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I hate stupid fucking niggers who think anybody but EGYPTIANS lived in EGYPT

How about morons btfo? I'm white and this doesn't happen to me because
1 - I'm not an idiot, and
2 - I don't have to do slave work in the sun all day like a beaner.


>don't go outside and you can't get a sunburn
Jesus Christ you come up with that by yourself?

Watching white people in the sun is like whatching niggers in court.

Hory shet! Is this normal for caucasians? My brown ass can go out all day in the sun and not get as bad as that, jesus. I'm of sea nigger, potatoe nigger decent and i can't even get burns "that" bad. It's like someone slapped a hot iron skillet on his back then cracked an egg ontop of it.

This is exactly what happens when you dont build up a tan in the spring.

>implying egyptians were as white as northern europeans
>implying blacks are capable of anything noteworthy

Attached: this again.jpg (125x113, 3K)

Wear hats and loose fitting clothing

You're right. White people didn't live in Egypt.
Neither did niggers.
Egyptians did.
But you niggers think there's only two races.

Not this bad.
You get some real lobster red whites in the sun but not 2nd degree burns.

Why are niggers so fucking dumb.

Taking sun is like taking dick. If you don't work up your tolerance slowly over time and go all out all of a sudden you will be in pain.

>white people do yard work
>black people don't own yards

like pottery

gingers have no soul
he's a bong


>whites can't even go outside wile the sun is out

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Oh so it's just an uncommon outlier case then. Cool.

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Holy shit how do they believe this shit FFS we have portraits of what they looked like back then.

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snow/potato niggers btfo

Your face looks melted shitskin. Thats what it is. Youre fucking ugly because youre melted.

Yes. I went kayaking once and forgot to put sun screen on my ankels, my legs and feet looked exactly like that.

its a like bong at the cricket in Brisbane

>Ginger beard.
No shit he got burned like that! The kangz were brown and blonde!

1 yeah dont be stupid.
2 fuck you working outside is fine and unless you are nigger tier useless you can make very good money as a General Contractor.

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Nice one, not even mcmad tho. 0/10 try harder

I'll bet you .001 BTC I got better aesthetics than you.

>getting a tan

If he'd been getting sunlight since he was a kid he'd have a tan. Whites are adaptable but going from 0 to 100 always fails. Blacks can barely survive the winter without 3+ layers

>Don't go outside until the middle of summer. Probably at noon, on a cloudless day, like a fucking retard.
>Pasty guy gets totally fucked because he didn't even have a mild tan.

Yes, clearly white people can't go out in the sun. It's no wonder you "people" still live in mud huts.

Only nordist idiots claim this. But Egyptians weren't black either. They also used sun screen (olive oil), as did the Greeks, Persians, Hebrews, etc. It's why the males are portrayed as dark in their art as they were the ones outside in fields and such while the women were shown as pale as the tended to the family indoors.

Surely people use oil to get deeper tans?

>superior race
>too frail for the sun


>sun cream

Bong detected. Us burgers call in sun screen.

Sunscreen retard

Is that kaepernick

>all Europeans are from Ireland and Finland

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How the fuck is olive oil going to serve as sun screen

she a cute

Funny, crapperdick doesn't even look black aside from his afro

How is this not a valid point though? I fucking hate southern California and can't understand how white people would ever be happy there. Swarthy muds are adapted to the deserts of Egypt

No way this retard put on sunscreen, I’m as white as you can get without being albino and have never had this happen and I’ve done landscaping,

ooga booga

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Colin kaepernick looks exactly like that drawing. Maybe egyptians were actually half-white/half-black then

That's what I was wondering. I know they sell tanning oils to get a deeper tan so figured olive oil would have a similiar effect

I get a tan, because I like be outside, exercise and enjoy sports and nature.

This is why white people invented "indoors".

He didn't. He's telling other people to.

It's not.

And yet blacks have skincancer more often.

Again, who?

It's called getting a tan before you go outside and work in the summer sun all day. Unless you're Irish then you're just fucked. Only a retard would do what he did and its clearly visible by his white ass body.

This and the guy in the pic is a fucking ginger.

Google it Fucktard. He's the football player that took a knee.

The whites chilled in the shade and wore robes and covering when they had to go out in the sun

brah i turn a perfect light brown in the summer.. not nigger spain dark.. feels good to have superior czech hungarian slovak and polish genes. literally look white yet nicely tanned. blue eyes also. suckit non whites.

This I am extremely pale naturally, but I can tan and get darker than most pacific islanders. I mean dark poo kinda of dark. Really bugs people out if choose to tan that much.

Yes, depending on the white. My people hale from northern Europe, so If I go out into the sun without sun screen all day, I will get like that.

I once spent a day on the beach in Florida in high school without sun screen. The top of my shoulders looked like the dry desert floor. It was agonizing

wh*toids must be like vampires to bleck fellas

again, who?

Nice, as I have the same background and that is what I tan to normally as well.

Can you imagine being so stupid as to actually type that response to those images? It's difficult to even comprehend how low their ability to reason must be.

this happened to my nose on my first trucking dispatch

yea but if you tan your nips aint pink and thats the true metric of whiteness not blue eyes

I never said it was good sun screen, but it was among ancient people's first cracks at it. Looking into it further I guess it was really just the Greeks using it as such. Egyptians used extract from rice, jasmine, and lupine plants.

Yeah, that's why white people wear hats and gloves and such. But nowadays they just wear sunscreen.

Still not ringing any bells. Can't be anyone important that's for sure.

that's shitty nordic redskin
olive skin is superior

>looks white enought
>doesn't burn in the sun

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Egyptians were not niggers nor north Europeans.
They were Mediterraneans, like every other Med culture.

Niggers and nordicists should stop trying to usurp other cultures because of their inferiority complexes.

I work outside all the time and I wear hats and loose fitting clothing. Never have a problem. Niggers and spics still get skin cancer and thankfully in higher numbers since they don't believe they need sunscreen.

>czech hungarian slovak and polish
You do know none of those are white, right? In fact I'm pretty sure one of those are straight up mongoloid.

Whites have been in South Africa for 400 years ya stupid cunt.

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the absolute state of the white race

I can't believe someone that pasty hasn't been told by his pasty-ass parents to always put on sunscreen when working outside in full sunlight.

It's still pretty funny that the "master race" gets incredibly fucked by that which gives us all life.

lol whites so strong

Lol I'm south slav and never sunburnt in my life. Based med genes.
Fucking Nordshits

I want to pop those bubbles on his red skin

Cleopatra was Macedonian if I'm not mistaken and part of the Ptelometic line. Meds is best

Best thing to do it not pop them, just keep em clean till they pop themselves.

>higher numbers

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The Sahara did a pretty good job keeping the apes from flooding Egypt on foot.

>half-white/half-black then

Kind of. They were primarily Middle Eastern or typically North African, but as one went south towards Kush (Sudan, Eritrea etc.) they were a little mixed with negroe. Either way, they were darker skinned then the peoples around them but never identified themselves with sub saharan nubian negroes. Think of early Jews.

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All of these fucking races out there giving shit to us about how we can't say out in the sun for that long, and yet, we took over 80% of the fucking world.

Goddamn these people.

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I know but fuck is it satisfying popping pimples, zits, and squeezing weird things out of your body
videos like this bring me a weird sense of peace

Cleopatra was the last of the Ptolemaic dynasty, correct. She was Greek from Macedonia. Her name means "Glory of Forefathers"

Of course you're going to burn badly if you spend all day in the sun without building up a tan first.

If you don't have a tan you don't need sunscreen either, just wear breathable loose fitting clothes that cover your sleeves, etc and a wide brim hat or other head/neck covering. There's a reason arabs wear full body robes in the desert.

During the Holocene age, the Sahara was actually wet and there was a lot of herding going on. During that time primal negroes were in North Africa. There is even a mummy of a small negroe baby found deep in the Sahara. As it reverted back to sand dunes, the negroes fled south and the desert essentially became a wall bigger than the continental United States.

There were some traders in caravans that went oasis hopping and they mixed with Egyptians in some places but there was not much travel.

Meanwhile niggers suffer vitamin D deficiency in northern latitudes.

Cleopatra bust depicting a med phenotype

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Bitch please. Put a shitskin in the snow and watch it turn into a niggerscicle

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What does this say about black people and Heart Disease if you apply the same logic?

That they're just a race not meant to live period?

let your ancestors live.
won't make that mistake ever again.

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KFC is here to help.

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looks semitic desu

By the time Minoans, Macedonians and people from Rhgium and Thyatira made their way to Egypt they were already Olive skinned and could handle sun exposure. Only the Germanic and Nordic whites have that kind of reaction to the sun.