea of 'multiculturalism' is so fucking stupid it has ruined the world

no one actually cares, go for it

I swear he's Eliot Rodgers long lost twin

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No matter what the kids will never be white. So really is inconsequential.


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Back in college (Midwest) I had an American born pajeet acquaintance who had a fat white girlfriend. She was blond but ugly as sin. This pajeet’s father was a successful Bay Area IT guy, quite well off. She was borderline white trash and I’m guessing she was at least partially gold digging. This pajeet fell hard for her and was adamant to marry her. He proposed to her senior year on campus. aww.jpeg
I lost contact after graduation, then a year later I’m checking kikebook and I see his profile pic: it’s him with a clearly arranged fob Indian wife and a brand new baby pajeet! I guess it didn’t work out after all.. Indians, even western born ones, fear the wrath of going against their parents’ wishes, especially when it comes to education and marriage choices.

unless he's a chadjeet you will feel the same way as you did 6 years ago. you made the decision once, you'll probably make it again. don't put yourself and the guy through it again. I agree that Indians are generally gross and you will probably get frustrated with his Hinduism. One of you will have to compromise (you, he's Indian, he won't compromise for a female) when it comes to raising your child or it will end up fucked up. It sounds like you're reconsidering because you feel the clock ticking. Do the smart thing and don't waste your time.

You've already tainted yourself by taking his poo encrusted dicklet. Since your vagin already smells like poo and curry you might as well marry Sanjay because no self respecting white man will touch you now.

I’ve never fucked a pajeet dick. I didn’t trust it 6 years ago either.


Show bobs and vegene



whats wrong with you that you cant get a decent white man? The roastie scene is so fucked that any woman can find their male equivalent, even somewhat above, in a week or less (except 10s because chads are slaying all women in sight).


Don't do it, you'll be happier with someone who is culturally compatible. My first gf was Asian and while she was very nice and generally a good person the cultural difference wasn't good for us. I've been much happier with white girls since then.


> dating

get the fuck out.

Have you fucked more than 3 guys? If not, leave him and you might still be worth raising european children.
More than 3? You no longer exist as far as any self respecting white man is concerned , do as you please stupid girl.

>I didn’t trust it 6 years ago
lol roastie

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interesting thread user, I recently saw that an ex of mine was dating an Indian guy and moved in with him - which was always weird because up until now she only dated white guys (even when we were together she told me how she just wasn't attracted to niggers), so wondering what gives?

She's 26 by the way, could it be her biological clock ticking? What would inspire a woman to do that? She doesn't exactly come from a ton of money but I don't think she's THAT type of girl

>We dated for awhile 6 years ago
>I’ve never fucked a pajeet dick. I didn’t trust it 6 years ago either.
'Dating' a white roastie means giving her attention and paying for her shit without getting anything in return.
Such is life for a pajeet.
You are a horrible woman OP.
Is is so bad you can't get a white guy?

Better to be poo'ed than shitted.
Indians that make it to the US usually have decent IQ and came from an upper caste.

The kid might turn out darkie, but it won't be a nigger retard.

Its like hapas but instead of becoming a manlet you turn out dark and greedy.

I’ve actually been dating a decent white guy for the last 5 years. That is why I have the dilemma about leaving him for the pajeet. Tbh, both seem unworthy of my time since I’m 25. I just like talking to the pajeet more.

i think it's absolutely disgusting
they are nasty that they find only blond hair and blue eyed or beautiful white girl
even they don't consider about their gross poo looking .
i would not even fuck with indian girls they are ugly as fuck with poo Pigment.
not only their disgusting looking but .. their nasty and awkward acting like incel make they are disgusting like biking from india to sweden to fuck with one white girl, he may think if he do this she will accept that poo's request
it was worked but usually don't

i saw some news like indian guy faked polish girl he is rich business man in india made her pregnant with dirty poo gene.
after she know he faked her she sued him in indian court but it did not work, i don't know after this but she would definetly made that pajeet half.

and their uncivilized culture and religion make me vomit.
why do you want to downgrade your gene and next generation genetically, culturally ?

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No no and fuck no.

First of all you have to understand how fucking backwards their country is. The majority of their country doesn't have toilets, and they have a HUGE fucking rape problem.

This isn't a fucking meme when we're talking about this.


That being said, you're essentially breeding with someone outside your ethnic group, which is contributing to the ethnic group's destruction. Finally you're going to have nothing in common with him culturally, you might be christian/buddhist/pagan/irreligious but he's going to literally be putting statues of Shiva and Vishnu up in your apartment when you live with him.

Seriously, use your brain, stop thinking with your ovaries because he's in shape or he's so confident. Every single dude who I've seen who has all that swagger and shit are bitches on the inside, and you'll be hard pressed to find a guy these days who isn't.

Stop thinking with your fucking ovaries and think with your goddamn brain.

Also Tits or GTFO.

Friendly reminder that the national debt is exclusively due to the rise of the nonwhite population and that we would have a budget surplus if it weren't for the nonwhite tax burden.

There is a strong fiscal argument for the genocide or castration of nonwhites.

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if you try to leave him, there's a ~50/50 chance he'll murder you

Since you were 'dating' him without letting him put his 4 inch dick inside you, why can't you friendzone him again if you just like talking to him? Or are you concerned for the eventual rape? He is Indian after all.

B.s. thread
White women dont like because they stinky

I know I am black

It’s exclusively because of ((()))

He's very fortunate to have a wife that supports him and will cover his ass; echktspeshually when some frikkin old woman is trying to steal your kids, and touch your junk while he's poo'ing in loo tho

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dont have children

Your pic related shows that the best way to get rid of the budget deficit would be to get rid of all roasties.

i think some of white girls expected indians are big because of their shit darked skin but they get disappointed on the bed and
some of them escape from poo's trap
some of them just belive it's love and goes until having poo baby

shut up u gook what makes u think ur any better. White Americans just kiss ur ass in hopes for a gibs me dat, deep down they fucking hate u trust me I know.


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>What do you think about a white woman dating an Indian man?
It's rare and bizarre to see because Australia seems to be the dumping ground for India's passive-aggressive little bitches. These guys rarely do anything more than work insane number of hours at minimum wage so they can send it back to India. Most of the ones I've met use hookers over pursuing relationships.

>Would you think there was something wrong with her for dating outside her race?
Absolutely, what would lead a white girl to denigrate herself like that? Just find a white male dom and keep your self-loathing to the privacy of your own bedroom, the rest of us don't need to see that shit.

He's objectively better looking than her

Disgusting, basically mixing with the White Aryans' former slaves back in India.

realized this was a kike larp

all racemixing is wrong

How you worded that "he would give [you] some freedom in a relationship" is a huge red flag. Some. I can't tell you what you should do, but your choice of words is quite disturbing.
Also, would your children be raised hindu, Christian, non-religious? I find it more important to be of the same religion as the spouse than to come from the same culture. (married internationally, but to someone of the same religion and political beliefs)

Well, high caste Indians consider themselves Aryan or even white.

Seems fine, some indian men are incredibly good looking.

White girls need to be married off by 15


i dont care if white women date indian black man chinese, whatever. i just want all foreigners out of germany. so if they do it in india i am totally fine with it.

well, Indo-Aryan and slav are same race and real Aryans so we can marry but i am against marrying west European or Americans or chinks as it lowers our DNA.

Marathi Brahmin here, no we don't, we're a much much lighter then the general population but genetically closer to other Indians, Persians/West Asians than what could be considered "white". We are Aryan though, Hitler lifted that idea straight from the Vedas.

If you aren't part of the R Haplogroup you can't be Indo-European. Max bleach efficiency in these areas.

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Indian men are fine for the most part.

However, race mixing is seriously awful for the children. They just can't look at all of their "family members" and really feel like they're all one big family. Our brains just aren't meant to take all that in.

Imagine if you're a kid, and someone tells you a guy who doesn't look remotely like you is your biological uncle, and you should go to the amusement park with him. Things like that fuck you up.

From an Indian perspective where extended family is the central unit of society this is so true, miscegenation is degrading for everyone involved, not to mention the psychological issues that come with being mixed-race.

Its so exceedingly rare, I doubt i need to think about it

You have Aboriginal South Asian DNA and Iranian (pre-Indo) farmer DNA. That's why you look nothing like Europeans.

>not to mention the psychological issues that come with being mixed-race

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Does anyone have the image of this guys full adventures?

>That's why you look nothing like Europeans.
well, Europeans are a very broad term. i never said i am closer to your country i said slav countries like Poland are more closer to me .
>You have Aboriginal South Asian DNA and Iranian (pre-Indo)
No i don't have aboriginal DNA, and Aboriginal is not equivalent to Dravidians
>farmer DNA
well Indians knew about agriculture and farming much before you guys and no matter how albino you look you are not an Aryan

ruined european couintries*

the kikes infiltrate governments and subvert native populations by pushing anti-national identity propaganda, leading to mass immigration, thus changing the demography of the country.

demographics is everything

If she's white then I'm John Travolta. Is that some Spanish/Slavic/snownigger mix?

>sees flag
>ruined european couintries*
do Australia have any identity?

Indian men are epitome of manliness.

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yeah, but we haven't had it long enough for it to mature into something that doesn't embarrass our elites and their useful idiots so they just try to pretend that it doesn't exist and lose themselves in marxism, consumerism and kleptomania

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Genetics don't work in a vacuum. There are only so many sources of ancestry you can have.


He's right all of us are majority abo blood even the most aryan of Indian has like a 25 percent add mixture

wait until youre his wife, he will make you change religion and all kind of other degrading shit. stay away

Dalit spotted kek

did you even read the whole thing on wiki?

Literally never seen that happen. I think the general consensus is that Indian males are the least attractive, of anything

>implying dalits have a different blood than us
The divide and conquer is sure working on you, dalits are just tribes that lost chamars were unironically warriors that lost always remember the best archer in mahabharata was a st

You'll be fine.

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Cute poos

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Aryan Indian of the Kshatriya caste reporting in. Greetings from the States.

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do you really understand what 'aboriginal' mean? ironically you are the one who is dividing and brainwashed. both north and south Indians have nothing to do with abos. dalits are not st you faggot.

I think Pajeet women can be quite hot and half pajeets too.

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Australoids or vediods whatever you wish to call it, it's the same blood as the abos, telgu shares the same script as one of the abo language iirc

Cool so when are you going back ?

I don’t know the language and I’m a US born citizen. I belong here more than I do in India due to my cultural upbringing. I have visited India in 1997 and 2004 however.

have you studied genetics?

You have a GF?

if you ever dated a poo in a loo, you probably deserve to date a poo in a loo. knock yourself out my friend, pursue that

NRI cunts like you are the worst in the west they speak how great India is and in india they speak how great the west is but never live in India

here you go m8

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I’ve never spoke to anyone here on how “great” India is. Don’t want to embarrass myself.

I’ve lived in India for a total of 23 months.



In what way, I've studied the genetics of the Indian subcontinent

im not going to argue this issue as its really long to explain to you. i was only saying that Indians are more similar to slav people.

If it wasn't for the skin tone he'd be a Chad. Larper flag and a movie scene to trigger trailer park autists from Alabama.

>White women dating Indian men.
I'll take things that never happened for $6,000,000