Approved Reading

I'm trying to spend less time on the computer and read some books instead. I'm trying to find the best Jow Forums approved reading list if someone could help? Search engines are giving me nothing but basic bitch shit like 1984 and Ayn "i'm a huge fucking retard" Rand. What should I read?

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For my Legionaries, Doctrine of Fascism, The German state on a National and Social Foundation, Manifesto for breaking debt slavery, Mein Kampf, Fascism 100 questions asked and answered, Siege, 1984 and Brave New World, Animal Farm, and Communist Manifesto. Hope that helped.

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Bronze Age Mindset

Do NOT read political books if you want to really understand the world


What would you recommend leaf?

Most books made before 1960

I'm reading Devil's Guard right now and I'm absolutely hooked. It's the tale of SS soldiers fighting in the French Foreign Legion in Vietnam in the late 40s using the same antipartisan tactics from Russia in Vietnam against the Viet Minh. Do not read the series as it is fiction but the one by George Elford is non fiction and amazing. I got it on my kindle for cheap btw

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In b4 the stormfags recommend Culture of Critique and Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

He’s got a guide on artisan maple syrup and a collection of dog porn

Community college

Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein is perhaps the best presentation of a fascist-lite government in literature. Nothing like the movie.
Democracy: the God that Failed was a huge kick in my worldview - like most Westerners I'd totally bought into the "democracy is the least bad system" that pervades our culture.
The Prince is great for understanding the basic principles behind political power.
Honestly, I prefer Brave New World to 1984, even though we're currently moving towards the worst of both worlds.

lol, and you better believe we read them too. what do you guys think about jordan petersons 12 rules book? also the gulag archipelago

Communist Manifesto. You to understand what your opponent so that you devise how to beat him.

Always start with the Prince by Machiavelli, friend.

I would t give a dime to Peterson. Pirate it if you must read it. Archipelago is meh. It’s just torture porn mixed with Kafka.

hey thanks for the recommendation, just ordered it on amazon :-)

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there you go you book slut

No problem man, it's a hell of a page turner

Starship Troopers

The Camp of the Saints

and if you want the fear of God put into you, read The Messenger of God. its about Siener Van Rensburg and his prophecies. once I started I couldn't put it down.

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im finding that archipelago is pretty interesting, i had no idea of the extent or the cruelty of the gulag. kind of good talking points for those neo-marxists i keep running into

Everyone should read the protocols you ignorant nigger.

I'd also recommend Serpent in the Sky

Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut

The Communist Manifesto

It’s not bad or anything, but after I while I got the point and didn’t finish it.

Harrison Bergeron. It's a short story so you shouldn't have any trouble finding a PDF of it online.
you can read it here

Dune and Starship troopers if you want good sci-fi.

is there any chance to torrents links for these? Mega doesn't let you download free everything.

>For my Legionaries

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>The Camp of the Saints
>For my Legionaries
>White Power
Are all accessible to the average reader and are fun and entertaining reads. Depending on how Jow Forums tier you are, you can move into books like
>the Decline of the West
>Enlightenment authors
>Culture of Critique
Be advised, if you aren't really interested in politics, history, and the autism behind it, these will probably be challenging reads for you.

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One that I don't see posted very often is The Machinery of Freedom by David Friedman. It's a pretty entertaining read that discusses some possible ways that society could function without a government.

But OP, you still should unironically read 1984 and Atlas Shrugged. As much as they get memed about, alongside Brave New World they're easily the most influential dystopian sci-fis of all time.

basically all the holocaust education books

totally free

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fuck off and LURK moaar fFAGGOT

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reading? what are you, some kind of faggot?

Roadside Picnic.
I finished it in an afternoon but it still haunts me to this day.

The novel "Jurassic Park" is an amazing read. Much better than the already fantastic 1993 movie.

Check out "Aesthetics of Music" by Roger Scruton. Or he also has a book "Aesthetics of Architecture".

Very interesting and comfy stuff.

I'm reading "Revolt against the modern world" by Julius Evola right now. It's a weird book. Not sure if I recommend it or not

Confessions of a Sinner - Augustine of Hippo

Gutenberg Galaxy by Marshall McLuhan

google "persuasion reading list" compiled by scott adams if you're into that shit, lots of good titles (incl art of the deal obv)

This is a good one.

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