>“You were born rich and privileged and you were handsome. I was born poor, ugly, Jewish and had to fight all my life to get somewhere. You got lotsa girls, no girl looked at me until I made it big in Hollywood. Yes, I did offer them acting jobs in exchange for sex, but so did and still does everyone. But I never, ever forced myself on a single woman.”
why doesn't he just tell the court who else is involved?
i honestly see his point, those women did want to become stars and obviously were willing to do anything for it. is it really his fault that they said yes?
he already did tell the court who else is involved - literally every other person in any remotely powerful hollywood position
Dominic Scott
Dirty kike slime
Asher Bell
He really fuckin should. What the fuck does he have to lose. He's still gonna be rich. He's still gonna be blacklisted. Might as well blow this shit wide open
Tyler Evans
He'll get killed like Chris Cornell and Avicii and Anthony Bourdain did
Camden Gutierrez
I would start rooting for and defending this kike if he were to come out and tell all
Adam Young
Bob Iger John Lassiter...
Cant you look up the rest.
Grayson Lewis
David Geffen Bryan Singer Dan Schneider
Noah Turner
Cute meme. It's every single producer, writer, or "connected" person out there, because there's an endless sea of whores throwing themselves at anything that they think can possibly make them famous. The whole city needs to be nuked.
Michael Carter
Expose the jewish agents and jew owned acting agencies that pimps thier actresses as well.
They say Alyssa Milano's Husband is a big one and CAA agency the one who started the #MeToo movement as a Damage control cover up are the ones who pimp thier actress to him.
Samuel Bailey
>I did offer them acting jobs in exchange for sex, but so did and still does everyone.
I was always under the impression that it was a joke. I should really stop assuming the average person has at least a little dignity.
Do you know how many blowjobs Sandra bollocks and brad pitt had to give to get to where they are? But, shit, I'd probably do the same thing if I was paid like them.
Easton Russell
people feared weinstein over more than lost contracts until he got so wreckless that gag orders wouldn’t do.
yet concerning the producers, directors, caster and so forth, it’s a blood-in-blood-out membership. abd certainly no jew is going to taddle on that kind of power.
Noah Stewart
The whole situation leaves me torn. On the one hand, it's a blast watching all these liberal jewish moguls getting rekt by their pets. On the other, I know that its a bunch of whores making up BS because they're unhappy they had to sleep their way to the top. I feel like I'm gonna start siding with weinstein, cause it's definitely the edgiest position rn.
Joshua Williams
Pussy isnt even that good. You'd think that he would get tired of it?
Isaac Hughes
The men I named are child rapists and this whole "metoo" faggotry is to protect them and other pedos
Daniel Wright
he's gonna make a (((deal))) for less time in prison and name the jew
oy vey, everyone wins
Lincoln Morales
>I should really stop assuming the average person has at least a little dignity.
It's more dignified than working hard and making less than another cunt.
Marilyn Monroe had to give blowjobs to execs for her roles. There's the possibility that Shirley Temple was molested for movie roles and. in a sense, pimped by her parents. If you look at a list of children who died from "Crohn's Disease", you're probably looking at repeated anal rape victims getting their rectum torn. LA is a massive shithole and is probably the anus of some disgusting monster from terrible realms beyond.
Parker Turner
>rooting for the scum that has been ruining America and destroying lives lol, fucking nu-Jow Forums ,can't get more cucked then this board
Sweet digits, and honestly as long as Weinstein didn't fuck any kids, I don't have a problem with him, besides that he is a hollywood kike. But trading movie roles for sex is a time honored tradition, and I would do the same thing, being a good man. In fact, I would hold him accountable if he DIDN'T get laid for putting hot girls in movies. Especially so that he is unattractive and probably can't get girls any other way. I hope he exposes the other hollywood jews though.
Luke Mitchell
Yeah Harvey's just admitting Hollywood and bitches had no problems with the casting couch for years. They just use it to play victim for sympathy bucks. I'd like to hear his side.
Liam Anderson
I agree with this post and I have to ask though is there really a relation between Crohns and anal sex?
Lucas Brooks
>thinks being born jewish doesnt mean you were born privileged I have never seen a poor jew in the entirety of my life. Poverty to a jew is middle class to everyone else.
Lincoln Wood
He is using this reality as leverage. I can't wait for the shit to hit the fan - but rather than know which gross old jews are banging women - I'd like to know which hollywood whores fucked him....
i.e. Jennifer Lawrence
Hudson Morales
waste of doubles
Owen Lopez
>normal male behavior when in a position of power I don't see the problem. This is an alpha thing to do.
Joseph Perez
>I offered acting jobs in exchange for sex I'm pretty sure that's a felony. Can we prosecute him for this? That's literally an admission of guilt for a felony. Fish in a fucking barrel for any prosecutor.
Caleb Reed
Everyone who tries to destroy non-Jewish Americans is a hero.
Sebastian Harris
>(((everyone))) does it >names come out >all jewish names Pure coincidence
Benjamin Hernandez
Who do you think has massive pull in Los Angeles political culture?
Prosecutors will be presented an offer they can't refuse. As I said before, Los Angeles is the anus of some extradimensional monster.
Owen Hughes
Do these people not use lube or something?
Benjamin Price
Even with lube, an adult's penis is going to shred a 5 year old's anus over time. Or being anally gangraped to the point were rectal fissures allow growth of bad shit to the point of septic shock.
Aaron Taylor
I've seen a couple of tv shows where they interview people who say along the lines of "and I know who other pedofiles are" and the hosts have both quickly changed the subject
Chase Myers
Your anus will soon suffer the ills of the abuse you put it through, lube or no lube, filthy sodomite.
Anthony Allen
Oh, right, forgot they were pedophiles for a second. Anal sex with lube and protection between adults is a lot less fucked up.
Daniel Brown
he probably knows not to name geffen and the other few who would do that, but to burn the lower downs.
At least he's telling the truth here I can respect that.
Joseph Williams
He's probably keen to throw people under the bus since no one came to his rescue
Isaac Lewis
Ryder Cooper
>i honestly see his point, those women did want to become stars and obviously were willing to do anything for it. is it really his fault that they said yes?
Right, because the precondition for a succesful movie carreer shouldn't be skill as an actor and dedication but your willingness to have sex with a producer.
Well yea I would too. Now he's a slime sure, but so is everyone else in this fucked upped world.
The women he fucked were obviously ok with it. They prostituted themselves, they weren't raped - big difference to me.
Elijah Barnes
>go for a job interview a >fuck the interviewer for the job b >report what's happened and don't get the job >take option A every time >complain about it later like you didn't have a choice c'mon
Samuel Edwards
Andy Lack Jeff Zucker Les Moonves Sumner Redstone (((Rothstein))) Stephen Spielberg Noah Oppenheim Jeff Bewkes Richard Plepler Philippe Dauman
...and the list goes on and on and on....
Brayden Gray
>“You were born rich and privileged and you were handsome. I was born poor, ugly, Jewish and had to fight all my life to get somewhere.
Check your privilege shiska.
Colton Jenkins
I have no sympathy for the hollywood girls. Crying me2 about Harvey when they willingly whored themselves for money and fame... And straight into to victim mode.
Joseph Morris
>There's the possibility that Shirley Temple was molested >possibility Shirley Temple molested >Shirley Temple was molested fify
Yes goyim, you aren't forced to learn English and use American dollars, pay for NATO, fight for Israel, get employed by corporations, sell foreigner products, that's all free trade, you are completely free. FREEDOM!!!
Most people are never going to be astronauts either. Acting is for egomanic psychopaths anyway, if they really love acting that much, they can join a small theater troop no jew has any control over and act to their hearts content.
Most people are not willing to have sex for a job you massive fucking retard. If you willingly want to be in a job that for some reason (according to your retarded little brain) REQUIRES having sex with old fat fucks then why not find a real fucking job. These women did what they wanted to, that's all there is to it.
>Would you have sex with an ugly old woman for 1 million dollars?
Equally important is the fame from being a star in a movie. Since attractive women have one basic commodity, why not trade it on the open market and get the highest return.
In other words, all his women were whores, and that's why they are pissed.
Jacob Reed
What did kek mean by that? >why doesn't he just tell the court who else is involved? I knew about what he's saying and I'm not even involved in Hollywood. The rumors just keep repeating, something has to be true.
Lincoln Young
>lopsided >clearly lifting one arm up which pulls on chest muscles/boob Is your understanding of anatomy so nonexistent?
the point is he's saying he wasnt just raping them all like the stupid hollywood whores claim
saying that it was prostitution
seriously do you not see how these hysterical sloots are all just trying to milk their used up sold out pussies for everything their worth?
Ryder Moore
I say give him the chair. Not for raping these retarded broads, but for the degeneracy of hollywood films. Also because of super hero movies.
Jaxson Johnson
No, they are not lopsided in your pic you retarded mongoloid dildo.
Brody Thompson
Nice digits you fucking shiteating cuntnigger.
Samuel Allen
Supply and demand. Very simple Hans. Go watch independent films if you care that much.
>Nobody has sex for the leading role in a book
Gavin Gomez
She did a nude scene in one movie. People in the theaters actually laughed.
She had a 10/10 face when she was young, and should have just left it at that.
Owen Gonzalez
Cameron Evans
>if you sleep with me i'll give you a job >ok >i was raped
Joseph Turner
Yep, these people just dont seem to understand how the iq curve works and if the average jew has 115 iq, he will be more intelligent than 80% of the white population and since iq is the best indicicator of a persons success, you get jews making up a disproportionally large part of the most intelligent and most successful.
Charles Edwards
>why doesn't he just tell the court who else is involved? >i honestly see his point, those women did want to become stars and obviously were willing to do anything for it. is it really his fault that they said yes?
Trading sex for or a job is ethical, provided both parties can consent.
Blackmailing someone into sex is not ethical.
Molestation and rape is not ethical
The issue weinstein has is that he did the last 2 things.