Why does everyone hate Trump?
Why does everyone hate Trump?
IDK, there's so many variables and reasons for the hate of trump, all I know is that it's gone WAY too far
How did a naive politician like Trump get portrayed as another Hitler?
because he's as useless as tits on a boar.
Not that many people hate Trump. The media is just trying to make it look like everyone does.
>only a 1% chance of winning, Hillary is a shoo-in for the presidency!
The only people on the planet that like Trump are Republicans and Russians. Russians are assholes and Republicans are just retards at this point.
aka a small media cliche and the tiny percentage of population that still cares about what the media has to say
These people who ''hate'' Trump shut up immediately when they realize no one is clapping when they say something bad about Trump.
the media.
In a reverse demographic pyramid society, anything that could mess up the status quo is considered at best to be ridiculous and at worst to be pure nazism.
To make it short: boomers and their shitty media don't want an unpredictable man with power
This is the only reason the left can come up with, and this is why he'll be re-elected. 2020 hype.
Tranny freaks infected with GRIDS is not "everyone", sweetie.
Why do bongs think they can speak for us? So many protest saying "reee no wall open borders more progressiveness". They are acting like we didn't have the choice to vote.
Only leftist losers hate Trump. Because they lost.
Every single one of the people protesting him in the US watched the Apprentice, loved the Apprentice, didn't think Trump was Hitler then. But because a guy on their TV told them Trump's evil in a really really emphatic tone, they believe him. One of the things you get out of Trump's book is that he really believes people can see through lies. You have to wonder if that faith in people is being challenged.
He tells the truth
Its a fashion statement now. Everybody who's somebody hates trump now, didn't you know¿ it's like being a vegan: it automatically makes you superior to the average person, and you absolutely MUST find a way to inject your view in to literally every single conversation you have.
Because Shlomo tells them to
That's the whole point of ((((globalism))), a caste of child-molesting "cosmopolitan" queers led by an inbred cadre of leftist bankers, corporations and media want to decide how EVERYONE ELSE regardless of national boundaries must act and obey.
Oh so that's why the made the balloon that small. This is how they're gonna do the 'world tour' we were promised since the thing can't really fly on its own.
I dont hate him, I dont like him.
He's like that local retard, you have to be nice because he has retard strength and he could rip you apart.
They have zero control over their own country, or even something like their own TV or their own knives, but they want to dictate how Americans handle their borders.
It's 100% escapism. They feel powerless, so they LARP as Americans for a day to take their mind off their own country.
Protesting Trump is probably the first and the last time these people will ever get to protest anything involving a government. When the time comes to protest their own government, they will not have the licences to do so.
Nah fine by me. He got popular cuz medias shit talk him everyday. And ya know when someone potrey him as hitler but he didn’t do shit. Ppl will start thinking and research by themselves. Which is fking good.
Hate is a strong word, he's more like the kid who used to eat glue in class and somehow got everyone to agree he was lineleader by promising things he couldn't do and taking credit for things he never did.
He's a shitty person, always has been if you ever spent a second looking at him, and a terrible politician that doesn't represent the will of the people.
They've dealt with weak leaders from the US for the past twenty years. Suddenly they see one that won't take anyone's shit and he's seen as a giant bully. Fucking grade school mentality.
It's just a meme
Losers with no future in their life latch on to something that makes them feel like they have a purpose
Same reason they hated Jesus
Trump is a jew?
Shit you learn something everyday
Because they think they're free.
They usually use emotion. Ironically they don’t care about opposites emotion.
Because unfortunately the vast majority of people are soulless and have no agency
Everyday all around us filled with shells of humans that just float through life with no thought for themselves or their place in the universe
they just exsist and react to stimuli like animals.
>the woman in the picture
This is just a sad display
i remember before 2015, nobody hated Trump. he was the entertaining and insanely rich guy
what happened? sure he said controversial things but not enough to get this much backlash.
where is the hard proofs
There’s less hot air in that balloon than in a liberal.
Because he was anti establishment.
The media told them to.
Yep and your so different and oh so enlightened. Kek
>me the intellectual
>these salty fags that hate trump because their masters want them too
Kek the irony is completely lost on you
>cats against Trump
>puts literally a Kittler in between them
So Trump can eat glue and yet the democrats STILL LOST?! lol fucking pathetic
You need to get off Jow Forums you fucking reject. The good majority of people either dislike him or feel he is at the very least incompetent. This has everything to do with the media's coordinated narrative to make him seem like a reckless buffoon and his own inability to be charming. To be fair, I think Trump is a highly intelligent individual but he has zero of the "Hollywood" charisma that Obama had. He says outlandish shit that triggers the virtue signalers, and then he panders to a base of rural white Americans who are disconnected from the way that city people view them. Its one big circle jerk in liberal America of pulling up graduation stats for rural America and making fun of their lexicon and country music and accent. Liberals don't think that they actually have different views than conservatives. They actually believe everyone who doesn't live in a clusterfuck metropolis is a total retard. Trump doesn't control the media narrative of him at all. He just made a strong connection with rural white America and the liberal city types will never respect that portion of the country so they think he stands for the worst shit out of that group. Just don't for one second think Trump is walking around with all this admiration. People legit hate him, and even his supporters think he goes off the rails sometimes. He's like Kanye to hiphop fans to his supporters. You see his genius, you support his vision, but you know he does retarded shit from time to time with no concept of optics to all the uppity liberals who think everything has tk be tactful and "classy". You just get sick of defending him in public. So you let them run their mouths about Trump. Let them have their little talk shows and goofy award shows and pussyhat protests. Let them believe everyone hates Trump because he makes you support him in silence.
>everyone that doesn't agree with me is a shill
>for I am truly awaken
Kek at least pol is consistent
Its really not.
Trump supporters arent the ones brainwashed
You actually defend and defended a system that is designed to impoverish you and use your sons as canon fodder for global conquest.
>I'm a very smart man
>I know words
because he is ending their corruption
I’m not defending anything actually, you just sound retarded
>t. lives in brooklyn
because they are good goys
It must suck being you.
So this is what they mean when they talk about
British humor? What a joke!
Holy fuck we know newfag
>leftist media represent leftist faggots
no, leftists hate Trump and who fucking cares about those wife sharing faggots.
Huh, you write arguments against Trump like its your job or something. Wait a minute..,
Because the mass public are absolute fucking retards who believe whatever they are told by someone in a position of ‘authority’.
Is that her wife’s son?
PS this actually makes sense because she’s an SJW
it's just a narrative that the MSM is pushing. sheeple might say they hate trump just to fit in because they believe that's what you're supposed to think because the MSM told them to but most people don't actually hate him.
My argument is not against Trump. I voted for Trump because I can see past a media narrative trying to force me to think a certain way. Most people cannot. My response was to the guy who thinks its a minority who dislike Trump. Get off of Jow Forums and you will see most people churn out the same idea theyve been fed to believe. The majority of that is leftist media influence, and the other majority is Trump's own goofiness. He fucking softballs them his own punishment.
faggots only, OP
The Jewish/libshit media hates Trump. The create the illusion that tons of people hate him because right-wingers are rarely ever given a platform.
The balloon march shit never got the 200,000 they were expecting.
tits on a boar are useful tho, unless you mean specifically human tits