It’s super hot in Japan so spending the day in this off-shoulder top and my favorite red accessory at the moment, the #MAGA hat. It srsly goes with everything!
It’s super hot in Japan so spending the day in this off-shoulder top and my favorite red accessory at the moment...
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Psyop thread to encourage racemixing
Ignore white man
Shitposting asian girls to attack whites has made me unnattracted to asian girls. Thanks (((guys))).
Someone recommended I pair the hat with white and blue, hence blue scarf
There’s nothing even remotely wrong about my life. Everything is perfect, esp compared to 99% of the world.
Yet ironically, it is in this beautiful life that I feel immense sadness and emptiness. I numb my brain and body with sleeping pills every night to avoid thinking too much
I dated a guy who took care of me but also verbally abused me for 3 years. Then one day, I woke up to another verbally abusive phone call & decided I’m done and never looked back.
Point is, ppl can and do #WalkAway from toxic relationships, like what ppl are doing with the left.
trad qt detected
That's a boy, dudes.
She is mentally ill.
Read her tweets. She takes tons of sleeping pills and drinks booze. What a whore
>mentally ill Maga supporter
>takes sleeping pills
Nice trump supporter we have there
Date me please
We can have crepes at the takeyashima terrace restaurant near shinjuku station
bobs and vagene pls
An English teacher in Japan with yellow jungle monkey fever
Who would have guessed...
she's almost there
Go for it, David. Make cute mixed babies.
Roastie noticing she hit the wall while being childless
Nothing makes me happier than this
I wonder if the hat would go with naked breasts.
too skinny... like a skeleton... I will pass on this girl and wait until next girl
I am Swedish and work in heavy industries, i prefer white people over japperionis BUT THERE ARE NOT ANY AROUND
How did a swede land in Japan?
bara blanda opp.
But seriously tough create a hapa army and a new race and over time they will become Finish if there is enough huwhite blood that is mixed.
bad shop
t. good shopper
there's still hope that our boi Sven will knock her up
P o t t e r y
u wot m8
Did not like hearing Arabic all around me so I jumped ship
Have not heard any Arabic being spoken in over 5 years now, the Chinese tourists are pretty ear-grating as well but at least they wont blow themselves up
It is hot here. Yes.
Which of you lads in Japan is gonna step up to the plate and sweep this MAGA chick off her feet? She's desperate for a husband.
Our swede friend from Japan should date her
She needs a strong white man to cure her lonilnesss
Come on, do it bro
I would sweep her delicious feet into my mouth
>Bait posting a slutty nip
>Still dressed more modestly than most American girls
Every day my desire to live decreases.
I don't blame you Sven.
She'll even cook for you...she's resourceful and creative. What more could you ask for?
A female with no dick hole
disgusting feet, is this a trap`?
this a guy?
What do you guys traditionally put in Pho'?
I'm not sure if Pho' is Japanese quisine, but I'm curious....
For some fucking reason.
All the love.
You're a faggot
yeah i thought the same, reminded me of "flipper feet"
She's not Japanese. I'm pointing this out because Viets are not included in East Aryan. They are closer to SEAsian.