Anarcho-communism. no seriously. for communism you need a big government to acquire and distribute food and other shit . but anarchy is the idea is to not have NO GOVERNMENT so it makes no since that these can even theoretically work. not that communism works in the first place. i don't know.

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you are gay

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the ideological and economic principles of communism are largly based on small village life from the pre industrial era. It could totally work if you killed almost everyone

Let me try to help you out here. Communism doesn't necessarily have to be government, it could be literal communism. I understand that there needs to be people in charge, but they could be people in the community and have extremely limited power. I picture anarcho-communism actually being more like a democratic communism. Still an oxymoron and a pretty bad idea either way.

In that there would essentially be no central government.

Because anarchists think that when they overthrow the government and put in a new merciful one where they're on top. The reality is that never happens and it's just the usual old school soviet communism. Communism repeats itself. That's why they're insane to think something different will happen every time.

This. Real communism hasn't been tried before because not enough people was killed.

Correct, but not for a lack of trying.

Rio de janeiro favelas seem to be an example of anarcho-communism/capitalism working together. They are self sustaining cities without any government intervention. They have strong elements of community and public works projects along with their own market economy.

Mr ancap maybe you are hating on the thing that could actually make your ideology work in practice. You may have to get over your hangups and accept some compromise to have your ancap paradise be a reality. The same for ancoms.

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When discussing ideas with communists you need to understand the first principles from which they derive their ideology, and recognize a couple of things.

First: Marxists see their analysis of politics and society as being scientific. The entire point of Historical Materialism was the idea that by stripping away "ideology," which is to say a philosophic merkwelt that impeded one's ability to actually analyze historical data, one would necessarily become a communist. This will be important later.

Second: Common among all Communist and Anarchist ideologies is the idea that property rights and "Capitalism" are artificial things, and not simply the products of regular human interactions. The Communist believes genuinely that if you were to completely destroy the state, the resulting anarchy would lack property right protection, and thus lack any sort of private property ownership. All things would be communal by necessity because without a State, things cannot be held privately by individuals.

Most of us on the Right have a problem in how we address communist ideas, which is that we describe how they manifest in fact, instead of the theories behind them. In Anarchist THEORY, an Anarchic society is one in which there are no private property rights and workers labor in direct control of the means of production, and that production is distributed equally between everyone in the society.

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"Conspiracy Theory" is an Oxymoron too. You cannot test a conspiracy, you cannot ever get repeated results. There can never be a conspiracy "theory" because a conspiracy is a singularity, it only ever occurs one time. So to suggest something is a "conspiracy theory" is to suggest something that it cannot be proven by design.

This phenomenon is not limited specifically to Marx or Kropotkin's or even Bakunin's theories, but rather it is symptomatic of a larger dissonance between right and left-wing thought in general that occurs throughout history. Early left-wing thought celebrated the idea of liberty, fraternity and equality, which are all purely theoretical ideas, whereas the Right always dealt with matters as they were presently.

I do not need to explain a "theory" of monarchy. You know what a monarchy is. People have lived in monarchies for thousands of years. I don't need to explain commerce and property to you. You know what those things are, you live today in a society that has those things. Leftists are always the ones who need theoretical world-structures in order to explain their ideas because their ideas don't actually exist in reality (yet, they would say) and because their ideas typically do not conform to reality as we know it.

While it is certainly true that some left-wing ideas such as equality under the law and the abolition of aristocracy were possible, others definitely aren't. Universal fraternity is literally impossible, we know this because of the Dunbar Number. It's bio-psychologically impossible to have universal fraternity. We know that post-scarcity is also impossible because of the Hedonic Treadmill. There is no such thing as post-scarcity because consumption is defined primarily by availability. The problem is that the theories that underpin Leftism don't NEED to conform to reality because 9/10ths of the ideology exists in the realm of theory alone, and as such they can and will continue pushing for their ideology regardless of any material data. It's the philosophic equivalent of kicking the can further down the road, eventually, they assume, we will overcome these problems and the leftist utopia will naturally occur--and maybe they're right.

The problem with Leftism however, the key problem, is that despite being an ideological position (there's that word again) that exists almost exclusively in the realm of theory, its agents insist on attempting to put it into practice despite all evidence suggesting that the conditions for such a society to succeed do not exist.

Here's a simple example. The Left claims to want total equality, total equity, total freedom, and total fraternity. Yet any person with any grasp of reality whatsoever knows that these principles presently are mutually exclusive. You cannot have total equality and equity if everyone is also free. If you allow people to act however they wished, they would just engage in fucking Capitalism which is how we got to where we are now in the first place. You cannot have total equity because people aren't actually equal. You can't have fraternity because half of us hate the other half for a host of reasons, not the least of which is that we're having this conversation in the first place. Left unexamined in the ridiculous left-wing merkwelt is that I, and all of my fellow Nazis, still fucking exist in the bizarre utopia they want to create. What is going to stop me and the rest of Jow Forums from putting on jackboots, picking up our assault rifles and killing all the niggers? The police? There are no police! It's anarchist utopia!

Yet despite knowing, KNOWING that I exist, the Leftist still advocates that my shackles be broken, the police be abolished, and I be given free reign to do whatever I want because asdfg, his retarded ideology demands that I be allowed to do so. The material conditions for his stupid utopia don't exist and the very fact that we're here to argue about it proves that, yet they still stubbornly insist that we go along with their ideas.

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And this really brings us back to the first point, the most important point, which is that Marxism, and indeed the Left-Wing perception of the world altogether, are ideologies.

Marx saw his position as anti-ideological, an inversion of Hegel which rejected non-empirical ideas about history and society in favor of purely scientific ones. Marx was WRONG. He was literally wrong. His ideas were themselves ideology, not empirical, and the Marxist worldview is an ideological one, not a scientific one. All you need to do to prove this is to find an instance, anywhere, of Marxists behaving in a way contrary to reality. The examples are numerous and extremely obvious. Even one such example disproves Marx's rejection of ideology and shatters the entire air of legitimacy that surrounds the Marxist worldview. It's an ideology. It's a set of ideas that do not conform to reality. In philosophic circles this is absolutely fucking damning and Marx is a laughingstock as a result of it, but most ground-level Leftists do not understand just how humiliating this is because they themselves have mostly never read Marx.

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Another fun fact which you should probably be made aware of is that the Leopard Seal's mouth actually curves upwards naturally at the corners, meaning that they always look as though they are smugly mocking the things they are about to kill.

I discovered this about six months ago and it has changed my life. I fucking love these animals and they are a nonstop source of great reaction images.

14/88, Heil Hitler.

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did you really just type all that shit nigga lmfao

Another oxymoron is "we want equality, we want freedom".

Equality and freedom are opposites. You can't be equal with others and at the same time free.

True freedom is economic equality through communal living or a survivalist society, anarchy, biological equality is never implied.

I didn't understand anything you said. Now, slap your face hard and rephrase that. Thank you.

>nothing is beyond our reach

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there's nothing wrong with this. I just see these as covenant communities, or extended families under one property.

read up on the theories you are talking about you fag
the end goal of c*mmunism is to have no government at all

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Anarcho-capitalism. no seriously. for capitalism you need a big corporation to acquire and distribute food and other shit . but anarchy is the idea is to not have NO CORPORATIONS so it makes no since that these can even theoretically work. not that capitalism works in the first place. i don't know.

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No the idea is to have no borders. Pretty fucking convenient for the ruling authority.

communism in general is stupid

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Based series of posts user

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absolute lad of a seel

The problem is that you are ignorant and to dumb to understand communism and anarchism.

ur mom

this is literally true but can you please rephrase it so that it sounds like you hate comminism?

>meaning that they always look as though they are smugly mocking the things they are about to kill.

Bless you

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Its actually a correct answer. 10/10
You cant have the incentives in a large society to make that shit work.

Ancap doesn't rule out corporations memefag.

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Anarcho communism means "voluntary" cooperation

Corporations are social institutions which do not require the State to exist. In fact the government typically restricts corporate activity rather than enable it.

You're objectively wrong. In the real world people can and will create self-monitoring covenants with the intention of increasing productivity. We call this "civilization."

The conceit of leftism is that the State is somehow protecting or upholding corporate rule. The exact opposite is true. Without the State, corporations would simply *become* the State, because order is the natural result of human interaction.

We aren't creatures of anarchy. We create societies. The artifice of the State is precisely what limits these organizations, not the other way around.

Yet, somehow, in reality, it never works that way.

Both CAN work, however you first need to reshape the society, so it does not start creating state again or be capitalist (if ancom) or communist (ancap)
All of those communist/capitalist/anarchist ideologies work but they can only be achieved under violent dictatorship
Individual freedom is meant to be end goals of all ideologies, but in all of them they restrict certain things
In statists societies all require people to not be obey the state
In anarcho societies people are required to not start a state
In communist societies people are requires to not have any private property
In capitalist societies people might not use violence to take things away from others

>Communism doesn't necessarily have to be government, it could be literal communism. I understand that there needs to be people in charge, but they could be people in the community and have extremely limited power

He thinks you can limit community power and the military or cabals or mafias wouldn't take your hippie shit over with free gimmies.

He thinks this is "Literal communism" and that Communism wasn't a Jewish bank funded pyramid scheme because he's never read the founder of Communism Moses Hess.

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Corporations only started to succeed to such great degree and have so much influence over the common man when states began enforcing corporate personhood along with strengthening trademark and patent laws.

Our current society is evolved from capitalism, authoritarianism and nationalism, while authotarianism was largely forced upon us by christian era (and it required violence too first reshape it)

Nationalism came from tribalism and capitalism came with farming

are you looking for someone to disagree with you?
>Communism doesn't necessarily have to be government, it could be literal communism.
idk if this was supposed to be ironic or not but fucking lol regardless

I want to support communism because it is the single biggest killer of communists, but then Id be a communist and I'd have to die.

Is that the lefts secret? They're all self loathing and suicidal?

no, voluntarism means cooperation; & its definition is so close to libertarianism, its like trying to define the difference between socialism & communism

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that can't happen
it's like saying
>give me that but don't

guys why cant we all just get along and love each other?

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i never advocate death in any way shape or form, unless the individual/entity i do dealings with desires it fully

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Based user, thank you, that was beautiful whether copypasta or original right now.

Communism has a fundamental idea that if you gave all consuming centralized power to one entity over the entire world, somehow the state would dissolve itself.

>implying the world's oldest profession is farming.

> Anarcho-communism
Imho this is the only communism which makes sense under labour value theory, because under state communism the state is stealing your labour value in the same way companies do under capitalism.

Reminder that the only good commie is a dead commie.


this entire thread really proves how little Jow Forums actually knows about politics. :/\)

welcome comrades to cap-com general
we are a revolutionary-reaction to modern politics and economics.
we are neither right nor left but a antithesis of both.
we are here we are ready to lead this nation and the world to a new horizon

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